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Rich Mountain (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
2.434; movements against under Keyes and Spear, 3.97; Gen. Butler's plan for the surprise of, 3.287; Kilpatrick's raid against in 1864, 3.288; movement from Deep Bottom against, 3.351, 353; movement of Gens. Ord and Birney against, 3.353; evacuation of, 3.545; conflagration in, 3.546; surrender of to Gen. Weitzel, 3.549; rejoicings at the fall of, 3.550; visit of President Lincoln to after the surrender, 3.562; visit of the author to in 1865, 3.587. Richmond, Ky., battle of, 2.502. Rich Mountain, battle of, 1.533. Ricketts, Gen., at the battle of the Monocacy, 3.344. Ringgold, battle of, 3.170. Rio Grande expedition, Gen. Banks's, 3.223. Riot at St. Louis, 1.469. Roanoke Island, battle of, 2.170. Rock Castle Hills, repulse of Zollicoffer at, 2.89. Rock Gap, cavalry fight at, 3.112. Rocky Face Valley, battle in, 3.241. Rodgers, Corn., his attack on Drewry's Bluff, 2.402. Rogersville, battle at, 3.155. Rolla, retreat of Sigel to from Wilson's Creek
Little Osage River (United States) (search for this): chapter 23
on at Washington, 1.282; his inaugural address, 1.290; remarks on his address, 1.296; his message of July 5, 1861, 1.562; letter of John A. Kennedy, in relation to his journey from Philadelphia to Washington (note), 2.147; re-election of, 3.451; declarations of, 3.452; his visit to Richmond after the surrender, 3.562; his return to Washington, 3.563; assassinated by Booth, 3.564; his funeral, 3.570. Little Bethel, expedition against, 1.504. Little Blue Creek, battle at, 3.279. Little Osage River, battle at, 3.280. Little Rock, capture of by Gen. Steele, 3.216. Little Round Top, at Gettysburg, struggle for, 3.66. Little Washington, evacuation of by Palmer, 3.471. Loan Bill of July 9, 1861, 1.572. Loan of $250,000,000 authorized by Congress, 2.30. Logan, Gen. J. A., at the first battle of Atlanta, 3.386. Longstreet, Gen., operations of against Suffolk, 3.41-3.44; his siege of Knoxville, 3.171-3.175. Lookout Mountain, occupation of by Bragg's forces, 3.143
Bentonville (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
.602; his defense of Island No.10, 2.241-2.246; his evacuation of Corinth, 2.293. Bell, John, nomination of for the Presidency, 1.30. Belle Isle, sufferings of Union prisoners in, 3.597. Belligerent rights accorded to the Confederates, 1.544, 567. Belmont, battle at, 2.87. Benham, Gen., his unsuccessful pursuit of Floyd, 2.102; in command at the battle of Secessionville, 3.187. Benjamin, Judah P., last speech of in the Senate, 1.232. Bentonsville, battle of, 3.500. Bentonville, Skirmish at, 2.253. Bermuda Hundred, occupation of by Gen. Butler, 3.318; Butler bottled up at, 3.323. Berry, Gen. H. G., at the battle of Chancellorsville, 3.30. Big Bethel, rebel position at, 1.596; battle at, 1.507;: public disappointment at the result, 1.510; visit to the battle-ground of, 1.513. Big Black River, battle of the, 2.612. Big Blue Creek, battle at, 3.279. Big Tybee Island, occupation of by Dupont, 2.125. Biloxi, capture of by Major Strong, 2.327.
Pensacola (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
d by Lieut. Slemmer, 1.167; surrender of demanded by insurgents, 1.173; siege of, 1.363-1.371; Pensacola navy-yard and Confederate forts bombarded from, 2.111. Fort Pillow, evacuation of by Confedr, 3.584. Navy-Yard at Gosport, history of the destruction of, 1.392-1.398. Navy-Yard at Pensacola, surrendered to the State authorities, 1. 169. Negley, Gen. James S., at Nashville, 2.264;n, Gen., in command of Confederates at Vicksburg, 2.578; his surrender of Vicksburg, 2.628. Pensacola, preparations to seize the forts at, 1.166; navy-yard at surrendered to the State authorities,peeches of in the Senate, 1.81, 84.; at Fort Sumter, 1.327. Wilcox, Richard, a loyal spy at Pensacola, 1.367. Wilderness, battle of the, 3.298-3.303; visit of the author to the battle-field of ; his, operations against Norfolk, 2.387. Worden, Lieut., bearer of important dispatches to Pensacola, 1.368; arrested and imprisoned, 1.369; commander of the Monitor in her fight with the Merrima
Booneville (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
2. Blockade of Charleston declared raised, 3.196. Blockade-runners, British, in Cape Fear River, 2.315. Bloody Bridge, battle of, 3.469. Blue Springs, battle of, 3.155. Blunt, Gen. James G., activity of in Missouri, 2.532; at the battle of Boston Mountains, 2.534. Bogle's Creek, battle near, 3.5116. Bolivar, Simon Buckner, at the head of the Kentucky State Guard, 1.458; his treason, 1.459. Bolivar Heights, skirmish at, 2.137. Bombardment of Fort Sumter, 1.320. Booneville, battle near, 1.541; stay of Gen. Lyon at, 1.543. Booth, John Wilkes, his assassination of President. Lincoln, 3.564; death of, 3.570. Boston Mountains, battle of, 2.534. Bowling Green, abandoned by the Confederates, 2.230. Boyce, W. W., speech of in favor of secession, 1.47. Boydton Plank Road, battle of, 3.361. Bradford, Major, W. F., murder of after the capture of Fort Pillow, 3.246. Bragg, Gen., his invasion of Kentucky, 2.506; his proclamation, 2.507; junction o
Groveton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
es, 3.234. Great Britain, relations with in 1861, 1.567; sympathy with the conspirators in, 2.152; Mason sent as ambassador to, 2.153. Greble, Lieut. J. T., death of at Big Bethel, 1. 508. Greeley, Horace, unofficial negotiations of with conspirators in Canada, 3.446. Green River, Morgan repulsed at by Col. Moore, 3.92. Grierson, Col. B. H., raid of from La Grange to Baton Rouge, 2.601; expedition of from Memphis, 3.415. Grover, Gen., at the siege of Port Hudson, 2.631. Groveton, battle of, 2.456. Guerrillas in Missouri, II. 63. Gun Town, battle near, 3.247. Guthrie, Mr., amendments to the Constitution proposed by, 1.238; his report to the Washington Peace Congress, as adopted (note), 1.240. H. Habeas Corpus, general suspension of, 3.91. Hagerstown, Jenkins and Ewell at, 3.53. Haines's Bluff, bombardment of, 2.605; evacuation of by the Confederates, 2.613. Hale, Senator, speech of in reply to Clingman, 1.79. Halleck, Gen. H. W., appointed
Dug Springs (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
Douglas, Stephen A., nomination of for the Presidency, 1.27; last days of, 1.457. Draft of May 8, 1863, opposition organized against, 3.83; active resistance to, 3.86; suspended in New York, 3.90. Draft Riots in New York, 3.88-3.91. Drainsville, battle near, 2.151. Drewry's Bluff, unsuccessful naval attack on, 2.409; Gen. Butler's attempt on, 3.321. Droop Mountain, battle at, 3.113. Drywood Creek, Mo., skirmish at, 2.66. Dublin Station, Va., battle near, 3.315. Dug Springs, battle at, 2.46. Duke of Chartres, on McClellan's staff, 2.131. Dupont, Admiral S. F., commands the naval force in the Port Royal expedition, 2.115; operations of on the coast of Florida, 2.320; operations of against the defenses of Charleston, 3.192-3.197. Dutch Gap, Confederate naval attack on obstructions at, 3.531. Dutch Gap Canal, construction of, 3.357. Duval's Bluff, capture of, 2.582. Dwight, Gen., at the siege of Port Hudson, 2.631. E. Early, Gen., Jubal,
Georgetown (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
elbyville, Ten., Gen. Polk at, 3.122; capture of by Stanley and Granger, 3.123. Shenandoah, Confederate cruiser, history of, 3.438. Shenandoah Valley, operations of Gens. Banks and Shields in, 2.368; operations of Banks, Jackson, Ewell, and Fremont in, 2.389-2.399; rapid retreat of Gen. Banks down, 2.392-2.394; visit of the author to. in 1866, 3.372, 400; Sheridan's operations in, to the battle of Cedar Creek, 3.363-3.372; Sheridan's raid in, from Winchester to Lynchburg, 3.534. Shepherdstown, cavalry fight at, between Gregg and Fitzhugh Lee, 3.98. Sheridan, Gen. Philip H., at the battle on Missionaries' Ridge, 3.167; raid of against Lee's communications in May, 1864, 3.312; raids of against railways in Lee's rear, 3.332; succeeds Hunter in command of the Middle Military Division, 3.350, operations of till the battle of Cedar Creek, 3.363-3.372; his raid from Winchester to Grant's lines, 3.534-3.536; at the battle of Five Forks, 3.542; Lee's retreat cut off by, 3.557. S
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
f, 2.449. Cemetery at Chattanooga, visit of the author to in 1866, 3.178. Cemetery Hill, Gettysburg, battles at, 3.69, 71. Centreville, McDowell's advance on, 1.587. Chambersburg, incursio.414; visit of the author to, 3.399. Georgia, Confederate cruiser, seized (note), 3.435. Gettysburg, Lee's forces at, 3.57; great battles at, 3.59-3.73; visits of the author to in 1863, 3.76, anrg, 2.382; at the battle of Fredericksburg, 2.493; at the battle of Chancellorsville, 3.34; at Gettysburg, 3.63, 72; important services of at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-House, 3.308. Hanovernd Pennsylvania, 3.50; in Pennsylvania 3.54; his approach to Harrisburg, 3.57; concentrates at Gettysburg, 3.57; compelled to retreat after a three days battle, 3.74; recrosses the Potomac into Virginr, battle at, 3.280. Little Rock, capture of by Gen. Steele, 3.216. Little Round Top, at Gettysburg, struggle for, 3.66. Little Washington, evacuation of by Palmer, 3.471. Loan Bill of Jul
Saltville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
rrender of to the Nationals, 2.321. St. Louis, Union and secession organizations in, 1.466; arms removed from the arsenal at, 1.466; riot at, 1.469; fortified by Fremont, 2.60; martial law proclaimed in by Fremont, 2.63; martial law declared in by Halleck, 2.183. St. Nicholas, steamer, piratical capture of on Chesapeake Bay, 2.555. Salem, Ind., pillaged by the guerrilla Morgan, 3.93. Salem Church, battle at, 3.36. Salkhatchie River passage forced across by Sherman, 3.458. Saltville, destruction of works at, 3.430. Salt Works, the Virginia, movement of Burbridge against, 3.287. San Antonio, scenes at on the departure of National troops, 1.269. Sandford, Gen., with New York militia at Arlington Heights, 1.485. Sanitary Commission, organization of, 1.575; origin and history of, 3.607. Santa Fe, N. M., captured by Col. Sibley, 2.188. Santa Rosa Island, battle of, 2.111. Savage's Station, battle at, 2.427; visit of the author to in 1866, 2.439. Sav
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