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Warrenton (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 214
e on record. Bayous and miry roads, threatened with momentary inundations, obstructed your progress. All these were over-come by unceasing labor and unflagging energy. The two thousand feet of bridging which was hastily improvised out of materials created on the spot, and over which you passed, must long be remembered as a marvel. Descending the Mississippi still lower, you were the first to cross the river at Bruin's Landing, and to plant our colors in the State of Mississippi below Warrenton. Resuming the advance the same day, you pushed on until Pyou came up to the enemy near Port Gibson. Only restrained by the darkness of the night, you hastened to attack him on the morning of the first of May, and by vigorously pressing him at all points, drove him from his position, taking a large number of prisoners and small arms, and five pieces of cannon. General Logan's division came up in time to gallantly share in consummating the most valuable victory won since the capture of Fo
Port Gibson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 214
enton. Resuming the advance the same day, you pushed on until Pyou came up to the enemy near Port Gibson. Only restrained by the darkness of the night, you hastened to attack him on the morning of f Fort Donelson. Taking the lead on the morning of the second, you were the first to enter Port Gibson, and to hasten the retreat of the enemy from the vicinity of that place. During the ensuing night, as a consequence of the victory at Port Gibson, the enemy spiked his guns at Grand Gulf, and evacuated that place, retiring upon Vicksburgh and Edwards's Station. The fall of Grand Gulf was solely the result of the victory achieved by the land forces at Port Gibson. The armament and public stores captured there, are but just trophies of that victory. Hastening to bridge the south branch of the Bayou Pierre, at Port Gibson, you crossed on the morning of the third, and pushed on to Willow Springs, Big Sandy, and the main crossing of Fourteen Mile Creek,four miles from Edwards's St
Grand Gulf (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 214
the morning of the second, you were the first to enter Port Gibson, and to hasten the retreat of the enemy from the vicinity of that place. During the ensuing night, as a consequence of the victory at Port Gibson, the enemy spiked his guns at Grand Gulf, and evacuated that place, retiring upon Vicksburgh and Edwards's Station. The fall of Grand Gulf was solely the result of the victory achieved by the land forces at Port Gibson. The armament and public stores captured there, are but just troGrand Gulf was solely the result of the victory achieved by the land forces at Port Gibson. The armament and public stores captured there, are but just trophies of that victory. Hastening to bridge the south branch of the Bayou Pierre, at Port Gibson, you crossed on the morning of the third, and pushed on to Willow Springs, Big Sandy, and the main crossing of Fourteen Mile Creek,four miles from Edwards's Station. A detachment of the enemy was immediately driven away from the crossing, and you advanced, passed over, and rested during the night of the twelfth within threat miles of the enemy, in large force at the Station. On the morning of t
Mississippi Springs (Nevada, United States) (search for this): chapter 214
ment, you moved on the north side of Fourteen Mile Creek toward Raymond. This delicate and hazardous movement was executed by a portion of your number, under cover of Hovey's division, which made a feint of attack in line of battle upon Edwards's Station. Too late to harm you, the enemy attacked the rear of that division, but was promptly and decisively repulsed. Resting near Raymond that night, on the morning of the fourteenth, you entered that place, one division moving on to Mississippi Springs, near Jackson, in support of General Sherman, another to Clinton, in support of General McPherson, a third remaining at Raymond, and a fourth at Old Auburn, to bring up the army trains. On the fifteenth you again led the advance toward Edwards's Station, which once more became the objective point. Expelling the enemy's picket from Bolton the same day, you seized and held that important position. On the sixteenth you led the advance, in three columns, upon three roads against Ed
Wilmington, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 214
e you upon your constancy, valor, and success. History affords no more brilliant example of soldierly qualities. Your victories have followed in such rapid succession that their echoes have not yet reached the country. They will challenge its grateful and enthusiastic applause. Yourselves striking out a new path, your comrades of the army of Tennessee followed, and a way was thus opened for them to redeem previous disappointments. Your march through Louisiana, from Milliken's Bend to New-Carthage and Perkins's plantation, on the Mississippi River, is one of the most remarkable on record. Bayous and miry roads, threatened with momentary inundations, obstructed your progress. All these were over-come by unceasing labor and unflagging energy. The two thousand feet of bridging which was hastily improvised out of materials created on the spot, and over which you passed, must long be remembered as a marvel. Descending the Mississippi still lower, you were the first to cross the ri
Monmouth, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 214
t something more remains to be done. The enemy's odious defences still block your access to Vicksburgh. Treason still rules that rebellious city, and closes the Mississippi River against rightful use by the millions who inhabit its sources and the great North-West. Shall not the flag float over Vicksburgh? Shall not the great Father of Waters be opened to lawful commerce? Methinks the emphatic response of one and all of you is: It shall be so! Then let us rise to the level of a crowning trial! Let our common sufferings and glories, while uniting as a band of brothers, rouse us to new and surpassing efforts! Let us resolve upon success, God helping us. I join with you, comrades, in your sympathy for the wounded and sorrow for the dead. May we not trust — nay, is it not so, that history will associate the martyrs of this sacred struggle for law and order, liberty and justice, with the honored martyrs of Monmouth and Bunker Hill? John A. McClernand, Major-General Commanding
Raymond (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 214
hanged from Edwards's Station to Jackson, in pursuance of an order from the commander of the department, you moved on the north side of Fourteen Mile Creek toward Raymond. This delicate and hazardous movement was executed by a portion of your number, under cover of Hovey's division, which made a feint of attack in line of battle upon Edwards's Station. Too late to harm you, the enemy attacked the rear of that division, but was promptly and decisively repulsed. Resting near Raymond that night, on the morning of the fourteenth, you entered that place, one division moving on to Mississippi Springs, near Jackson, in support of General Sherman, another to Clinton, in support of General McPherson, a third remaining at Raymond, and a fourth at Old Auburn, to bring up the army trains. On the fifteenth you again led the advance toward Edwards's Station, which once more became the objective point. Expelling the enemy's picket from Bolton the same day, you seized and held that importa
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 214
commander, I am proud to congratulate you upon your constancy, valor, and success. History affords no more brilliant example of soldierly qualities. Your victories have followed in such rapid succession that their echoes have not yet reached the country. They will challenge its grateful and enthusiastic applause. Yourselves striking out a new path, your comrades of the army of Tennessee followed, and a way was thus opened for them to redeem previous disappointments. Your march through Louisiana, from Milliken's Bend to New-Carthage and Perkins's plantation, on the Mississippi River, is one of the most remarkable on record. Bayous and miry roads, threatened with momentary inundations, obstructed your progress. All these were over-come by unceasing labor and unflagging energy. The two thousand feet of bridging which was hastily improvised out of materials created on the spot, and over which you passed, must long be remembered as a marvel. Descending the Mississippi still lowe
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 214
. Resuming the advance the same day, you pushed on until Pyou came up to the enemy near Port Gibson. Only restrained by the darkness of the night, you hastened to attack him on the morning of the first of May, and by vigorously pressing him at all points, drove him from his position, taking a large number of prisoners and small arms, and five pieces of cannon. General Logan's division came up in time to gallantly share in consummating the most valuable victory won since the capture of Fort Donelson. Taking the lead on the morning of the second, you were the first to enter Port Gibson, and to hasten the retreat of the enemy from the vicinity of that place. During the ensuing night, as a consequence of the victory at Port Gibson, the enemy spiked his guns at Grand Gulf, and evacuated that place, retiring upon Vicksburgh and Edwards's Station. The fall of Grand Gulf was solely the result of the victory achieved by the land forces at Port Gibson. The armament and public stores ca
Milliken's Bend (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 214
ud to congratulate you upon your constancy, valor, and success. History affords no more brilliant example of soldierly qualities. Your victories have followed in such rapid succession that their echoes have not yet reached the country. They will challenge its grateful and enthusiastic applause. Yourselves striking out a new path, your comrades of the army of Tennessee followed, and a way was thus opened for them to redeem previous disappointments. Your march through Louisiana, from Milliken's Bend to New-Carthage and Perkins's plantation, on the Mississippi River, is one of the most remarkable on record. Bayous and miry roads, threatened with momentary inundations, obstructed your progress. All these were over-come by unceasing labor and unflagging energy. The two thousand feet of bridging which was hastily improvised out of materials created on the spot, and over which you passed, must long be remembered as a marvel. Descending the Mississippi still lower, you were the fir
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