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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. Search the whole document.

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New Hampshire (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
and Representation at Richmond, East Tennessee gave 14,700 votes. One-half of that number were Rebel troops, having no authority under the Constitution to vote at any election. For No Separation and No Representation, East Tennessee gave 33,000 straight-out Union votes, with at least 5,000 quiet citizens deterred from coming out by threats of violence and by the presence of drunken troops at the polls to insult them. The people of East Tennessee--a mountainous, pastoral region, like New Hampshire or the Tyrol, wherein Slavery never had and never could have any substantial foothold — she having about one slave to twenty freemen — earnestly petitioned and entreated permission to remain in the Union; and, if the residue of the State were resolved to go out, then they asked of it to be set off and quit-claimed, so that they might enjoy the right, as a free and independent people, to alter, reform, or abolish our form of government in such manner as we see proper, which the legislator
Sumterville (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
ratic sedition, believed themselves steadily gaining. They had no hope, however, of hurling their State into the vortex of treason, save on the back of an excitement raised by actual collision and bloodshed. Up to the hour of the bombardment of Sumter, though the Governor and a majority of the Legislature were fully in their interest, they remained a powerless minority of the people. When the news of that bombardment was received, and the excitement created by it was at its hight, the leade as its peers in their appropriate spheres, will hold it to a rigid account-ability, and require that its acts should be fraternal in their efforts to bring back the seceded States, and not sanguinary or coercive. The red-hot balls fired into Sumter by the traitors had hardly cooled, when Kentucky Unionism insulted the common-sense and nauseated the loyal stomach of the Nation by this astounding drivel. The consequences may well be imagined. Not a single Rebel in all the State was induced
Lake Erie (United States) (search for this): chapter 30
and, the accession of Virginia to the Confederacy had rendered a peaceful concession of Southern independence a moral, and well nigh a geographical, impossibility. West Virginia--but more especially that long, narrow strip, strangely interposed between Pennsylvania and Ohio, (locally designated The Panhandle, ) could not be surrendered by the Union without involving the necessity of still further national disintegration. For this Panhandle stretches northerly to within a hundred miles of Lake Erie, nearly severing the old from the new Free States, and becoming, in the event of its possession by a foreign and hostile power, a means of easily interposing a military force so as to cut off all communication between them. If the people of the Free States could have consented to surrender their brethren of West Virginia to their common foes, they could not have relinquished their territory without consenting to their own ultimate disruption and ruin. West Virginia was thus the true key-
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
ckner in the following terms: Away with your pledges and assurances — with your protestations, apologies, and proclamations, at once and altogether Away, parricide! Away, and do penance forever!--be shriven or be slain — away You have less palliation than Attila — less boldness, magnanimity, and nobleness than Coriolanus. You are the Benedict Arnold of the day I You are the Catiline of Kentucky; Go, then, miscreant! and was captured at the head of a portion of them at the taking of Fort Donelson. The Legislature having reassembled, April 28th. Magoffin read them another lecture in the interest of the Rebellion. The Union was gone — the Confederacy was a fixed fact — it would soon be composed of ten, and perhaps of thirteen, States; President Lincoln was a usurper, mad with sectional hate, and bent on subjugating or exterminating the South. The Federal Government was rolling up a frightful debt, which Kentucky would not choose to help pay, etc., etc. Whereupon, he agai
Napoleon (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
mitted the folly and wickedness of making war upon the seceded States, the conservative party in Arkansas was largely in the ascendant, we cannot believe that her soil is polluted by a being base and cowardly enough to stop to consider, in casting his lot in the unequal struggle in which she is engaged, whether she is right or wrong. The conservatism of these gentlemen, it seems, had not been shocked by the military seizure by Secessionists, two weeks previous, of the Federal arsenal at Napoleon, April 23d. containing 12,000 Springfield muskets and a large amount of munitions and stores; nor by that of Fort Smith, April 24th. also containing valuable deposits of arms, munitions, and Indian goods. These, and many kindred acts of violence and outrage on the side of disunion, had been committed without a shadow of disguise, and with no other excuse than the treason of the perpetrators — Solon Borland, late U. S. Senator, having led the party that captured Fort Smith. Coercion w
St. Louis (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
souri Blair and Lyon rally a Union force at St. Louis Kentucky. the Convention of Virginia, whovided a metropolitan police for the city of St. Louis, under the control of five Commissioners, toouth of them. The mercantile aristocracy of St. Louis was predominantly devoted to their supposed rests and docile to their commands. But for St. Louis on one side and Kansas on the other, Missouro deadly hostility to the Slave Power; while St. Louis possessed, in her liberty-loving Germans, in four others were in process of formation in St. Louis, within ten days from the issue of the Presits of treason. But the Federal Arsenal at St. Louis had a garrison of several hundred regulars, William S. Harney returned from the East to St. Louis on the 12th, and took command of the Union fsoon, June 11th. an interview was had, at St. Louis, between Gen. Price, on behalf of the Governity; and the next morning brought tidings to St. Louis that the Gasconade railroad bridge had been
Cincinnati (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
His mercy, save our glorious Republic! The Legislature adjourned on the 24th--the Senate having just resolved that Kentucky will not sever connection with the National Government, nor take up arms for either belligerent party; but arm herself for the preservation of peace within her borders; and tendering their services as mediators to effect a just and honorable peace. Rev. Robert J. Breckinridge--always a devoted Unionist, because never a devotee of Slavery — in an address at Cincinnati, one year later, declared that Kentucky was saved from the black abyss by her proximity to loyal Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, whose Governors, it was known, stood pledged to send ten thousand men each to the aid of her Unionists whenever the necessity for their presence should be indicated. Had she been surrounded as Tennessee and North Carolina were, she must have fallen as they did. She would have so fallen, not because a majority of her people were disloyal, but because the traitors we
Platte City (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
e Confederates as did North Carolina or Arkansas. Her slaveholders, though not numerous, constituted her political and social aristocracy. They were large landholders, mainly settled in the fertile counties Of the 114,965 slaves held in 1860 in the entire State, no less than 50,280 were held in twelve Counties stretching along the Missouri river: viz: Boone, 5,034; Callaway, 4,527; Chariton, 2,837; Clay, 3,456; Cooper, 3,800; Howard, 5,889; Jackson, 3,944; Lafayette, 6,367; Pike, 4,056; Platte, 3,313; St. Charles, 2,181; Saline, 4,876. Probably two-thirds of all the slaves in the State were held within 20 miles of that river. stretched along both banks of the Missouri river, through the heart of the State, and exerting a potent control over the poorer, less intelligent, and less influential pioneers, who thinly overspread the rural counties north and south of them. The mercantile aristocracy of St. Louis was predominantly devoted to their supposed interests and docile to their c
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
to fight and die for the traitorous cause they abhorred. The State of North Carolina, though never deliberately and intelligently hostile to the Union, became a much easier prey to the conspirators. Her Democratic Legislature — reconvened at Raleigh, November 19th, 1860--had refused, a month later, to pass a bill to arm the State, though visited and entreated to that end by Hon. Jacob Thompson, then a member of Mr. Buchanan's Cabinet; and had adjourned December 22d. without even calling y for No Convention, 651. This vote temporarily checked all open, aggressive movements in the interest of Disunion, but did not arrest nor diminish the efforts of its champions. On the contrary, a great State Rights Convention was assembled at Raleigh on the 22d of March, and largely attended by leading Disunionists from South Carolina, Virginia, and other States. Its spirit and its demonstrations left no doubt of the fixed resolve of the master-spirits to take their State out of the Union,
Carolina City (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
and bring the Government to direct force, the feeling in Virginia would be very great. I trust in God it would bring her to your aid. But it would be wrong in me to deceive you by speaking certainly. I cannot express the deep mortification I have felt at her course this winter. But I do not believe that the course of the Legislature is a fair expression of the popular feeling. In the East, at least, the great majority believe in the right of Secession, and feel the deepest sympathy with Carolina in opposition to measures which they regard as she does. But the west-Western Virginia--there is the rub! Only 60,000 slaves to 494,000 whites. Mr. Garnett counts the Valley (Shenandoah,) as a portion of Western Virginia. When I consider this fact, and the kind of argument which we have heard in this body, Mr. G. was then a member of a Virginia State Convention. I cannot but regard with the greatest fear, the question whether Virginia would assist Carolina in such an issue. Mr.
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