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The entities that appear most frequently in this document are shown below.
Entity | Max. Freq | Min. Freq | ||
Fitzhugh Lee | 706 | 4 | Browse | Search |
Ulysses S. Grant | 570 | 8 | Browse | Search |
William Tecumseh Sherman | 536 | 12 | Browse | Search |
William T. Sherman | 508 | 0 | Browse | Search |
John B. Hood | 437 | 13 | Browse | Search |
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) | 373 | 5 | Browse | Search |
Joseph E. Johnston | 252 | 0 | Browse | Search |
U. S. Grant | 230 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Hancock | 217 | 3 | Browse | Search |
Washington (United States) | 213 | 1 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). Search the whole document.
Found 450 total hits in 89 results.
Jericho Mills (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
Todd's Tavern (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
Pamunkey (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
Yellow Tavern (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
Taylor's Bridge (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
Po River (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
North Anna (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
Spotsylvania and the bloody angle
Quarles' mill, North Anna river — the goal after Spotsylvania
But to Spotsylvania history will accord the palm, I your horses : one of the grim jokes of war as played at Chesterfield bridge, North Anna
The sign posted by the local authorities at Taylor's bridge, where the Tel ond, where Lee's strong V formation held it from further advance. to the North Anna River.
On the 20th of May the march was resumed.
The men had suffered great ha rossing of the North Anna by the Federals.
The undisputed crossing at North Anna: three views of the pontoon-bridge laid for the cross of the corps of Warren lled and wounded, and five hundred prisoners.
The undisputed crossing at North Anna: the old Jericho Mill on North bank; the Gentry house is on the eminence abov e ammunition train approaches the pontoon bridge
The undisputed crossing at North Anna: the old Jericho Mill on North bank; the Gentry house is on the eminence abov
Hanovertown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5