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Lynn (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
antic, Maumee, Pawtuxet, Pontoosuc, Nyack. Ticonderoga, Shenandoah, Juniata, Powhatan, Susquehanna, Wabash, Colorado, Minnesota, Vanderbilt, Mackinaw, Tuscarora, Vicksburg, St. Jago de Cuba, Fort Jackson, Osceola, Sassacus, Chippewa, Maratanza, R. R. Cuyler, Rhode Island, Monticello, Alabama, Montgomery, Keystone State, Queen City, Iosco, Aries, Howquah, Wilderness, Cherokee, A. D. Vance, Moccasin, Eolus, Gettysburg, Emma, Lillian, Nansemond, Tristram Shandy, Britannia, Governor Buckingham, Saugus, Monadnock, Canonicus, Mahopac. Total, 58. The last four were monitors. On the evening of the 15th, the transports, with the troops, arrived at the prescribed rendezvous, about twenty-five miles at sea, east of Fort Fisher. The ocean was perfectly calm, and remained so for three days, while the army was anxiously waiting for the navy; for the landing of troops could have been easily effected in that smooth water. Eagerly all eyes were turned northward, day after day, but it was not un
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
sketch objects of interest in that Deserted village. Among these was the house of Edmund Rhett, the reputed gathering-place of plotters against the Republic, mentioned in note 2, page 565, volume II. Thence, on the following day, the author sailed in a small yacht to Hilton Head, stopping on the way at Spanish Fort and Smith's Plantation, as mentioned in the note just cited. At Hilton Head he enjoyed the hospitalities of General Burns See page 412, volume II. and his interesting family. That officer Edmund Rhett's House. kindly furnished him with a conveyance to Savannah, in the Government steamer Besolute, accompanied by the teachers of the Freedman's School at Mitchelville, and the chaplain of the post, the Rev. Mr. Woart. We had a delightful voyage. We stopped at Fort Pulaski, and arrived at Savannah at sunset. From that city the author journeyed by railway to Augusta and Atlanta, in Georgia, and Montgomery, in Alabama, and thence by steamer to Mobile and New Orleans.
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Sherman prepares to move northward from Savannah, 456. his invasion of South Carolina, 457. y orders for the disposition of his troops at Savannah, General Sherman directed his chief engineer nd their heavy armament sent to Hilton Head. Savannah was made a base of supplies. The formidable auseway which Slocum had constructed opposite Savannah, and broken up his pontoon bridge. He was cordee, with the troops with which he fled from Savannah, was then in Charleston, preparing to defend on to undertake, at one stride, after leaving Savannah, to make Goldsboroa, and open Hardee's Headwide-spread alarm. When Sherman was lying at Savannah, the speculative opinion that he would attemp gun. Jefferson Davis as a prisoner from Savannah to Fortress Monroe. We arrived at the lattere. kindly furnished him with a conveyance to Savannah, in the Government steamer Besolute, accompan. We stopped at Fort Pulaski, and arrived at Savannah at sunset. From that city the author journey[3 more...]
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 17
again, with greater intensity, that night; and the, beautiful capital of South Carolina--the destined seat of Government of the prospective independent Confederate States of America --was laid in ruins in the course of a few hours. Among the public buildings then destroyed, was the old State House, delineated on page 46 of volume a second time, for the next office to which he had dedicated it. When intelligence reached Washington of the evacuation of Charleston, the President of the United States appointed the anniversary of the fall of Fort Sumter, April 14. as the day when the old flag should be raised again over that fortress, by Major (now General)onounced a blessing on the old flag. Dr. R. S. Storrs, of Brooklyn, read selections from the Psalms. Then General Townsend, Assistant Adjutant-General of the United States, read Major Anderson's dispatch of April 18, 1861, announcing the fall of Sumter. This was followed by the appearance of the faithful Sergeant Hart (see page
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Forty-eighth New York, J. R. Hawley of the Seventh Connecticut, and Guy V. Henry of the Fortieth Massachusetts. The latter led the cavalry, and was in the advance. It was known that General Joseph Finnegan Joseph Finnegan was a resident of Jackson, and was President of the Florida Secession Convention, in 1861.--See notice of Yulee's letter to him, on page 166, volume I. was in command of the Confederates in that region, but their number and strength were not exactly computed; so the armyattle of Olustee, until the end of the war. During the winter, extensive salt works belonging to the Confederates, on West Bay and Lake Ocola, valued at $3,000,000, were destroyed by orders of Admiral Bailey. In May, there was a gathering at Jackson, called the State Convention of Unionists of Florida, and these appointed six delegates to the Republican Convention in Baltimore; but the affair amounted to nothing effective. At midsummer, General Birney moved out from Jacksonville, by order
Maumee (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
or two, when the Albemarle ran by Fort Warren, and fell upon the unarmored gun-boats, Southfield (Lieutenant French) and Miami (Lieutenant-commanding Flusser), with great fury. Each carried eight guns, but they could do little against the formidable ram in such close quarters. It first struck. and sunk the Southfield, and then turning upon the Miami, drove her down the river, after killing her commander and disabling many of her crew. Then the Albemarle turned her 32-pounder rifled guns u Captain Melancthon Smith's blockading squadron in Albemarle Sound, of which the principal vessels were the Mattahessett, Miami, Sassacus, Wyalusing, and Whitehead. The Commodore Hull and Ceres were picket-boats. The squadron lay off the mouth of river or bay steamer), the flag-ship; New Ironsides, Brooklyn, Mohican, Tacony, Kansas, Unadilla, Huron, Pequot, Yantic, Maumee, Pawtuxet, Pontoosuc, Nyack. Ticonderoga, Shenandoah, Juniata, Powhatan, Susquehanna, Wabash, Colorado, Minnesota, Vande
Roanoke (United States) (search for this): chapter 17
ower, mounting four heavy guns. His own loss, he said, was only thirty-five killed and wounded. A little later in the year, Plymouth, near the mouth of the Roanoke River, in North Carolina, was attacked by about seven thousand Confederates under General R. F. Hoke. These consisted of three infantry brigades, a regiment of cava, April 17, 1864. and in the attack, the Confederates were assisted by the ram Albemarle, Captain Cooke, a formidable armored vessel, which came down from the Roanoke River. The gun--boat Bombshell went to the assistance of the post, but was soon disabled. and captured. The garrison continued the struggle vigorously, and, in thsels were the Mattahessett, Miami, Sassacus, Wyalusing, and Whitehead. The Commodore Hull and Ceres were picket-boats. The squadron lay off the mouth of the Roanoke River, and early in May, the picket-boats were directed to decoy the ram from under the batteries at Plymouth. They did so, and on the 5th May. the Albemarle came
Baldwin, Fla. (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
ary stores, and at four o'clock in the morning Feb. 9. 1864. pushed on toward Baldwin. He reached that hamlet at seven, and there captured another gun, three cars, Gillmore, who had followed the expedition, accompanied by Seymour, arrived at Baldwin. Henry had pushed on beyond Baldwin, and at the south fork of the St. Mary'Baldwin, and at the south fork of the St. Mary's River, five miles from the railway junction, he had a sharp skirmish, and drove the Confederates, but with a loss to himself of seventeen men. He reached Sandersonn, fell back to Lake City and beyond, that night. Gillmore did not tarry at Baldwin, but returned to Hilton Head, where he arrived on the 15th, February with theack to Sanderson. To this Gillmore replied, I want your command at and beyond Baldwin concentrated at Baldwin without delay. Seymour demurred, alleging that to leaBaldwin without delay. Seymour demurred, alleging that to leave the south fork of the St. Mary's would make it impossible for him to advance again. Deceived by the assertion that Finnegan had fallen back from Lake City, and
James Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
t Sherman's march on Columbia, was only a feint, and that Charleston was his.chief objective. With this impression, Hardee had concentrated the troops under his command in and around that city. To cherish that belief, General Gillmore, then in command on the coast in that vicinity, had caused feints to be made in the direction of Charleston. One of these was composed of a considerable body of troops, under General Schimmelfennig, who, on the 10th of February, 1865. made a lodgment on James's Island, within three miles of Charleston. At the same time, gun-boats and a mortar schooner moved up the Stono River and flanked the troops. An attack was made upon the Confederate works on the island, and their rifle-pits were carried, with a loss to the Nationals of about eighty men. Co-operative movements were made at the same time, by General Hatch, who led a column across the Combahee toward the South Edisto River, while General Potter, with another column from Bull's Bay, northward of C
Fort Johnston (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
line of intrenchments, on which were mounted sixteen guns. These ran parallel with the beach. Back of these, and running across to the Cape Fear River, was a line of rifle-pits. On the shore of the Cape Fear, across from Mound Battery, was another sand-hill, thirty feet in height, with four cannon upon it, named Battery Buchanan. These constituted the defenses on Federal Point, and commanded the entrance to the Cape Fear, by New Inlet. About seven miles southwest from Fort Fisher, at Smithville, on the old entrance to the Cape Fear, was Fort Johnson; and about a mile south of that work was Fort Caswell. The latter and Fort Fisher were the principal works. On Smith's Island, at Baldhead Point, was Battery Holmes. Foiled in its efforts to absolutely close that port, the Government considered plans for capturing and holding the city. Among others was one submitted by Frederic Kidder, a citizen of Boston, who had for many years held intimate commercial and social relations wit
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