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City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16.107
had bidden good-bye to President Lincoln and mounted the passenger car of the special train that was to carry them from City Point to the front, and the signal was given to start; the train moved off, Grant's last campaign had begun. Since 3 o'clockon and the Union Army and the Army of Northern Virginia were soon locked in a death-grapple. The President remained at City Point, where he could be promptly informed of the progress of the movement. The military railroad connecting headquarters d-he at once began to talk over his plans in detail. They had been discussed in general terms before starting out from City Point. It was his custom, when commencing a movement in the field, to have his staff-officers understand fully the objects hof what was expected of Sheridan, said: I had a private talk with Sheridan after I gave him his written instructions at City Point. When he read that part of them which directed him, in certain contingencies, to proceed south along the Danville rail
Five Forks (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16.107
Five Forks and the pursuit of Lee. by Horace Porter, Brevet Brigadier-General, U. S. A. It was e enemy had been hard at work intrenching at Five Forks and to a point about a mile west of there. ad been as prompt as Grant to recognize that Five Forks was a strategic point of great importance, auld make a stand behind his intrenchments at Five Forks, which seemed likely. General Warren, who hgives the following account of the battle of Five Forks from the Confederate point of view: Our menced moving back to our former position at Five Forks, where Pickett placed his infantry in line o remained in position on Hatcher's Run, near Five Forks, during the night, and was joined by tlhe cahe enemy's right, which attacked our left at Five Forks, and probably changed the result of tlhe uney was retiring to his intrenched position at Five Forks, which was just north of the White Oak road,point about three-quarters of a mile east of Five Forks to a point a mile west, with an angle or cro
Gravelly Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16.107
me train, started down the Vaughan road, and went into camp for the night in a field just south of that road, close to Gravelly Run. That night (March 29th) the army was disposed in the following order from right to left: Weitzel in front of Richmoneneral Grant, where-upon he started at once for Grant's headquarters: headquarters, armies of the United States, Gravelly Run, March 30th, 1865. Major-General Sheridan: The heavy rain of to-day will make it impossible for us to do much untilnding with him as to further operations in his vicinity. I rode rapidly down the Boydton plank-road, and soon came to Gravelly Run. Hearing heavy firing in the direction of the Five Forks road, I hurried on in that direction. Crossing by the Brookde, and Sheridan spent a painfully anxious night in hurrying forward the movement. Ayres had to rebuild a bridge over Gravelly Run, which took till 2 A. M. Warren, with his other two divisions, did not get started from their position on the White Oa
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16.107
capture the store of supplies there? --U. S. Grant Lieutenant-General. editors. While standing in front of the general's tent on the morning of the 30th, discussing the situation with several others on the staff, I saw General Sheridan turning in from the Vaughan road with a staff-officer and an escort of about a dozen cavalry-men, and coming toward our headquarters camp. He was riding his white pacer, a horse which had been captured from General Breckinridge's adjutant-general at Missionary Ridge. But, instead of striking a pacing gait now, it was at every step driving its legs knee-deep into the quicksand with the regularity of a pile-driver. As soon as Sheridan dismounted, he was asked with much eagerness about the situation on the extreme left. He took a decidedly cheerful view of matters, and entered upon a very animated discussion of the coming movements. He said he could drive in the whole cavalry force of the enemy with ease, and if an infantry force were added to his
Farmville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16.107
st sent a message to Ord to watch the roads running south from Burkeville and Farmville, and then rode over to Meade's camp near by. Meade was still suffering from iaken, and the information received that he had ordered rations to meet him at Farmville, it was seen that he had abandoned all hope of reaching Burkeville and was prheading for Lynchburg. Ord was to try to burn the High Bridge and push on to Farmville. Sheridan's cavalry was to work around on Lee's left flank, and the Army of staff with eighty cavalrymen to recall the command. Read advanced as far as Farmville, and on his return found Washburn's troops confronting Lee's advance. The enfrom Burkeville early tile next morning, the 7th, and took the direct road to Farmville. The columns were crowding the roads, and the men, aroused to still greater move to the right through the woods and try to strike a road which ran toward Farmville. I recommended the latter alternative, but as lie knew tile ground and I did
Nottoway (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16.107
Lee's advance toward Burkeville, that Lee was in person at Amelia Court House, etc. This news was given to the passing troops, and lusty cheers went up from every throat. They had marched about fifteen miles already that day, and now struck out as if they were good for fifteen more, and swore they were going to beat the record of the cavalry. We continued to move along the road which runs parallel to the South Side railroad till nearly dark, and had reached a point about half-way between Nottoway and Burkeville. The road was skirted by a dense woods on the north side, the side toward the enemy. There was a sudden commotion among the headquarters escort, and on looking around I saw some of our men dashing up to a horseman in full rebel uniform, who had suddenly appeared in the road, and they were in the act of seizing him as a prisoner. I recognized him at once as one of Sheridan's scouts, who had before brought us important dispatches; said to him: How do you do, Campbell? and t
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16.107
ant army that survived, were prisoners. Commodore Tucker and his Marine Brigade, numbering about 2000, surrendered to me a little later. They were under cover of a dense forest, and had been passed by in the first onset of the assault. Of the particular operations of the cavalry the writer of this, of his personal knowledge, knows little; but no less praise is due it than to tile infantry. In this battle more men were captured in actual conflict without negotiation than on any other field in America. pedestrians on a walking-track. As the general rode among them he was greeted with shouts and hurrahs, on all sides, and a string of sly remarks, which showed how familiar swords and bayonets become when victory furnishes the topic of their talk. [For the continuation of this narrative see page 729.] Confederates destroying the Railroad from Appomattox toward Lynchburg, and artillerymen destroying gun-carriages, at nightfall, Saturday, April 8. from a sketch made at the time.
) (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 16.107
what he had brought. Campbell then took from his mouth a wad of tobacco, broke it open, and pulled out a little ball of tin-foil. Rolled up in this was a sheet of tissue paper on which was written the famous dispatch so widely published at the time, in which Sheridan Captain John R. Tucker, C. S. N. From a photograph. described the situation at Jetersville, and added: I wish you were here yourself. The general said he would go at once to Sheridan, and dismounted from his black pony Jeff Davis, which he had been riding, and called for his big bay horse Cincinnati. He stood in the road and wrote a dispatch. using the pony's back for a desk, and then, mounting the fresh horse, told Campbell to lead the way. It was found we would have to skirt the enemy's lines, and it was thought prudent to take some cavalry with us, but there was none near at hand, and the general said he would risk it with our mounted escort of fourteen men. Calling upon me and two or three other officers to a
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 16.107
that the great walking-match had begun, and success would attend the army that should make the best distance record. General Grant marched this day with Ord's troops. Meade was sick, and had to take at times to an ambulance, but his loyal spirit never flagged, and his orders breathed the true spirit of the soldier. That night General Grant camped at Wilson's Station, on the South Side railroad, twenty-seven miles west of Petersburg. The next morning he sent a dispatch to Sherman in North Carolina, giving him an account of the situation and instructions as to his future movements, and winding up with the famous words, Rebel armies are now the only strategic points to strike at. On the 5th he marched again with Ord's column, and at noon reached Nottoway Court House, about ten miles east of Burkeville, where he halted for a couple of hours. A. young staff-officer here rode up to General Ord, in a state of considerable excitement, and said to him: Is that a way-station? This grim
Forsyth, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16.107
e said to them, pointing to the rear. Get right along, now. Drop your guns; you'll never need them any more. You'll all be safe over there. Are there any more of you? We want every one of you fellows. Nearly 1500 were captured at the angle. An orderly here came up to Sheridan and said: Colonel Forsyth of your staff is killed, sir. It's View on the Confederate lines covering Petersburg. From a photograph. no such thing, cried Sheridan. I don't believe a word of it. You'll find Forsyth's all right. Ten minutes after, Forsyth rode up. It was the gallant General Frederick Winthrop who had fallen in the assault and had been mistaken for him. Sheridan did not even seem surprised when he saw Forsyth, and only said: There! I told you so. I mention this as an instance of a peculiar trait of Sheridan's character, which never allowed him to be discouraged by camp rumors, however disastrous. The dismounted cavalry had assaulted as soon as they heard the infantry fire open. T
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