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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. Search the whole document.

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Williamsport (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
dismayed by the hideous din, in a street of the town, to re-form its line, and then resumed its rapid but steady march, sharply followed, but not seriously annoyed, by the eager foe. Our troops moved in three parallel columns, each protected by an efficient rear-guard, and reached Martinsburg, 22 miles distant, in the course of the afternoon. Here a halt of two and a half hours was taken, to rest and refresh; our rear-guard leaving that town at 7 P. M., and reaching the Potomac, opposite Williamsport, 12 miles farther, in the course of the evening. Gen. Geo. II. Stewart, with the Rebel cavalry, pursued so far as Martinsburg; but Jackson halted his infantry not far beyond Winchester; though he sent a brigade, three days later, May 28. to Charlestown, driving out a small Union force which held that place, and pursuing it to Halltown, which was occupied next day by the main body of his army. Gen. Banks admits a loss, in his hurried retreat for 53 miles, of 38 killed, 155 wounde
Old Point (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
en interrupted, it is certain that all our movements should have been directed by a common head, responsible for the proper distribution and concentration of our forces. A Secretary of War, however able and fit, is perplexed by duties and anxieties too multifarious and distracting to permit of his serving to advantage as Generalissimo. Two days later, at a council of corps commanders at Fairfax Court House, it was decided — for reasons not given and not apparent — to debark our army at Old Point Comfort, between the York and James rivers, instead of Urbana or Mob Jack Bay — a most unfortunate decision, though materially qualified by the following provisos: 1st. That the enemy's vessel Merrimae can be neutralized. 2d. That the means of transportation, sufficient for an immediate transfer of the force to its new base, can be ready at Washington and Alexandria to move down the Potomac; and 3d. That a naval auxiliary force can be had to silence, or aid in silencing, the e<
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
Rebels; Norfolk would fall; all the waters of the Chesapeake would be ours; all Virginia would be in our power, and the enemy forced to abandon Tennessee and North Carolina. The alternative presented to the enemy would be, to beat us in a position selected by ourselves, disperse, or pass beneath the Caudine Forks. Should we b on an official dispatch from Gen. Johnston, which, claiming 11 cannon and 623 prisoners captured, admits a Rebel loss of but 220; yet names Gen. Anderson, of North Carolina, Col. Mott, of Mississippi, Col. Ward, 4th Florida, and Col. Winm. H. Palmer, 1st Virginia, as among the killed; and Gen. Early, Gen. Rains, Col. Kemper, 7th Chickahominy at Bottom's Bridge two days before. The movement of our grand army up the Peninsula, in connection with Burnside's successes and captures in North Carolina, See pages 73-81. had rendered the possession of Norfolk by the Rebels no longer tenable. To hold it by any force less than an army would be simply exposi
Luray (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ted to Franklin during the night, carrying off their wounded, but burning a part of their stores. Jackson pursued next day toward Franklin, but did not see fit to attack. Returning to McDowell, May 14. he recrossed the Shenandoah Mountain to Lebanon White Sulphur Springs; where he gave his troops a brief rest, and then resumed May 17. his march to Harrisonburg, having ascertained that Banks had fallen back to Strasburg. Being joined near Newmarket by Ewell's division, he moved via Luray upon Front Royal, keeping his advance carefully masked by Ashby's cavalry, so that he swooped down May 23. almost unannounced on our small force holding that position, under Col. John R. Kenly, who nevertheless made a spirited resistance, but was soon driven out with loss by the enemy's overwhelming numbers. Kenly, after abandoning the town, attempted to make a stand on a ridge scarcely a mile in its rear; but, his force being hardly a tenth of that assailing him, he was soon compelled t
Manassas, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
upon the railroad south-west-ward of what is known as Manassas Junction. Though these orders are signed Abraham Lincoln, therges the strength of the Rebel position at and around Manassas Junction; the reported fact that the fords of the Occoquan werons as to its execution: 1st. Leave such force at Manassas Junction as shall make it entirely certain that the enemy shalons, provided he would-- 1st. Leave such force at Manassas Junction as shall make it entirely certain that the enemy shaldesigned to be left for the defense of Washington and Manassas Junction ; and part of this, even, was to go to Gen. Hooker's old position. Gen. Banks's corps, once designed for Manassas Junction, was diverted, and tied up on the line of Winchester awas satisfied with your arrangement to leave Banks at Manassas Junction; but, when that arrangement was broken up, and nothinally think I should permit the line from Richmond via Manassas Junction to this city to be entirely open, except what resista
Gloucester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
or McClellan before Yorktown. the reappearance down the Elizabeth of that marine monster and her three satellite gunboats; and Com. Goldsborough did not feel justified in detaching a part of them to reduce the water batteries at Yorktown and Gloucester. The Commodore does not seem to have been asked to clear the Warwick river of Rebel gunboats — if, indeed, any were there. Magruder seems wholly unconscious of ever having had any naval assistance. McClellan felt of the Rebel lines at diff reenforcements sent to me. Franklin will attack on the other side. The moment I hear from him, I will state point of rendezvous. I am confident as to results now. G. B. McClellan, Maj.-General. All this promise ended in no performance. Gloucester was not attacked. Franklin's division was not even debarked, but lay idle more than a fortnight in the transports which brought it to the Peninsula, until Magruder saw fit to evacuate Yorktown. But a General, in such a position as his then was
Wardensville (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ll and Shields to crush him. There is a direct road from Franklin to Harrisonburg, not absolutely impassable by an army, though it crosses four distinct ranges of steep mountains; but Gen. Fremont's trains were at Moorefield, 40 miles north by east, and to attempt crossing without them was to doom his army to starvation, there being little for man or beast to eat in those wild mountains. He therefore decided to go by Moorefield, which compelled him to go 29 miles farther northeast, to Wardensville, in order to find a practicable route across the mountains. Stripping his army as naked as possible, he left Franklin next morning, May 25. the soldiers discarding even their knapsacks, but taking five days rations of hard bread ; and thus, through constant rain, and over mountain roads that could be made barely passable, he crossed the Alleghanies and descended into the Valley, reaching and occupying Strasburg on the evening of June 1st, just in time to be too late to head Jackson, w
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
early impassable. The several commands, marching on different roads, had interfered with and obstructed each other's progress at the junction of those roads as they concentered upon Williamsburg. Gen. Hooker, advancing May 4. on the direct road from Yorktown to Williamsburg, was stopped, five or six miles out, by finding Gen. Smith's division in his way, and compelled to wait some hours. Impatient at this delay, he sought and obtained of Gen. Heintzelman permission to move over to the Hampton road on his left, on which he advanced through the rain and deep mud and the dense darkness till nearly midnight, when his troops were halted in the road, and rested as they might until dawn; then they pressed on until, emerging from a forest, they came in sight, about 5:30 A. M., of the Rebel works before Williamsburg; Fort Magruder in the center, at the junction of the Yorktown and Hampton roads, with its cordon of 13 redoubts, extending clear across the Peninsula, hence widening quite ra
Roanoke Island (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
wo days earlier, that Magrluder had abandoned his works, including Yorktown, during the preceding night, retreating up the Peninsula. Gen. John G. Barnard, Gen. McClellan's chief engineer through the Peninsula campaign, in a report to his commander at the close of that campaign, says: At the time the Army of the Potomac landed on the Peninsula, the Rebel cause was at its lowest ebb. Its armies were demoralized by the defeats of Port Royal, Mill Spring, Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Roanoke Island, and Pea Ridge; and reduced by sickness, loss in battle, expirations of period of service, etc.; while the conscription law was not yet even passed. It seemed as if it needed but one vigorous gripe to end forever this Rebellion, so nearly throttled. How, then, happened it, that the day of the initiation of the campaign of this magnificent Army of the Potomac was the day of the resuscitation of the Rebel cause, which seemed to grow pari passu with the slow progress of its operations?
Mount Jackson (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
trusted or superseded. Stonewall Jackson, after his defeat March 23. by Shields at Kernstown, had retreated up the Valley, pursued by Gen. Banks, to the vicinity of Harrisonburg. Jackson, after holding some days a strong position near Mount Jackson, crossed April 19. the South Fork of the Shenandoah and took position in Elk Run Valley; but he was soon startled by tidings that Gen. Milroy, with the advance of Gen. Schenck's division of Fremont's West Virginia force, was threatening Stoint. Shields, however, pushed up the South Fork of the Shenandoah, on the other side of Massanutten Mountain, expecting to head Jackson at some point farther south; while Fremont followed him directly down the North Fork, by Woodstock and Mount Jackson, to Harrisonburg. The advance of each was greatly embarrassed by the many streams which make their way down from the mountains into either branch of the Shenandoah, and which were now swollen to raging torrents by the incessant rains; Jackso
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