Found 2,738 total hits in 708 results.
, 525.
Gazette, Cincinnati, 822.
George, John H., desired for Colonelcy, 303-304.
George, Capt. Paul R., anecdote of, 303-304; on Butler's staff, 892.
Gettysburg, an indecisive conflict, 583-585; battle of, 665; Lee's mistake at, 879.
Gillmore, Major-General, ordered to join Butler, 630; tardiness of, 639, 642; moves ; attempts to recover Fort Harrison, 737; Grant's fears in regard to, 827; at variance with Longstreet, 879; depletion in army of, 879; acknowledges mistakes at Gettysburg, 879; tribute to Mahone at state dinner, 881-887; Davenport's report of army, 900; crippled by want of reinforcements, 901, 902; reference to, 628, 629, 630; 64lamation at, 896.
Sickles, General, persuades Buchanan<*>to withdraw an order revoking parade of troops, 218.
in Halleck's letter to Grant, 878; the hero of Gettysburg, 878; object of jealousy of Republican politicians, 878.
Signal Tower, Weitzel awaits orders at, 784.
Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, 163, 165, 166; ordered
five Forks, The battle of, 901.
Flanders, chosen congressman in Louisiana, 523.
Flag Pond Hill battery, Porter attempts to silence, 791,
Floyd, Secretary of War, under Buchanan, 166-167.
Flusser, Commander, tribute to, 635; killed at Plymouth, 636.
Fox, Gustavus V., Assistant Secretary of Navy. anecdote of, 287-288; arbitrator in the Farragut prize suit, 1011.
Foote, Senator, reference to, 695, 715, 716; calumnious letter from Smith to, 696-697; letter quoted, 712-713.
Ford's Theatre, Lincoln assassinated at, 930.
Forty-Seventh Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, 679.
Fort Burnham (formerly Fort Harrison), 737.
Fort Darling, 747.
Fort Donelson, reference to, 872, 873, 874.
Fort Fisher, Weitzel reconnoitres, 774; preparations for expedition against, 782; Butler waits for Porter, 785-787; fleet sails in sight of, 789; powder-boat exploded at, 790; bombarded, 790-792; troops debark at, 792; prisoners taken at, 792-795; Major Reece gives information of, 79
o, 872; Halleck's report of, 872; McClellan's orders, 873.
Grant, Gen. U. S., Halleck's order, 873; thinks Butler hostile to him, 873-874; in Personal Memoirs, 874-875; carries instructions to Sherman, 876; orders Meade to Burkville, 876; on Davenport's report, 900; believes Lee must surrender, 901; in Personal Memoirs, 902; reference to, 903; Sherman's report to, 913; as president, 925; the Alabama claims in, the administration, 966.
Grant, Mrs., 854, 860.
Grant, Colonel, 860.
Greeley,ives at Petersburg, 691; attempts to recover Fort Harrison, 737; Grant's fears in regard to, 827; at variance with Longstreet, 879; depletion in army of, 879; acknowledges mistakes at Gettysburg, 879; tribute to Mahone at state dinner, 881-887; Davenport's report of army, 900; crippled by want of reinforcements, 901, 902; reference to, 628, 629, 630; 645, 646, 647, 686, 688, 703, 705, 735, 831, 858.
Lee, Fitzhugh, attempts the capture of Fort Pocahontas, 669-670.
Lefferts, Colonel of Seve
, 831; Grant believes Lee must abandon, 901.
Phelps, General J. W., occupies Hampton, 252; detailed to Newport News, 254; should have commanded at Big Bethel, 268; opponent of slavery, 305; unwarrantable action of, at Ship Island, 355-356; his ships towed up the Mississippi, 370; collision with, on the negro question, 488-489; at New Orleans, 896; differs with Butler on the slavery question, 896-897.
Phillips, Wendell, on contraband theory, 259.
Pickett, Major-General, attack upon New Berne and Beaufort, N. C., 618.
Pierpont, Governor, protests against draft, 618.
Pierce, General, at Big Bethel, 172, 268, 270, 275, 292.
Pierce, President, appoints Butler visitor at West Point, 127; makes Davis Secretary of War, 140; persuades law partner not to enlist, 303-304: reference to, 982; son killed, 1020; asks Butler to defend railroad, 1021; the suit, 1021-1026.
Pierce, Mrs., the piety of, 1021.
Pierce, Henry B., reminds Butler of Fast Day proclamation, 970.
Juge, Paul, commander of European brigade, at New Orleans, 432.
Kane, Marshal, of Baltimore, interview with,233.
Kautz Cavalry, reference to, 677,399; Butler's orders to, respecting expedition against Richmond, 722, 730; reference to, 858.
Kautz, General, moves toward City Point, 640; reference to, 640, 643, 646; burns bridges, 649; cuts Danville Railroad, 651; enters Petersburg, waits for Gilmore, 678-679; Butler's order regarding expedition against Richmond, 722, 730.
Kansas, political struggle in, 132-133,145.
Keeley, George, professor at Waterville College, 59.
Kelly, John, opposes Cleveland, 983.
Keith, Colonel, disabled at Baton Rouge, 482.
Kennedy, Supt. John A., New York City police, under command of, 760.
Kensel, Col. George A., on Butler's staff, 891; anecdote of, 891-892.
Keyes, Lieutenant-Colonel, officious conduct of, 205-207.
key, Postmaster-General, gives Mrs. Mumford a clerkship, 446.
Kilpatrick, General, starts on raid to R
. T. W., at Baton Rouge, 482.
Calvin, Butler controverts doctrine of, 60-63; his position sustained, 64.
Cameron, Simon, Secretary of War, requisition for two Massachusetts regiments, 170; regarding Ross Winans, 234; urges Butler to remain in service, 239; letter to, 240; instructions regarding contrabands, 259-261; reference to General McClellan, 473; asks Butler to accept Vice-Presidency, 633-635; seeks an interview with Butler, 768-769.
Canada, hostility of the Dominion, 966.
Cape Ann, Butler's summer home at, 919.
Cape Henry, transport fleet anchor off, 785-786.
Cape Lookout, rendezvous of Porter and Butler, 789-790.
Carey, Major J. N., interview with regarding contrabands, 257-258; letter from, 262-263.
Carey shoots constable Heywood, 1026.
Carney, James G., offers Governor Andrew bank funds, 171-173.
Carruth, Lieutenant, suppresses anti-draft demonstration in Boston, 277.
Carrolton, Phelps at, 896.
Cassels, Col., John, acts investigated, 850; t
's Life of Lincoln, critical references to, 219, 227, 243, 260, 264, 421.
Nim's battery, 460.
Ninth Connecticut regiment, story of, 311, 316, at Baton Rouge, 483; at Camp Moore, 460.
Ninth New Jersey, position at Drury's bluff, 663.
Norfolk, Union forces occupy, 617; Butler confers with Porter at, 785; goods received and examined at, 843; yellow fever prevented, 847; needy assisted, 848; Shepley sent to Fortress Monroe, 871.
North Anna, reference to battle of, 710.
Northumberland Co., Va., Confederate scouts in, 785.
Nottingham Square, Butler goes to school at, 44-46.
Odell investigates causes of Butler's removal, 833; Butler's answer to, 833.
Oliver, Gen. H. K., 172.
One Hundred and Forty-Eighth New York Volunteers' expedition into Chesapeake Bay, 617.
Orr, South Carolina secession commissioner, 156.
Ord, Major-General, Butler's order to, regarding movement to surprise Confederate forces around Richmond, 722-730; starts on expedition, 730; captu
Chemistry, Butler's study of, at Waterville, 58-59.
Chesapeake Bay, expedition into, 617; transport fleet in, 785.
Chicago, Schaffer in, 895; the currency in, 943.
Chickahominy River, Colonel West drives enemy from, 645.
child, Linus, inr's staff, 895.
Clark, Rev., Thos. N., first teacher in Lowell High School, 55-56.
Cleveland, Grover, nominated at Chicago National Convention, 982.
Cliff House, Cal., wrecked by powder explosion, 776.
Clifford, Judge, reference to, 995 w Orleans, as a Union journal, 895.
Democratic National Convention, Charleston, 134; adjourned to Baltimore, 142-144; Chicago, 631; reference to, 713.
Deming, Col., Henry, appointment of, 299-300; reference to, 386; insulted by New Orleans wom64; captured, 664; succeeds General Ord at Fort Harrison, 734.
Heidseick, Charles, acts as spy, 391.
Hendricks, at Chicago National Convention, 982.
Hersey, James, teacher at Deerfield, 49-50.
Herald, New York, Grant in, 863.