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Leydon (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.104
loss: k, 15; w, 69; m, 8==92. Anderson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. G. T. Anderson: 7th Ga., Col. W. W. White; 8th Ga., Col. John R. Towers; 9th Ga., Col. Benjamin Beck; 11th Ga., Col. F. H. Little; 59th Ga., Col. Jack Brown. Brigade loss: k, 36; w, 186; mn, 25==247. Benning's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Henry L. Benning: 2d Ga., Col. E. M. Butt; 15th Ga., Col. D. M. Du Bose; 17th Ga., Col. Wesley C. Hodges; 20th Ga., Col. J. D. Waddell. Brigade loss: k, 1; w, 5==6. artillery, Col. E. P. Alexander. Leyden's Battalion, Maj. A. Leyden: Ga. Battery, Capt. Tyler M. Peeples; Ga. Battery, Capt. A. M. Wolihin; Ga. Battery, Capt. B. W. York. Alexander's Battalion, Maj. Frank Huger: La. Battery, Capt. G. V. Moody; Va. Battery, Capt. W. W. Fickling; Va. Battery, Capt. Tyler C. Jordan; Va. Battery, Capt. William W. Parker; Va. Battery, Capt. Osmond B. Taylor; Va. Battery, Capt. Pichigru Woolfolk, Jr. Artillery loss: k, 2; w, 2==4. Buckner's division, Joined November 26th-28th. Brig.-Gen. Bushrod R
Phillips (Ga.) (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.104
F. Gaillard; 3d S. C., Col. James D. Nance; 7th S. C., Capt. E. J. Goggans; 8th S. C., Col. J. W. Henagan, Capt. D. McIntyre; 15th S. C., Maj. William M. Gist (k), Capt. J. B. Davis; 3d S. C. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. W. G. Rice. Brigade loss: k, 19; w, 116; m, 3==138. Wofford's Brigade, Col. . Z. Ruff (k), Lieut.-Col. N. L. Hutchins, Jr.: 16th Ga., Lieut.-Col. Henry P. Thomas (k); 18th Ga., Capt. John A. Crawford; 24th Ga., Capt. N. J. Dortch; Cobb's (Ga.) Legion, Maj. William D. Conyers; Phillips (Ga.) Legion, Maj. Joseph Hamilton (w); 3d Ga. Battalion Sharp-shooters, Lieut.-Col. N. L. Hutchins, Jr. Brigade loss: k, 48; w, 121; m, 81==250. Humphreys's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Benjamin G. Humphreys: 13th Miss., Col. Kennon McElroy (k), Maj. G. L. Donald; 17th Miss., Lieut.-Col. John C. Fiser (w); 18th Miss., Col. Thomas M. Griffin; 21st Miss., Col. W. L. Brandon. Brigade loss: k, 21; w, 105; m, 56==182. Bryan's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Goode Bryan: 10th Ga., Lieut.-Col. Willis C. Holt; 50th Ga.,
Palmetto (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.104
Brigade loss: k, 21; w, 105; m, 56==182. Bryan's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Goode Bryan: 10th Ga., Lieut.-Col. Willis C. Holt; 50th Ga., Col. P. McGlashan; 51st Ga., Col. E. Ball; 53d Ga., Col. James P. Simms (w). Brigade loss: k, 27; w, 121; m, 64==212. Hood's division, Brig.-Gen. Micah Jenkins. Jenkins's Brigade, Col. John Bratton: 1st S. C., Col. F. W. Kilpatrick; 2d S. C. Rifles, Col. Thomas Thomson; 5th S. C., Col. A. Coward; 6th S. C.----; Hampton (S. C.) Legion, Col. M. W. Gary; Palmetto (S. C.) Sharpshooters, Col. Joseph Walker. Brigade loss: k, 22; w, 109; m, 5==136. Robertson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Jerome B. Robertson: 3d Ark., Col. Van H. Manning; 1st Tex., Col. A. T. Rainey; 4th Tex., Col. J. C. G. Key; 5th Tex., Col. R. M. Powell. Brigade loss: k, 9; w, 18; m, 6==33. Law's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. McIver Law: 4th Ala., Col. P. D. Bowles; 15th Ala., Col. W. C. Oates; 44th Ala., Col. W. F. Perry; 47th Ala., Col. M. J. Bulger; 48th Ala., Col. James L. Sheffield. Brigade loss
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.104
Lieut.-Col. Oscar W. Sterl; D, 1st Ohio Art'y, Lieut. William H. Pease. Brigade loss: k, 2; w, 15; m, 7==24. Second Brigade, Col. Daniel Cameron: 65th Ill., Lieut.-Col. William S. Stewart; 24th Ky., Col. John S. Hunt; 103d Ohio, Capt. John T. Philpot; Ind. Battery, Capt. Hubbard T. Thomas. Brigade loss: k, 9; w, 97; m, 2==108. Reserve artillery, Capt. Andrew J. Konkle: 24th Ind., Capt. Joseph A. Sims; 19th Ohio, Capt. Joseph C. Shields. Provisional Brigade, Col. William A. Hoskins: 12th Ky., Maj. Joseph M. Owens; 8th Tenn., Col. Felix A. Reeve. Tennessee Brigade, Col. John S. Casement. cavalry Corps, Brig.-Gen. James M. Shackelford. First division, Brig.-Gen. William P. Sanders (m w), Col. Frank Wolford. Staff loss: m w, 1. First Brigade, Col. Frank Wolford, Lieut.-Col. Silas Adams: 1st Ky., Lieut.-Col. Silas Adams; 11th Ky.,----; 12th Ky.,----; Law's Howitzer Battery,----. Brigade loss: k, 5; w, 9; m, 10==24. Second Brigade, Lieut.-Col. Emery S. Bond: 112th Ill. (mounte
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.104
The opposing forces at Knoxville, Tenn.: November 17th-December 4th, 1863. For much of the information contained in this list and in similar lists to follow, the editors are indebted (in advance of the publication of the Official Records ) to Brigadier-General Richard C. Drum, Adjutant-General of the Army. K stands for killed; w for wounded; m w for mortally wounded; m for captured or missing; c for captured. The Union army. army of the Ohio--Major-General Ambrose E. Burnside. Ninth ngton; 7th Ohio,----; 2d Tenn. (infantry),----. Brigade loss: m, 5. Total Union loss: killed 92, wounded 394, captured or missing, 207==693. In his official report General Burnside says: Our force at this time [commencement of the siege] in Knoxville was about 12,000 effective men, exclusive of the new recruits of loyal Tennesseeans. The Confederate army. Lieut.-Gen. James Longstreet. Staff loss: w, 1. McLaws's division, Maj.-Gen. Lafayette McLaws. Kershaws's Brigade, Brig.-Gen.
Hampton (S. C.) (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.104
Griffin; 21st Miss., Col. W. L. Brandon. Brigade loss: k, 21; w, 105; m, 56==182. Bryan's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Goode Bryan: 10th Ga., Lieut.-Col. Willis C. Holt; 50th Ga., Col. P. McGlashan; 51st Ga., Col. E. Ball; 53d Ga., Col. James P. Simms (w). Brigade loss: k, 27; w, 121; m, 64==212. Hood's division, Brig.-Gen. Micah Jenkins. Jenkins's Brigade, Col. John Bratton: 1st S. C., Col. F. W. Kilpatrick; 2d S. C. Rifles, Col. Thomas Thomson; 5th S. C., Col. A. Coward; 6th S. C.----; Hampton (S. C.) Legion, Col. M. W. Gary; Palmetto (S. C.) Sharpshooters, Col. Joseph Walker. Brigade loss: k, 22; w, 109; m, 5==136. Robertson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Jerome B. Robertson: 3d Ark., Col. Van H. Manning; 1st Tex., Col. A. T. Rainey; 4th Tex., Col. J. C. G. Key; 5th Tex., Col. R. M. Powell. Brigade loss: k, 9; w, 18; m, 6==33. Law's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. McIver Law: 4th Ala., Col. P. D. Bowles; 15th Ala., Col. W. C. Oates; 44th Ala., Col. W. F. Perry; 47th Ala., Col. M. J. Bulger; 48th Al
Cambria (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 9.104
tcheon; 100th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Matthew M. Dawson. Brigade loss: k, 18; w, 102; m, 46==166. Artillery: 34th N. Y., Capt. Jacob Roemer; D, 1st R. I., Capt. William W. Buckley. Artillery loss: w, 2. Second division, Col. John F. Hartranft. First Brigade, Col. Joshua K. Sigfried: 2d Md., Col. Thomas B. Allard; 21st Mass., Lieut.-Col. George P. Hawkes; 48th Pa., Maj. Joseph A. Gilmour. Brigade loss: k, 5; w, 27; m, 32==64. Second Brigade, Lieut.-Col. Edwin Schall: 35th Mass., Maj. Nathaniel Wales; 11th N. H., Capt. Leander W. Cogswell; 51st Pa., Maj. William J. Bolton. Brigade loss: k, 4; w, 7; m, 3==14. unattached: E, 2d U. S. Art'y, Lieut. Samuel N. Benjamin. twenty-Third Army Corps, Brig.-Gen. Mahlon D. Manson. General Headquarters: McLaughlin's Ohio Squadron Cav., Maj. Richard Rice; Eng. Battalion, Capt. O. S. McClure. Second division, Brig.-Gen. Julius White, Staff loss: m, 2. Second Brigade, Col. Marshall W. Chapin: 107th 11., Lieut.-Col. Francis H. Lowry; 13th Ky
Pichigru Woolfolk (search for this): chapter 9.104
esley C. Hodges; 20th Ga., Col. J. D. Waddell. Brigade loss: k, 1; w, 5==6. artillery, Col. E. P. Alexander. Leyden's Battalion, Maj. A. Leyden: Ga. Battery, Capt. Tyler M. Peeples; Ga. Battery, Capt. A. M. Wolihin; Ga. Battery, Capt. B. W. York. Alexander's Battalion, Maj. Frank Huger: La. Battery, Capt. G. V. Moody; Va. Battery, Capt. W. W. Fickling; Va. Battery, Capt. Tyler C. Jordan; Va. Battery, Capt. William W. Parker; Va. Battery, Capt. Osmond B. Taylor; Va. Battery, Capt. Pichigru Woolfolk, Jr. Artillery loss: k, 2; w, 2==4. Buckner's division, Joined November 26th-28th. Brig.-Gen. Bushrod R. Johnson. Gracie's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Archibald Gracie, Jr.: 41st Ala., Lieut.-Col. T. G. Trimmier; 43d Ala., Col. Y. M. Moody; 59th Ala., Lieut.-Col. J. D. McLennan; 60th Ala., Col. J. W. A. Sanford. Brigade loss: k, 1; w, 1==2. Johnson's Brigade, Col. John S. Fulton: 17th and 23d Tenn., Lieut.-Col. W. W. Floyd; 25th and 44th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. J. L. McEwen, Jr.; 63d Tenn
==92. Anderson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. G. T. Anderson: 7th Ga., Col. W. W. White; 8th Ga., Col. John R. Towers; 9th Ga., Col. Benjamin Beck; 11th Ga., Col. F. H. Little; 59th Ga., Col. Jack Brown. Brigade loss: k, 36; w, 186; mn, 25==247. Benning's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Henry L. Benning: 2d Ga., Col. E. M. Butt; 15th Ga., Col. D. M. Du Bose; 17th Ga., Col. Wesley C. Hodges; 20th Ga., Col. J. D. Waddell. Brigade loss: k, 1; w, 5==6. artillery, Col. E. P. Alexander. Leyden's Battalion, Maj. A. Leyden: Ga. Battery, Capt. Tyler M. Peeples; Ga. Battery, Capt. A. M. Wolihin; Ga. Battery, Capt. B. W. York. Alexander's Battalion, Maj. Frank Huger: La. Battery, Capt. G. V. Moody; Va. Battery, Capt. W. W. Fickling; Va. Battery, Capt. Tyler C. Jordan; Va. Battery, Capt. William W. Parker; Va. Battery, Capt. Osmond B. Taylor; Va. Battery, Capt. Pichigru Woolfolk, Jr. Artillery loss: k, 2; w, 2==4. Buckner's division, Joined November 26th-28th. Brig.-Gen. Bushrod R. Johnson. Gracie's B
Tyler C. Jordan (search for this): chapter 9.104
ng's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Henry L. Benning: 2d Ga., Col. E. M. Butt; 15th Ga., Col. D. M. Du Bose; 17th Ga., Col. Wesley C. Hodges; 20th Ga., Col. J. D. Waddell. Brigade loss: k, 1; w, 5==6. artillery, Col. E. P. Alexander. Leyden's Battalion, Maj. A. Leyden: Ga. Battery, Capt. Tyler M. Peeples; Ga. Battery, Capt. A. M. Wolihin; Ga. Battery, Capt. B. W. York. Alexander's Battalion, Maj. Frank Huger: La. Battery, Capt. G. V. Moody; Va. Battery, Capt. W. W. Fickling; Va. Battery, Capt. Tyler C. Jordan; Va. Battery, Capt. William W. Parker; Va. Battery, Capt. Osmond B. Taylor; Va. Battery, Capt. Pichigru Woolfolk, Jr. Artillery loss: k, 2; w, 2==4. Buckner's division, Joined November 26th-28th. Brig.-Gen. Bushrod R. Johnson. Gracie's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Archibald Gracie, Jr.: 41st Ala., Lieut.-Col. T. G. Trimmier; 43d Ala., Col. Y. M. Moody; 59th Ala., Lieut.-Col. J. D. McLennan; 60th Ala., Col. J. W. A. Sanford. Brigade loss: k, 1; w, 1==2. Johnson's Brigade, Col. John S
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