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Natchitoches (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 141
Operations of the army. Capture of Natchitoches, La. in the field, near Natchitoches, La., April 2, 1864. The army under General Banks having arrived frNatchitoches, La., April 2, 1864. The army under General Banks having arrived from various points at Alexandria, on Monday morning, March twenty-eighth, General Lee, at the head of his cavalry division, dashed out in the direction of NatchitocheNatchitoches, where it was supposed the enemy would be found in some force. Early on the following morning he reached Cane River, and immediately commenced the erection of a brnight, when the General crossed over and moved to within a short distance of Natchitoches, twenty-five miles distant. On Thursday morning he advanced to the town, andanks of the river upon a small steam-tug without injuring any one on board. Natchitoches, one of the oldest and most picturesque towns in this State, which is six miern people and their abominable institutions. The exceedingly low water in Red River this season, has operated most seriously against our projected movements, cau
Pleasant Hill (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 141
waited for the infantry and artillery to come up, and this morning, learning that the rebels were falling back toward Pleasant Hill, he started in pursuit with the First brigade, Colonel Lucas; Third brigade, Colonel Robinson; Fourth brigade, Colone severe fight of about one hour. The hottest of the fight took place at Crump's Hill, where the roads leading from Pleasant Hill and Fort Jessup come together on the Shreveport road, and about twelve miles distant from both the first-named placesf artillery, numbering in all about three thousand men. Walker's division was camped here last night, but moved on to Pleasant Hill this morning. The rebels have now all fallen back toward Pleasant Hill, where it is thought they will make a stand. Pleasant Hill, where it is thought they will make a stand. General Lee was on the field, and gave the direction of affairs in a manner that convinced all parties that he knew exactly what was to be done, and how to do it. He seems determined that the laurels won on other fields shall not wither or fade,
Shreveport (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 141
tand the fury of his onslaught, and were compelled to give way, after a very severe fight of about one hour. The hottest of the fight took place at Crump's Hill, where the roads leading from Pleasant Hill and Fort Jessup come together on the Shreveport road, and about twelve miles distant from both the first-named places. Captain Rawle's battery of the Fifth United States artillery took a very active and creditable part in the fight. Colonel Dudley came up with his brigade in time to givetutions. The exceedingly low water in Red River this season, has operated most seriously against our projected movements, causing a postponement of the victories which are sure to greet our forces in this department as soon as the advance on Shreveport begins. At present we are at a standstill, several transports and gunboats having got aground on the way up from Alexandria. Admiral Porter feels quite confident a sufficient rise will take place within three or four days to admit of the pass
Cane (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 141
Operations of the army. Capture of Natchitoches, La. in the field, near Natchitoches, La., April 2, 1864. The army under General Banks having arrived from various points at Alexandria, on Monday morning, March twenty-eighth, General Lee, at the head of his cavalry division, dashed out in the direction of Natchitoches, where it was supposed the enemy would be found in some force. Early on the following morning he reached Cane River, and immediately commenced the erection of a bridge. Owing to the width of the stream, the inclemency of the weather, and other drawbacks, it was not completed until late at night, when the General crossed over and moved to within a short distance of Natchitoches, twenty-five miles distant. On Thursday morning he advanced to the town, and was met by the enemy, whom he completely routed after a brisk but short skirmish. The rebels lost six or eight killed and wounded and twenty-five prisoners. Union loss none. General Dick Taylor commanded t
Campti (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 141
st serious apprehensions, all attempts to haul the grim monster off by means of hawsers proving ineffectual. The efforts of several tugs and transports finally released her from her perilous position without any serious injury. expedition to Campti. At half-past 8 o'clock Monday morning, General A. Smith ordered Colonel Gooding, commanding the Sixth Massachusetts cavalry, to proceed with the following troops upon a reconnoissance to the town of Campti, six miles distant, for the purpose Campti, six miles distant, for the purpose of capturing or dislodging a band of Harrison's guerrillas, numbering some three hundred men: Three hundred of the Second New-York cavalry, two hundred from the Third Rhode Island, and one hundred men from the Eighteenth New-York cavalry, together with two regiments of infantry under command of Colonel Hubbard of the Fifth Minnesota, comprising the Thirty-fifth Iowa, Lieutenant Keeler, and the Fifth Minnesota volunteers. As our cavalry scouts advanced within a mile of the town, the rebels, who
Fort Jessup (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 141
ursuit, but fought them gallantly until the arrival of Colonel Lucas. The Colonel was not long in coming up, and immediately formed his whole brigade in line. He moved forward a short distance, and was met with what promised to be a determined resistance, but they could not withstand the fury of his onslaught, and were compelled to give way, after a very severe fight of about one hour. The hottest of the fight took place at Crump's Hill, where the roads leading from Pleasant Hill and Fort Jessup come together on the Shreveport road, and about twelve miles distant from both the first-named places. Captain Rawle's battery of the Fifth United States artillery took a very active and creditable part in the fight. Colonel Dudley came up with his brigade in time to give the rebels a few parting shots. Colonel Robinson's brigade was in the rear, but is now on the ground, ready to take part in the action to-morrow, if the rebels see proper to accept the offer of battle; and they ma
Grand Ecore (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 141
speaks in the highest terms of the bravery and skill of the officers and men engaged, and is perfectly satisfied with the result of the engagement. headquarters detachment Sixteenth and Seventeenth army corps, on board steamer Clara Bell, Grand Ecore, La., April 5, 1864. expedition after Harrison's guerrillas. Brigadier-General A. J. Smith, commanding detachment of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth army corps, reached this celebrated point on Sunday afternoon, Admiral Porter's fleet of ironon on the trip up the river. A gang of rebels fired from the steep banks of the river upon a small steam-tug without injuring any one on board. Natchitoches, one of the oldest and most picturesque towns in this State, which is six miles from Grand Ecore by land, was occupied by the advance of General Lee's cavalry force, without any molestation from the enemy on Saturday. Our colors now float from the town-house, and the inhabitants appear to be perfectly reconciled to the sudden entree of t
A. T. Bartlett (search for this): chapter 141
ed, and, hearing the firing, they opened upon the town with one or two of their heaviest guns. Several shells burst in close proximity to our advance, and Colonel Gooding, after endeavoring to signal the boats by waving his handkerchief, failed to attract the attention of the officers of the fleet. Major Davis, of the Third Rhode Island cavalry, was sent on board to notify the gunboats of the mischief. The rebels embraced the opportunity to retreat, and thus all our efforts to capture them were foiled. Our loss was much heavier than that of the enemy, the cavalry sustaining the entire loss in killed and wounded. I am indebted to Surgeon A. T. Bartlett, of the Thirty-third Missouri volunteers, for the following list of casualties. The wounded are now being placed on board the steamer Jennie Rogers, preparatory to their removal to Alexandria, where suitable hospitals have been established for the reception of sick and wounded troops. Our loss was ten killed and eighteen wounded.
ediately formed his whole brigade in line. He moved forward a short distance, and was met with what promised to be a determined resistance, but they could not withstand the fury of his onslaught, and were compelled to give way, after a very severe fight of about one hour. The hottest of the fight took place at Crump's Hill, where the roads leading from Pleasant Hill and Fort Jessup come together on the Shreveport road, and about twelve miles distant from both the first-named places. Captain Rawle's battery of the Fifth United States artillery took a very active and creditable part in the fight. Colonel Dudley came up with his brigade in time to give the rebels a few parting shots. Colonel Robinson's brigade was in the rear, but is now on the ground, ready to take part in the action to-morrow, if the rebels see proper to accept the offer of battle; and they may be compelled to fight, whether they like it or not. The fight took place in a densely wooded and uneven country,
Dick Taylor (search for this): chapter 141
erection of a bridge. Owing to the width of the stream, the inclemency of the weather, and other drawbacks, it was not completed until late at night, when the General crossed over and moved to within a short distance of Natchitoches, twenty-five miles distant. On Thursday morning he advanced to the town, and was met by the enemy, whom he completely routed after a brisk but short skirmish. The rebels lost six or eight killed and wounded and twenty-five prisoners. Union loss none. General Dick Taylor commanded the rebels. His force was supposed to number one thousand men at least. All day Friday General Lee waited for the infantry and artillery to come up, and this morning, learning that the rebels were falling back toward Pleasant Hill, he started in pursuit with the First brigade, Colonel Lucas; Third brigade, Colonel Robinson; Fourth brigade, Colonel Dudley. The Fourteenth New-York cavalry had the advance, under command of Major Bassford. After marching a distance of fift
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