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The Confederate Army.
Forces at Kernstown, March 23d, 1862. Major-General Thomas J. Jackson.
Garnett's rigsby; 33d Va., Col. John F. Neff. Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 10; w, 27-37. Port Republic, k, 13; w, 154; mpt. B. W. Leigh, Maj. John Seddon.
Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 2; w, 14 == 16.
Cross Keys and Port Republicilliams, Col. Samuel V. Fulkerson.
Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 2; w, 34==36. Port Republic, w, 3. Artillery,attery, Capt. George W. Wooding.
Artillery loss: Winchester, k, 3; w, 21==24. Port Republic, w, 9; m, 1 == 10 16th Miss., Col. Carnot Posey (w). Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 22; w, 75 == 97.
Cross Keys, k, 23; w, 109; Maj. C. R. Wheat.
Brigade loss: Front Royal and Winchester, k, 21; w, 109; m, 3 == 133.
Cross Keys, k, 1; w Capt. R. P. Chew.
Cavalry loss: Front Royal and Winchester (partial report), k, 11; w, 15 == 26.
(Other casneral Jackson reported his losses at Front Royal, Winchester, etc., from May 23d to 31st, as 68 killed, 329 wo
Maj. John Seddon.
Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 2; w, 14 == 16.
Cross Keys and Port Republic, k, 4; w, 16 == 20. Third Brigade, Col. Samuel ames H. Skinner; 58th Va., Col. Samuel H. Letcher.
Brigade loss: Cross Keys, k, 7; w, 65 == 72. Port Republic, k, 30; w, 169 == 199. Fourth Bol. Patrick B. Duffy; 12th Ga., Col. Z. T. Conner.
Brigade loss: Cross Keys, k, 5; w, 62==67. Port Republic, k, 15; w, 80; m, 4==99. Seventh Carnot Posey (w). Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 22; w, 75 == 97.
Cross Keys, k, 23; w, 109; mn, 6==138. Eighth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Richard Tade loss: Front Royal and Winchester, k, 21; w, 109; m, 3 == 133.
Cross Keys, k, 1; w, 8 == 9. Port Republic, k, 33; w, 256; m, 9 == 298. Maryes I. Raine; Va. Battery. Capt. William H. Rice.
Artillery loss: Cross Keys, k, 8; w, 20; in, 8==36.
cavalry, Col. Thomas S. Flournoy, Britive force of 16,000 or 17,000 men. . . . His effective force [at Cross Keys] could not have exceeded 13,000, even if it reached that amount.
s Cantey; 16th Miss., Col. Carnot Posey (w). Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 22; w, 75 == 97.
Cross Keys, k, 23; w, 109; mn, 6==138. Eighth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Richard Taylor: 6th La., Col. Isaac G. Seymour; 7th La., Col. H. T. Hays (w), Maj. David B. Penn; 8th La., Col. H. B. Kelly; 9th La., Col. Leroy A. Stafford; La. Battalion, Maj. C. R. Wheat.
Brigade loss: Front Royal and Winchester, k, 21; w, 109; m, 3 == 133.
Cross Keys, k, 1; w, 8 == 9. Port Republic, k, 33; w, 256; m, 9 == 298. Maryland Line (attached to Second Brigade June 6th), Brig.-Gen. George H. Steuart (assigned to command of the cavalry May 24th): 1st Infantry, Col. Bradley T. Johnson; Co. A, Cav., Capt. Ridgely Brown; Baltimore Battery, Capt. J. B. Brockenbrough. Artillery: Va. Battery, Lieut. J. W. Latimer, Captain A. R. Courtney; Va. Battery, Capt. John A. M. Lusk; Va. Battery, Capt. Charles I. Raine; Va. Battery. Capt. William H. Rice.
Artillery loss: Cross Keys, k, 8; w, 20; in, 8==36.
cavalry, Col. Thomas S.
Neff. Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 10; w, 27-37. Port Republic, k, 13; w, 154; m, 32==199. Second Brigade, Col.: Winchester, k, 2; w, 14 == 16.
Cross Keys and Port Republic, k, 4; w, 16 == 20. Third Brigade, Col. Samuel Vson.
Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 2; w, 34==36. Port Republic, w, 3. Artillery, Col. S. Crutchfield (chief of Capt. William H. Caskie; Va. Battery (joined at Port Republic), Capt. James McD.
Carrington; Va. Battery, Capg.
Artillery loss: Winchester, k, 3; w, 21==24. Port Republic, w, 9; m, 1 == 10.
Ewell's division, Major-Ger.
Brigade loss: Cross Keys, k, 7; w, 65 == 72. Port Republic, k, 30; w, 169 == 199. Fourth Brigade, Brig.-Genner.
Brigade loss: Cross Keys, k, 5; w, 62==67. Port Republic, k, 15; w, 80; m, 4==99. Seventh Brigade, Brig.- 109; m, 3 == 133.
Cross Keys, k, 1; w, 8 == 9. Port Republic, k, 33; w, 256; m, 9 == 298. Maryland Line (attaounded, and 3 missing == 400.
At Cross Keys and Port Republic the casualties were 139 killed, 951 wounded, and
., Col. J. W. Alien; 4th Va., Col. Charles A. Ronald; 5th Va., Col. W. S. H. Baylor, Lieut.-Col. J. H. S. Funk; 27th Va., Col. A. J. Grigsby; 33d Va., Col. John F. Neff. Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 10; w, 27-37. Port Republic, k, 13; w, 154; m, 32==199. Second Brigade, Col. J. A. Campbell (w), Col. John M. Patton: 21st Va., Col. John M. Patton, Lieut.-Col. R. H. Cunningham; 42d Va., Maj. Henry Lane (w), Capt. John E. Penn, Lieut.-Col. William Martin; 48th Va., Captain Samuel Hale (w), Maj. J. B. Moseley, Lieut.-Col. Thomas S. Garnett; 1st Va. (Irish) Battalion, Capt. B. W. Leigh, Maj. John Seddon.
Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 2; w, 14 == 16.
Cross Keys and Port Republic, k, 4; w, 16 == 20. Third Brigade, Col. Samuel V. Fulkerson, Brig.-Gen. William B. Taliaferro: 10th Va., Col. E. T. H. Warren; 23d Va., Col. A. G. Taliaferro, Lieut.-Col. George W. Curtis; 37th Va., Maj. T. V. Williams, Col. Samuel V. Fulkerson.
Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 2; w, 34==36. Port Republic, w, 3. Artille
ys, k, 7; w, 65 == 72. Port Republic, k, 30; w, 169 == 199. Fourth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Arnold Elzey (w), Col. J. A. Walker: 13th Va., Col. J. A. Walker; 31st Va., Col. John S. Hoffman; 25th Va., Lieut.-Col. Patrick B. Duffy; 12th Ga., Col. Z. T. Conner.
Brigade loss: Cross Keys, k, 5; w, 62==67. Port Republic, k, 15; w, 80; m, 4==99. Seventh Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Isaac R. Trimble: 21st N. C., Col. W. W. Kirkland (w); 21st Ga., Col. J. T. Mercer; 15th Ala., Col. James Cantey; 16th Miss., Col. Carnot Posey (w). Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 22; w, 75 == 97.
Cross Keys, k, 23; w, 109; mn, 6==138. Eighth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Richard Taylor: 6th La., Col. Isaac G. Seymour; 7th La., Col. H. T. Hays (w), Maj. David B. Penn; 8th La., Col. H. B. Kelly; 9th La., Col. Leroy A. Stafford; La. Battalion, Maj. C. R. Wheat.
Brigade loss: Front Royal and Winchester, k, 21; w, 109; m, 3 == 133.
Cross Keys, k, 1; w, 8 == 9. Port Republic, k, 33; w, 256; m, 9 == 298. Maryland Line (attached to Second Bri