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North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
nbrough, George W. Summers, James A. Seddon. North Carolina.--George Davis, Thomas Ruffin, David S. Reid, D Iowa, James Harlan; Delaware, Daniel M. Bates; North Carolina, Thomas Ruffin; Virginia, James A. Seddon; Kentware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania. Rhode Island, Tennessee, Viana, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania Rhode Islaad, Tennessee, Vior Seddon's resolution were Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, and Virginia. James B. Clay then offered as a five that voted for it were Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee. and Virginia. Mr. Tuck then offereware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana, wing day, February 6, 1861. commissioners from North Carolina ap. peared, and were invited to seats in the Co
Tunstall (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
le fabric of free institutions erected by the fathers. At the close of the address, the oath of office was administered to Davis by Howell Cobb, the President of the Convention. In the evening, after the inauguration, Davis, in imitation of the custom at the National Capital, held a levee at Estelle Hall; and Montgomery was brilliantly lighted up by bonfires and illuminations. A spacious mansion was soon afterward provided for Davis and his. family, and it became distinguished as the White House of the Southern Confederacy. The official residence of the President of the United States, at Washington City, being white, has always been better known by the title of The white House than by any other. Davis chose, from among the most active of his fellow-conspirators, fitting agents to assist >the white House at Montgomery. him in his nefarious work, and ostentatiously titled them in imitation of the National Government. He called Robert Toombs to act as Secretary of State ;
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): chapter 10
e are considering. His person was sinewy and light, a little above the middle hight, and erect in posture. His features were regular and well-defined; his face was thin and much wrinkled; one eye was sightless, and the other was dark and piercing. He was born in Kentucky, and was taken to reside in Mississippi in early boyhood. He was educated at the Military John H. Reagan. Academy at West Point, on the Hudson River; served under his father-in-law, General Taylor, in the war with Mexico; occupied a seat in the National Senate, and was a member of President Pierce's Cabinet, as Secretary of War. He was a man of much ability, and considerable refinement of manner when in good society. As a politician, he was utterly unscrupulous. In public life, he was untruthful and treacherous. He was not a statesman, nor a high-toned partisan. He was calm, audacious, reticent, polished, cold, sagacious, rich in experience of State affairs, possessed of great concentration of purpose,
Grand Junction (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
ucting the Military and Naval Committees to report plans for the organization of an army and navy, and to make provision for the officers in each service who had deserted their flag and were seeking employment from the Confederates at Montgomery. Preparations were now February 15, 1861. made for the reception and inauguration of Davis. He was at his home near Vicksburg when apprised of his election, and he hastened to Montgomery on the circuitous railway route by the way of Jackson, Grand Junction, Chattanooga, and West Point. His journey was a continuous ovation. He made twenty-five speeches on the way, all breathing treason to the Government by whose bounty he had been educated and fed, and whose laws he had frequently sworn to uphold. A committee of the Convention and the public authorities of Montgomery met him eight miles from the city. February 15. At Opelika, two companies from Columbus, Georgia, joined the escort. He reached his destination at ten o'clock at night, wh
Florida (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
by water from the Gulf of Mexico), for the purpose of perfecting schemes for the destruction of the Union. They were forty-two in number, and represented the disloyal politicians of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida. The following are the names of the delegates:-- South Carolina.--R. B. Rhett, James Chesnut, Jr., W. P. Miles, T. J. Withers, R. W. Barnwell, C. G. Memminger, L. M. Keitt, W. W. Boyce. Georgia.--Robert Toombs, Howell Cobb, Benjamin H. HilJ. L. M. Curry, W. P. Chilton. Mississippi.--Willie P. Harris, Walker Brooke, A. M. Clayton, W. S. Barry, J. T. Harrison, J. A. P. Campbell, W. S. Wilson. Louisiana.--John Perkins, Jr., Duncan F. Kenna, C. M. Conrad, E. Spencer, Henry Marshall. Florida.--Jacksoa Morton, James Powers, W. B. Ochiltree. For days heavy rains had been flooding the whole State House at Montgomery. region between the Savannah and Tombigbee Rivers, damaging railways, and making traveling perilous. The train that c
Connecticut (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
uncan, William W. Hoppin, George H. Browne, Samuel G. Arnold. Connecticut.--Roger S. Baldwin, Chauncey F. Cleveland, Charles J. McCurdy, Jsachusetts, Francis B. Crowninshield: Rhode Island, Samuel Ames; Connecticut, Roger S. Baldwin; New York, David Dudley Field; New Jersey, Pet lose his property. Two members of the Committee (Baldwin, of Connecticut. and Seddon, of Virginia) each presented a minority report. Ba proposition was rejected by eleven States against ten. Ayes--Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Haas rejected by a vote of thirteen States against eight. Ayes--Connecticut, Illinois. Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire, were rejected by a vote of eleven States against nine. Ayes--Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Has:--Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachu setts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virgini
China (China) (search for this): chapter 10
n defense, will not a shout of welcome, going up from the Rio Grande to Maine, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific, rekindle in patriotic hearts in both confederacies a fraternal yearning for the old Union? Such was the notable plan for reconciliation put forth by the most distinguished of the leaders of the Peace party, that played an important part during the civil war. This novel proposition — this disjunctive conjunctive plan of conciliation, like the experiment of making a delicate China vase stronger and more beautiful by first breaking it into fragments, and cementing it by foreign agency, shared the fate of others in Congress and in the Peace Convention. It was rejected as insufficient. The conspirators had resolved on absolute, wide, and eternal separation, while the vast majority of the people of the Republic had as firmly resolved that there should be no division of the flag, of the territory, or of the sacred associations of the Past ; for out of that Past came the
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
ion, was an advocate of the treason of the South Carolina politicians in 1832-33, and is fully on re to be a disunion man, and was glad to see South Carolina and other Slave-labor States had practicalnd represented the disloyal politicians of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana,ama, A. J. Pickett. Robert W. Barnwell, of South Carolina, was chosen temporary chairman; and the blresentative of the disloyal politicians of South Carolina--thought himself peculiarly fitted for a suture permanent Southern Constitution, for South Carolina is about to be saddled with almost every g Constitution. As the slave population of South Carolina was the majority, he complained that two-fthe restraints to which the sovereignty of South Carolina would be subjected as a member of a Confedd, withdrew his motion. W. W. Boyce, of South Carolina, who had been a member of the National Conat this fort should be taken, and taken by South Carolina alone. By any other course, it appears to [9 more...]
Brooke (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
affected to despise, was so full of Union sentiment that it was regarded as almost treasonable, and Brooke was severely rebuked. William Porcher Miles, of South Carolina, the Chairman of the Committee, protested against the resolution and the utterances of the mover. He gloried more a thousand times in the Palmetto flag of his State. He had regarded, from his youth, the Stars and Stripes as the emblem of oppression and tyranny. This bold conspirator was so warmly applauded, that menaced Brooke, at the suggestion of a friend, withdrew his motion. W. W. Boyce, of South Carolina, who had been a member of the National Congress for seven years, presented a model for a flag, which he had received, with a letter, from a woman of his State (Mrs. C. Ladd, of Winnsboroa), who described it as tri-colored, with a red union, seven stars, and the crescent moon. She offered her three boys to her country ; and suggested Washington Republic as the name of the new nation. Many members liked
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 10
est political duty of every citizen of the United States is his allegiance to the Federal Governmen § 1. In all the present territory of the United States north of the parallel of 36° 30‘ of north 2. No territory shall be acquired by the United States, except by discovery, and for naval and co all the legislative powers of that of the United States. It provided that the Provisional Presidel matters concerning property, between the United States and the Confederacy. All legislative poweflag as similar as possible to that of the United States, making only such changes as should give tpes, that floated so proudly over the late United States. . . . Let us snatch from the eagle of thethis Confederacy and the Government of the United States, relating to the occupation of forts, arseofficial residence of the President of the United States, at Washington City, being white, has alwaellion was African Slavery existing in the United States; and said that Jefferson, in his forecast,[12 more...]<
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