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Greenbrier (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 53
, one hundred and six horses, five mules, burned and destroyed by fire about two hundred Enfield and Mississippi rifles, fifty sabres, with other accoutrements, five wagons, also, blankets, clothing, harness, saddles, bridles, and other stores and supplies, and their camp-tents, etc. I had two horses killed in the attack on the enemy's camp, and lost ten on the march, from fatigue and exhaustion. The enemy was found three miles from the foot of Cold Knob Mountain, on Sinking Creek, Greenbrier County, Va., at Levis's Mill, and consisted of a part of five companies of cavalry, namely, Rockbridge cavalry, Braxton dragoons, Churchville cavalry, and Nighthawk Rangers. They were men who had been in service fifteen months, and were located at that point to guard the mountain pass, and to organize the Fourteenth Virginia cavalry, to be commanded by Major Bailey, and constituted a part of A. G. Jenkins's brigade. Our success was complete. We never lost a drop of blood. After securing
Augusta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 53
nd file, in good order, on the morning of the twenty-fourth of November, for Summerville, arriving there at ten P. M. the same day; distance fifty-three miles. Left Summerville next morning at seven o'clock, and arrived at the Hinkle farm at four P. M.--thirty-five miles--and being able to obtain some hay there, remained until feverity of the weather and hard marching, he wished to return to his camp at Summerville. I asked him to take the advance until we met the enemy's pickets, which heses, destroying camp, etc., we marched at four P. M. on the twenty-sixth for Summerville, where we arrived on the twenty-seventh, at noon, making one hundred and tweer the most mountainous and rugged part of Western Virginia. We remained in Summerville until the twenty-ninth; left for Camp Piatt, and arrived in camp on the thirat noon. My men suffered severely from frost. I left two men in hospital at Summerville, whose boots were cut from their feet; other were more or less frozen. My h
Enfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 53
ng one. Colonel Lane at once opened his ranks and gave us the road. We pushed rapidly into the enemy's camp, a distance of some miles, effecting a complete surprise at twelve o'clock M., the enemy scattering in all directions. We killed two, wounded two, paroled one, captured two commissioned officers, (one captain and one second lieutenant,) one hundred and eleven noncommissioned officers and privates, one hundred and six horses, five mules, burned and destroyed by fire about two hundred Enfield and Mississippi rifles, fifty sabres, with other accoutrements, five wagons, also, blankets, clothing, harness, saddles, bridles, and other stores and supplies, and their camp-tents, etc. I had two horses killed in the attack on the enemy's camp, and lost ten on the march, from fatigue and exhaustion. The enemy was found three miles from the foot of Cold Knob Mountain, on Sinking Creek, Greenbrier County, Va., at Levis's Mill, and consisted of a part of five companies of cavalry, namely
Greenbrier (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 53
volunteer cavalry, in all four hundred and seventy-five men rank and file, in good order, on the morning of the twenty-fourth of November, for Summerville, arriving there at ten P. M. the same day; distance fifty-three miles. Left Summerville next morning at seven o'clock, and arrived at the Hinkle farm at four P. M.--thirty-five miles--and being able to obtain some hay there, remained until four o'clock A. M., twenty-sixth, when we took up the line of march, in a blinding snow-storm, for Greenbrier, via Cold Knob Mountain, where we arrived at ten o'clock A. M., same day — distance twenty miles. Met Col. lane's Eleventh O. V. I., who was to assist us in breaking up a camp of rebels at the foot of the mountain, but on account of the severity of the weather and hard marching, he wished to return to his camp at Summerville. I asked him to take the advance until we met the enemy's pickets, which he did, and in about one mile exchanged shots with the enemy's scouts, wounding one. Colonel
West Virginia (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 53
ia cavalry, to be commanded by Major Bailey, and constituted a part of A. G. Jenkins's brigade. Our success was complete. We never lost a drop of blood. After securing prisoners and horses, destroying camp, etc., we marched at four P. M. on the twenty-sixth for Summerville, where we arrived on the twenty-seventh, at noon, making one hundred and twenty miles for men and horses, with-out food or rest, except one feed of hay for the horses, over the most mountainous and rugged part of Western Virginia. We remained in Summerville until the twenty-ninth; left for Camp Piatt, and arrived in camp on the thirtieth, at noon. My men suffered severely from frost. I left two men in hospital at Summerville, whose boots were cut from their feet; other were more or less frozen. My horses were very much cut down. I cannot close this report without deservedly complimenting officers and men; but where all behaved so gallantly it is impossible to particularize. But all honor is due Major Powe
Rockbridge (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 53
d Mississippi rifles, fifty sabres, with other accoutrements, five wagons, also, blankets, clothing, harness, saddles, bridles, and other stores and supplies, and their camp-tents, etc. I had two horses killed in the attack on the enemy's camp, and lost ten on the march, from fatigue and exhaustion. The enemy was found three miles from the foot of Cold Knob Mountain, on Sinking Creek, Greenbrier County, Va., at Levis's Mill, and consisted of a part of five companies of cavalry, namely, Rockbridge cavalry, Braxton dragoons, Churchville cavalry, and Nighthawk Rangers. They were men who had been in service fifteen months, and were located at that point to guard the mountain pass, and to organize the Fourteenth Virginia cavalry, to be commanded by Major Bailey, and constituted a part of A. G. Jenkins's brigade. Our success was complete. We never lost a drop of blood. After securing prisoners and horses, destroying camp, etc., we marched at four P. M. on the twenty-sixth for Summe
Churchville, Augusta county, Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 53
h other accoutrements, five wagons, also, blankets, clothing, harness, saddles, bridles, and other stores and supplies, and their camp-tents, etc. I had two horses killed in the attack on the enemy's camp, and lost ten on the march, from fatigue and exhaustion. The enemy was found three miles from the foot of Cold Knob Mountain, on Sinking Creek, Greenbrier County, Va., at Levis's Mill, and consisted of a part of five companies of cavalry, namely, Rockbridge cavalry, Braxton dragoons, Churchville cavalry, and Nighthawk Rangers. They were men who had been in service fifteen months, and were located at that point to guard the mountain pass, and to organize the Fourteenth Virginia cavalry, to be commanded by Major Bailey, and constituted a part of A. G. Jenkins's brigade. Our success was complete. We never lost a drop of blood. After securing prisoners and horses, destroying camp, etc., we marched at four P. M. on the twenty-sixth for Summerville, where we arrived on the twenty
Cold Knob Mountain (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 53
ock, and arrived at the Hinkle farm at four P. M.--thirty-five miles--and being able to obtain some hay there, remained until four o'clock A. M., twenty-sixth, when we took up the line of march, in a blinding snow-storm, for Greenbrier, via Cold Knob Mountain, where we arrived at ten o'clock A. M., same day — distance twenty miles. Met Col. lane's Eleventh O. V. I., who was to assist us in breaking up a camp of rebels at the foot of the mountain, but on account of the severity of the weather anddles, bridles, and other stores and supplies, and their camp-tents, etc. I had two horses killed in the attack on the enemy's camp, and lost ten on the march, from fatigue and exhaustion. The enemy was found three miles from the foot of Cold Knob Mountain, on Sinking Creek, Greenbrier County, Va., at Levis's Mill, and consisted of a part of five companies of cavalry, namely, Rockbridge cavalry, Braxton dragoons, Churchville cavalry, and Nighthawk Rangers. They were men who had been in servi
e marched at four P. M. on the twenty-sixth for Summerville, where we arrived on the twenty-seventh, at noon, making one hundred and twenty miles for men and horses, with-out food or rest, except one feed of hay for the horses, over the most mountainous and rugged part of Western Virginia. We remained in Summerville until the twenty-ninth; left for Camp Piatt, and arrived in camp on the thirtieth, at noon. My men suffered severely from frost. I left two men in hospital at Summerville, whose boots were cut from their feet; other were more or less frozen. My horses were very much cut down. I cannot close this report without deservedly complimenting officers and men; but where all behaved so gallantly it is impossible to particularize. But all honor is due Major Powell, who led the charge, and company G, Capt. McMahon, who led the column. I have the honor to by your obedient servant, J. C. Paxton, Colonel Commanding Second Virginia Volunteer Cavalry. E. F. Gillen, Adjutant.
J. C. Paxton (search for this): chapter 53
Doc. 49.-expedition to cold Knob, Va. Colonel Paxton's report. headquarters Second Virginia volunteer cavalry, camp Piatt, December 2, 1862. Captain R. P. Kennedy, Asst. Adjt.-Gen., First Division Kanawha, George Cook, Brig.-General Commanding: sir: In obedience to your orders, I my command, consisting of companies G, I, F, A, K, D, E, and H, Second Virginia volunteer cavalry, in all four hundred and seventy-five men rank and file, in good order, on the morning of the twenty-fourthots were cut from their feet; other were more or less frozen. My horses were very much cut down. I cannot close this report without deservedly complimenting officers and men; but where all behaved so gallantly it is impossible to particularize. But all honor is due Major Powell, who led the charge, and company G, Capt. McMahon, who led the column. I have the honor to by your obedient servant, J. C. Paxton, Colonel Commanding Second Virginia Volunteer Cavalry. E. F. Gillen, Adjutant.
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