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Knox (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 186
restoration of order; but the more wary said the object of the rebels was only to get them to disperse and then they would disarm them. The effect, however, of this proposition, was to very much weaken the Union camp, and Col. Moore soon found his force reduced to less than three hundred men. In the mean time, Green had been making large additions to his numbers from all the adjoining counties, and ten days ago he had under his command from 1,200 to 1,500 men. He visited Scotland and Knox Counties — running out Unionists, insulting and abusing their families, and committing all sorts of depredations upon their property. On Saturday last it became evident that he was approaching the Union camp at Athens, with a view of attacking it. The Unionists sent to Keokuk for help. On Sunday about seventy of the Keokuk military went up to Croton, (a small town on the Iowa side of the Des Moines, immediately opposite to Athens,) but would not pass over the river. Moore, however, received so
Iowa (Iowa, United States) (search for this): chapter 186
and six o'clock in the morning. In the very beginning of the action Lieut.-Col. Callahan, who commanded a company of cavalry, retired with his company across the river, and it is said that this gallant officer, who claims to be a graduate of West Point, never stopped until he reached Montrose on the Mississippi River. Through the country over which he and a few of his comrades passed, they spread the report that the Unionists were cut all to pieces, and the secessionists were advancing into Iowa. The consequence was that the wildest panic seized the people — some flew to arms and some to the bush. A portion of Moore's infantry were also seized with the panic, and fled across the river, but seeing their companions standing firm, many of them afterward returned and took part in the fight. The portion of Moore's men which remained amounted to only about 300, yet they stood firm as regulars, and delivered their fire with the coolness of veterans. After all sorts of a fight, regul
Warsaw, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 186
Doc. 166.-battle at Athens, Mo. Fought August 5, 1861. A correspondent of the Chicago Tribune in a letter from Warsaw, Ill., gives the following details of this skirmish: Warsaw, Ill., Aug. 9, 1861. The telegraph has informed you of the battle at Athens, Mo., on the 5th inst., and I now propose to detail the events Warsaw, Ill., Aug. 9, 1861. The telegraph has informed you of the battle at Athens, Mo., on the 5th inst., and I now propose to detail the events which preceded and accompanied it. For the past three or four weeks the northeast corner of Missouri has been in a state of anarchy. There has been no security for life and property, and no effort made to enforce the laws and to restore order. This state of things originated from the attempts of secessionists to drive Union mahokia. A few days after the Union camp was formed, word came that Green was marching on it with a force of 800 men. The Unionists immediately sent to Keokuk and Warsaw for assistance. Keokuk did not respond, but the Warsaw Greys, Capt. Coster, fifty in number, went over to the Union camp, intending only to act on the defensive,
Monticello (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 186
ening, the Unionists resolved to go into camp. This they did, to the number of about six hundred, at a town called Cahokia, eighteen miles from the Mississippi, in Clarke County. Their commander is a rough, not over bright, but withal, a well-meaning and brave old soldier, who has seen service in Mexico. Soon after going into camp, they received from St. Louis 240 stand of arms. In the mean time, the secessionists had formed a camp, under Martin Green, a brother of the ex-Senator, at Monticello, the county seat of Lewis County, which is about thirty miles south of Cahokia. A few days after the Union camp was formed, word came that Green was marching on it with a force of 800 men. The Unionists immediately sent to Keokuk and Warsaw for assistance. Keokuk did not respond, but the Warsaw Greys, Capt. Coster, fifty in number, went over to the Union camp, intending only to act on the defensive, but when there, as no enemy appeared, Col. Moore determined to rout out the various band
Scotland County, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 186
een had been making large additions to his numbers from all the adjoining counties, and ten days ago he had under his command from 1,200 to 1,500 men. He visited Scotland and Knox Counties — running out Unionists, insulting and abusing their families, and committing all sorts of depredations upon their property. On Saturday last rced, he started in pursuit. The Unionists flocked to his standard, while the rebels, being discouraged, were disbanding. When last heard from, Moore was in Scotland County sweeping all before him. A portion of the Keokuk military performed good service during the fight, by forming on the Iowa side and pouring a galling fire irtion of these were despatched to the aid of the Unionists, but the battle had been fought and won before their arrival. Thus have the Union Guards of Clark and Scotland Counties, almost unaided, put to flight the combined secession forces of half a dozen counties, and, for the present, at least, hold the complete ascendency. C.
Mississippi (United States) (search for this): chapter 186
f the hill, to rake the principal street entering the town, the other two pieces were imitation cannon, made out of the cylinders of old steam engines. The attack commenced between five and six o'clock in the morning. In the very beginning of the action Lieut.-Col. Callahan, who commanded a company of cavalry, retired with his company across the river, and it is said that this gallant officer, who claims to be a graduate of West Point, never stopped until he reached Montrose on the Mississippi River. Through the country over which he and a few of his comrades passed, they spread the report that the Unionists were cut all to pieces, and the secessionists were advancing into Iowa. The consequence was that the wildest panic seized the people — some flew to arms and some to the bush. A portion of Moore's infantry were also seized with the panic, and fled across the river, but seeing their companions standing firm, many of them afterward returned and took part in the fight. The p
Clarke (Iowa, United States) (search for this): chapter 186
e has been that many Union men have abandoned every thing and left the State. The Unionists formed Home Guards, but these were powerless to protect from assassination; and besides, the members being scattered, in many instances miles apart, were useless in a sudden emergency. Finally, the rebels becoming more bold and threatening, the Unionists resolved to go into camp. This they did, to the number of about six hundred, at a town called Cahokia, eighteen miles from the Mississippi, in Clarke County. Their commander is a rough, not over bright, but withal, a well-meaning and brave old soldier, who has seen service in Mexico. Soon after going into camp, they received from St. Louis 240 stand of arms. In the mean time, the secessionists had formed a camp, under Martin Green, a brother of the ex-Senator, at Monticello, the county seat of Lewis County, which is about thirty miles south of Cahokia. A few days after the Union camp was formed, word came that Green was marching on it
Keokuk, Iowa (Iowa, United States) (search for this): chapter 186
r the Union camp was formed, word came that Green was marching on it with a force of 800 men. The Unionists immediately sent to Keokuk and Warsaw for assistance. Keokuk did not respond, but the Warsaw Greys, Capt. Coster, fifty in number, went over to the Union camp, intending only to act on the defensive, but when there, as no eions upon their property. On Saturday last it became evident that he was approaching the Union camp at Athens, with a view of attacking it. The Unionists sent to Keokuk for help. On Sunday about seventy of the Keokuk military went up to Croton, (a small town on the Iowa side of the Des Moines, immediately opposite to Athens,) bu enemy's right wing, across the river, with their Minie rifles. At the time this action was fought there were two regiments of United States Iowa Volunteers in Keokuk, twenty-five miles from the scene of action. A portion of these were despatched to the aid of the Unionists, but the battle had been fought and won before their
St. Louis (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 186
bers being scattered, in many instances miles apart, were useless in a sudden emergency. Finally, the rebels becoming more bold and threatening, the Unionists resolved to go into camp. This they did, to the number of about six hundred, at a town called Cahokia, eighteen miles from the Mississippi, in Clarke County. Their commander is a rough, not over bright, but withal, a well-meaning and brave old soldier, who has seen service in Mexico. Soon after going into camp, they received from St. Louis 240 stand of arms. In the mean time, the secessionists had formed a camp, under Martin Green, a brother of the ex-Senator, at Monticello, the county seat of Lewis County, which is about thirty miles south of Cahokia. A few days after the Union camp was formed, word came that Green was marching on it with a force of 800 men. The Unionists immediately sent to Keokuk and Warsaw for assistance. Keokuk did not respond, but the Warsaw Greys, Capt. Coster, fifty in number, went over to the
West Point (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 186
ee pieces--one an eight-pounder, which was placed on the brow of the hill, to rake the principal street entering the town, the other two pieces were imitation cannon, made out of the cylinders of old steam engines. The attack commenced between five and six o'clock in the morning. In the very beginning of the action Lieut.-Col. Callahan, who commanded a company of cavalry, retired with his company across the river, and it is said that this gallant officer, who claims to be a graduate of West Point, never stopped until he reached Montrose on the Mississippi River. Through the country over which he and a few of his comrades passed, they spread the report that the Unionists were cut all to pieces, and the secessionists were advancing into Iowa. The consequence was that the wildest panic seized the people — some flew to arms and some to the bush. A portion of Moore's infantry were also seized with the panic, and fled across the river, but seeing their companions standing firm, many
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