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Indiana (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
and of the Army of the Ohio in March, 1863. taking with him the Ninth Corps, with the expectation of speedily undertaking the liberation of East Tennessee, was now brought into active co-operation with the Army of the Cumberland. There had occurred, now and then, some stirring events in his department, the most important of which was the defeat of Pegram by Gillmore, at Somerset, March 30. the raid of Colonel H. S. Sanders into East Tennessee, June. and the extensive raid of Morgan into Indiana and Ohio, July. already mentioned. Pegram was a Virginian, and crossed the Cumberland Mountains and river with a considerable force of mounted men, professedly the advance of a larger body, under Breckinridge, and commenced plundering Southeastern Kentucky, and expelling Unionists from the State. He was finally attacked in a strong position at Somerset, by General Quincy A. Gillmore, See page 318, volume II. with about twelve hundred men, the united commands of Gillmore and Colonel Wo
Triune (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
tion of McMinnville. The latter was to march much later than the other two, with Turchin's brigade of cavalry, while the remainder of Stanley's horsemen were thrown out on the right. General Gordon Granger's reserve corps, which had advanced to Triune, now moved forward in support of the corps of McCook and Thomas. Rosecrans's plans were quickly and successfully executed. McCook moved early in the morning June 24. toward Shelbyville, with Sheridan's division in advance, preceded by one ha captured, and the Gap was seized and held, against attempts to repossess it. While Rosecrans was securing these important mountain passes, other operations in accordance with his plan were equally successful. General Granger had started from Triune, on the extreme right, on the afternoon of the 23d, June, 1863. and sweeping rapidly on, encountering and pushing back the Confederates in several places, reached Christiana, on the road between Murfreesboroa and Shelbyville, without much troubl
Crow Creek, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
n a military point of view. and thoroughly picketed the railway from Cowan to Bridgeport. Finally, at the middle of August, the army went Picket Hut near Stevenson. forward to cross the Tennessee River at different points, for the purpose of capturing Chattanooga. Thomas's corps took the general direction of the railway; the divisions of Reynolds and Brannan moving from University on the mountain top, by way of Battle Creek, to its mouth, and those of Negley and Baird by Tantallon and Crow Creek. McCook's moved to the right of the railway, Johnson's division by way of Salem and Larkin's Ford, to Bellefonte; and Crittenden's, designed to feel the enemy and menace Chattanooga with a direct attack, moved well eastward in three columns, commanded respectively by Generals Wood, Van Cleve, and Palmer, with Minty's cavalry on the extreme left, marching by way of Sparta to drive Confederate horsemen from the vicinity of Kingston, strike Buckner's force in the rear, and to cover Van Cleve
Cincinnati (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ho called out, Stop! You little Yankee devil! The boy halted, and brought his musket to an order, when the colonel rode up to make him a prisoner. With swift motion young Clem brought his gun up and fired, killing the colonel instantly. He escaped; and for this achievement on the battle-field he was made a sergeant, put on duty at the Headquarters of the Army of the Cumberland, and placed on the Roll of Honor by General Rosecrans. The engraving is from a photograph from life, taken in Cincinnati. John Clem. On the following morning Sept. 21, 1863. a reconnoitering force of Confederates on the Ringgold road, drove in Minty's cavalry, but did little harm. That evening the whole army withdrew in perfect order to a position assigned it by Rosecrans, in front of Chattanooga, and, on the following day, Bragg advanced and took possession of Lookout Mountain and the whole of the Missionaries' Ridge. The Confederates won a victory on the field in the Battle of Chickamauga, at a fe
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
Army of the Cumberland from Murfreesboro'to Chattanooga. The opposing armies in Tennessee,ee Unionists, 130. impending struggle near Chattanooga perfidy of the Conspirators, 131. perilouat the main army was below, Bragg abandoned Chattanooga, Sept. 7, 8, 1863. passed through the gaps Chickamauga River crosses the road between Chattanooga and Lafayette. through the passes of which ut Mountain, The summit of Lookout, near Chattanooga, is about 1,500 feet above the Tennessee Riruggle with Bragg for the possession of the Chattanooga region, by cutting off communication betweell his brigades from across the river, near Chattanooga, and leaving one of them there to garrison een flying in disorder toward Rossville and Chattanooga, leaving thousands behind, killed, wounded,ecisive, result. Rosecrans might have held Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, and the Missionaries' Ri and when his operations in the vicinity of Chattanooga became known, there was wide-spread discont[47 more...]
Jackson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
er Kellogg Brown, only twenty-one years of age, was brought to Richmond from the Mississippi. He had been in the naval service under Commodore Porter, as a common sailor, and had charge of a gun on the Essew when the ram Arkansas (see page 529, volume II.) was destroyed. He was sent in an armed boat to burn a Confederate ferry-boat near Port Hudson. He had accomplished the work, and was returning alone to his boat, along the shore, when he was seized by three guerrillas. He was taken to Jackson, and then to Castle Thunder, in Richmond, charged with being caught as a spy within the Confederate lines. He was subjected to a mock trial, under the direction of the notorious Winder, and on the 25th of September, 1863, was hung as a spy in the presence of all Richmond. The circumstances of his capture had none of the conditions of a spy; and his execution, judged by the laws and ethics of civilized warfare, was simply a savage murder. Brown was a very promising young man. He was enthu
Loudon, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
Loudon Bridge, farther up the Tennessee; and a third, under Colonel Foster, for Knoxville, on the Holston River. Bird and Foster reached their respective destinations on the first of September, without opposition, but when Shackelford approached Loudon, he found the Confederates there in considerable force, and strongly posted. After a brisk skirmish, they were driven across the bridge — a magnificent structure, over two thousand feet in length — which they fired behind them, and so laid it in ruins. The main army moved steadily forward, and was soon posted on the line of the railway from Loudon, southwesterly, so as to connect with Rosecrans, then in possession of Chattanooga. General Simon B. Buckner was in command of about twenty thousand troops, in East Tennessee, with his Headquarters at Knoxville, when Rosecrans moved upon Bragg, and Burnside began his march. To hold Chattanooga, as we have observed, was of vital importance to the Confederacy, and, as its fall would involv
Tuscumbia (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
where he debarked, and, marching southward, joined the forces of General Dodge, then moving on Tuscumbia, on the Memphis and Charleston railway, in Northern Alabama. This was to mask the real intentto give the impression that his was a part of that leader's force, and then to strike off from Tuscumbia southward to Russellville or Moulton. Streight's troops were not mounted when they left Nashey joined Dodge one half of the command was on foot. They marched with him to the capture of Tuscumbia, and then, after receiving a supply of horses and mules, they started April 27. for Russellviproperty, returned to the railway at Corinth, from which he departed on his expedition against Tuscumbia. When the Confederates were informed of Streight's independent movement, the cavalry of Fors, and directed General Hurlbut, at Memphis, to send all of his available force to Corinth and Tuscumbia, to operate against Bragg, should he attempt the anticipated flank movement, and, if necessary
Cleveland, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ed Shackelford, with cavalry and artillery, from Knoxville, and Frazer surrendered. Sept. 9, 1863. In the mean time a cavalry force had gone up the valley to Bristol, destroyed the bridges over the Watauga and Holston rivers, and driven the armed Confederates over the line into Virginia. Thus, again, the important pass of Cumberland Gap See page 304, volume II. was put into the possession of the National troops, and the great valley between the Alleghany and Cumberland Mountains, from Cleveland to Bristol, of which Knoxville may be considered the metropolis, seemed to be permanently rid of armed Confederates. The loyal inhabitants of that region received the National troops with open arms as their deliverers; and Union refugees, who had been hiding in the mountains, and Union prisoners from that region, who had escaped from the clutches of their captors, and had been sheltered in caves and rocks, all ragged and starved, now flocked to their homes, and joined in ovations offered
Spring Hill (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
arton and W. Martin. his infantry extending from Shelbyville to Wartrace, his cavalry on his right stretched out to McMinnville, and on his left to Columbia and Spring Hill, on the railway between Nashville and Decatur. General Polk's corps was at Shelbyville. Hardee's Headquarters were at Wartrace, and his troops were holding Hoom tho Second Michigan, Ninth Pennsylvania, and Fourth Kentucky, under Colonel Jordan. A battery of six guns composed the artillery. He was directed to move on Spring Hill, twelve miles south of Franklin. He had marched but a little way when he fell in with a party of Confederates, with whom he skirmished. They were repulsed, ad most of the captured men. By this means Van Dorn extricated himself from his perilous position, and, abandoning his attempt to capture Franklin, he retired to Spring Hill, with a loss of about three hundred men in killed, wounded, and prisoners The Union loss was about thirty-seven killed, wounded, and missing. Van Dorn's eart
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