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Browsing named entities in a specific section of HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks). Search the whole document.

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Jonas Dixon (search for this): chapter 12
dley. Samuel Hadley. Benjamin Hall. Benjamin Hall, jun. Ephraim Hall. Andrew Hall. John B. Fitch. And. Blanchard and A. Winship. Timothy Dexter. Caleb and Simon Blanchard. Jane Hall. Ebenezer Hall, jun. John Blanchard & James Floyd. Tab. Blanchard & J. Gleason. Ebenezer Hall, 4th. Samuel Coverly. Richard Hall. Parker and Watson. Joseph Pratt. J. Pratt and M. Tufts. Jos. P. Hall. Stephen Hall. Thomas Hadley. James Convers. Jonas Dixon. Duncan Ingraham. John C. Jones. John Walker and Jos. Tysick. Joanna Kidder. Samuel Kidder. Abner Peirce. Thomas Learned. William Lowder. John Leathe. Jude Symonds. David Osgood. Josiah Polly. Jonathan Porter. Isaac Pratt. Thomas Hewes. Benjamin Reed. Peter Tufts. James Tufts. G. Williams & Dan. Farrington. William Bucknum. Sam. Hall and John Greenleaf. J. Bannister & Lucy Pritchard. Jeduthan Richardson. Joshua Symonds.
Isaac Tufts (search for this): chapter 12
eter Tufts. James Tufts. G. Williams & Dan. Farrington. William Bucknum. Sam. Hall and John Greenleaf. J. Bannister & Lucy Pritchard. Jeduthan Richardson. Joshua Symonds. John Symmes. Josiah Symmes. Ebenezer Symonds. Thomas Savel. Daniel Symonds. Samuel Thompson. Samuel Teal. Samuel Teal. Samuel Tufts, jun. Abigail Tarbutt. Benjamin Tufts. Gershom Tufts. Benjamin Tufts, jun. Jacob Tufts. Hutchinson Tufts. Peter Tufts. Isaac Tufts. Daniel Tufts. Jonathan Tufts. Ebenezer Tufts. James Tufts. Gershom Teal. Watts Turner. Hutchinson Tufts, jun. Eleazer Usher. Nathaniel Watts. Ebenezer Williams. Isaac Warren. Gardner Greenleaf. Joseph Wyman. James Wyman. John Wade. Convers Francis. John Mead and John Williams. ----Webster. Joseph Wyman. Benj. Pratt and----Brown. Isaac Greenleaf and H. Popkins. John Wright. Jonathan Godden. John Hall and Joseph Tufts.
Josiah Symmes (search for this): chapter 12
John C. Jones. John Walker and Jos. Tysick. Joanna Kidder. Samuel Kidder. Abner Peirce. Thomas Learned. William Lowder. John Leathe. Jude Symonds. David Osgood. Josiah Polly. Jonathan Porter. Isaac Pratt. Thomas Hewes. Benjamin Reed. Peter Tufts. James Tufts. G. Williams & Dan. Farrington. William Bucknum. Sam. Hall and John Greenleaf. J. Bannister & Lucy Pritchard. Jeduthan Richardson. Joshua Symonds. John Symmes. Josiah Symmes. Ebenezer Symonds. Thomas Savel. Daniel Symonds. Samuel Thompson. Samuel Teal. Samuel Teal. Samuel Tufts, jun. Abigail Tarbutt. Benjamin Tufts. Gershom Tufts. Benjamin Tufts, jun. Jacob Tufts. Hutchinson Tufts. Peter Tufts. Isaac Tufts. Daniel Tufts. Jonathan Tufts. Ebenezer Tufts. James Tufts. Gershom Teal. Watts Turner. Hutchinson Tufts, jun. Eleazer Usher. Nathaniel Watts. Ebenezer Williams. Isaac Warren.
Robert Cresson (search for this): chapter 12
rd030041014 Benjamin Weber030041004 Jonathan Weber030041004 William Benford030000012 John Atwood030000004 John Tufts060041000 Joseph Francis030013000 Stephen Greenleaf060044028 Richard Waite030094010 Jacob Polly030024009 Samuel Turner030039000 Oliver Atwood030019004 Joseph Weber030000000 Ebenezer Francis030000000 John Fossit030020005 Enoch Greenleaf060000004 John Stimson030000000 William Patten, jun.030041000 Ebenezer Brooks, jun.0300911000 Stephen Hall, jun.030083000 Robert Cresson030000000 Daniel Paine030000000 Jonathan Hall, jun.030000005 Thomas Phillebrown030041000 Samuel Bradshaw030017000 Stephen Bradshaw030000000 William Watsen030037005 Jonathan Watsen060049004 Thomas Dill030000000 Jonathan Polly030024004 Jonathan Tufts030000000 Stephen Patten030000000 Eliot Patten030000000 William Hall030000000 Edward Hall030000000 John Elder030024004 William Pelam030024004 William Waite030000000 Deacon Jacob Parker030024000 Thomas Graves030036013 Ebenezer
Isaac Greenleaf (search for this): chapter 12
. John Cutter. Miles S. Wilson. Jonathan Dunham. Aaron Crowell. William Earl. Deborah Francis. Sarah Fulton. Henry Fowle. Benjamin Floyd. Benjamin Floyd, jun. Isaac Floyd. John Fowl. Gardner Greenleaf. Isaac Greenleaf. Edmund T. Gates. Ebenezer Hall. Natll. Hall and Susan Patten. Willis Hall. Abigail Hadley. Samuel Hadley. Benjamin Hall. Benjamin Hall, jun. Ephraim Hall. Andrew Hall. John B. Fitch. And. Blanchard and A. WinNathaniel Watts. Ebenezer Williams. Isaac Warren. Gardner Greenleaf. Joseph Wyman. James Wyman. John Wade. Convers Francis. John Mead and John Williams. ----Webster. Joseph Wyman. Benj. Pratt and----Brown. Isaac Greenleaf and H. Popkins. John Wright. Jonathan Godden. John Hall and Joseph Tufts. Francis Wait. James Kidder. The inhabitants occupied one hundred and thirty-six houses, which were valued at $74,032.80; making an average value of $
Nathaniel Peirce (search for this): chapter 12
Jonathan Tufts01910 Stephen Willis, jun.068 Stephen Hall, sen.066 Serg. Stephen Willis114 Ebenezer Brooks0178 Samuel Brooks01010 Mr. Richard Rookes070 Mrs. Elizabeth Wade0189 Parcill Hall066 George Blanchard036 Jacob Shepherd0130 Nathaniel Peirce026 James Tufts045 Timothy Prout016 Mr. Thomas Swan018 John Tufts024 Mr. Joseph Prout0010 Francis Whitmore040 Benjamin Marble026 James Wright026 William Merroe026 Thomas Miler026 Mathew Miler025 William Walden026 Thomas Clark026 070 Nathaniel Wilson0100094011 Samuel Wade01000192069 John Tufts0000156000 Stephen Willis, jun.0100170090 John Willis01400150080 Thomas Dill01000111039 Nathaniel Hall100046000 Thomas Willis, jun.0100060060 Benjamin Peirce0100054010 Nathaniel Peirce0100060027 William Willis0100011064 Jonathan Hall0100080057 Stephen Hall10001620120 Pacifall Hall01000150069 Samuel Polly100030016 Jonathan Blanchard000030000 Richard Belsher000039000 Peter Seecomb2000159083 Ebenezer Nutting010001200
Spencer Bucknam (search for this): chapter 12
e following taxes testify. In 1781, Medford paid £ 1,177. 10s.; in 1786, £ 1,016. 5s.; in 1791, £ 88. 6s. 11d. Ratable polls in Medford (1784) were 223. List of occupiers of houses, in 1798, who are taxed for more than $100:-- Samuel Albree. Asa Adams. Benjamin Hovey. Benjamin Teal. Caleb Brooks. John Bishop. Abigail Bishop. Samuel Swan. Ebenezer Thompson. Nathan Wait. Thomas Bradshaw, jun. Nathaniel Mead. Zachariah Shed. Leonard Bucknam. Spencer Bucknam. John Bacon. Abigail Brooks and Rufus Frost. John Brooks and Mary Patten. John Brooks. Jethro Townsend. Caleb Brooks, jun. Thomas Brooks. S. Buel and Augustus Hunt. Thomas Bradshaw. Andrew Blanchard. Timothy Newell. Hezekiah Blanchard, jun. Ruth Benford. Jonathan Brooks. William Bradbury. Francis Burns. Marah Billings. Hezekiah Blanchard. David Bucknam. John Chadwick. John Cutter. Miles S. Wilson. Jonathan Dunham. Aar
Jonathan Hall (search for this): chapter 12
state.  £s.d.£s.d.£s.d. Captain Ebenezer Brooks090110099 Mr. John Bradshaw0600123039 Deacon John Whitmore030070013 John Richerson, Esq.0300820110 Captain Samuel Brooks0300188084 Captain Samuel Wade0600176030 Thomas Tufts, Esq.0000184047 Mr. Peter Seccombe0900140094 Mr. John Willis0300168067 Lieutenant Stephen Hall0300140034 Deacon Thomas Hall0300122028 Deacon Thomas Willis0600115019 Mr. Francis Whitmore0300144033 Mr. John Whitmore0600168040 Mr. William Patten0300510010 Mr. Jonathan Hall0300940211 Dr. Simon Tufts0300123035 Mr. William Willis0300114017 Mr. Benjamin Willis0300143059 Mr. John Albree03009110110 Mr. John Hall030078043 Mr. Andrew Hall0300820311 Mr. Thomas Oakes0600188020 Joseph Tufts0300156077 John Bradshaw, jun.060094021 Jonathan Bradshaw0300106020 Nathaniel Hall0300940011 Nathaniel Francis030096013 Stephen Francis030040004 Samuel Polly030041004 Benjamin Tufts0600510012 Aaron Blanchard030041014 Benjamin Weber030041004 Jonathan Weber0300410
Jonathan Porter (search for this): chapter 12
Jonas Dixon. Duncan Ingraham. John C. Jones. John Walker and Jos. Tysick. Joanna Kidder. Samuel Kidder. Abner Peirce. Thomas Learned. William Lowder. John Leathe. Jude Symonds. David Osgood. Josiah Polly. Jonathan Porter. Isaac Pratt. Thomas Hewes. Benjamin Reed. Peter Tufts. James Tufts. G. Williams & Dan. Farrington. William Bucknum. Sam. Hall and John Greenleaf. J. Bannister & Lucy Pritchard. Jeduthan Richardson. Joshua Syoot of Rock Hill, at the West End, and sometimes called the Rock Hill Tavern. Among its keepers were Messrs. Usher, Wesson, Frost, and Putnam. It was a favorite resort for teamsters, and gained great popularity. The new house, built by Mr. Jonathan Porter in the market-place, was opened as a tavern, but did not long continue as such. The Medford house, standing on the north-east corner of Main and Spring Streets, and now the only public-house in the town, was built by Mr. Andrew Blanchar
Marah Billings (search for this): chapter 12
Ebenezer Thompson. Nathan Wait. Thomas Bradshaw, jun. Nathaniel Mead. Zachariah Shed. Leonard Bucknam. Spencer Bucknam. John Bacon. Abigail Brooks and Rufus Frost. John Brooks and Mary Patten. John Brooks. Jethro Townsend. Caleb Brooks, jun. Thomas Brooks. S. Buel and Augustus Hunt. Thomas Bradshaw. Andrew Blanchard. Timothy Newell. Hezekiah Blanchard, jun. Ruth Benford. Jonathan Brooks. William Bradbury. Francis Burns. Marah Billings. Hezekiah Blanchard. David Bucknam. John Chadwick. John Cutter. Miles S. Wilson. Jonathan Dunham. Aaron Crowell. William Earl. Deborah Francis. Sarah Fulton. Henry Fowle. Benjamin Floyd. Benjamin Floyd, jun. Isaac Floyd. John Fowl. Gardner Greenleaf. Isaac Greenleaf. Edmund T. Gates. Ebenezer Hall. Natll. Hall and Susan Patten. Willis Hall. Abigail Hadley. Samuel Hadley. Benjamin Hall. Benjamin Hall, jun. Ephraim H
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