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, and Capt. Thompson's Indiana battery, also the Third battalion Fifth Ohio cavalry, Major C. T. Hayes, and the Third battalion Eleventh Illinois cavalry, Major James F. Johnson. Hearing heavy and continuous cannonading in the direction of Pittsburgh Landing, early Sunday morning, I inferred a general battle, and in anticipatio force of one hundred thousand men ; A. S. Johnston, killed — body found on the field — Beauregard, Hardee, Bragg, and Polk, being their Commanding Generals. Governor Johnson, Provisional Governor of Kentucky, is a prisoner in our hands mortally wounded. Loss severe on both sides — ours probably ten thousand. The rebels sufferedf the hottest fire. Accidentally in command of the brigade, as ranking officer on duty, I disclaim any credit for its brilliant success. Unfortunately Brigadier-Gen. Johnson was at home, prostrated by sickness; but to the thorough discipline and rigid study exacted by him of officers and men, we are indebted for that success a<