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The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 4: The Cavalry (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 140 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 4: The Cavalry (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). You can also browse the collection for S. S. Grant or search for S. S. Grant in all documents.

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Sheridan on his Richmond raid in May, 1864, in the course of which Stuart met his death, and they were still on duty with Grant at Appomattox. that difference with the mother country, further demonstrated the value of the dual armament of saber an upon to help take care of the horses, until their departure for the front. This photograph was taken in May, 1864, when Grant and Lee were grappling in the Wilderness and at Spottsylvania, only seventy miles distant. The inspection of horses for rgreed, it was difficult to oppose the frequent raids of the enemy on communications and supply trains. Ultimately, Generals Grant and Rosecrans initiated a system of cavalry concentration under Granger and Stanley, and greater efficiency became main which the South lost the brilliant and resourceful Stuart, and the harassing flank attacks on Lee's army in advance of Grant's infantry, which, ending in the campaign at Appomattox, simultaneously with Wilson's successful Selma raid, marked Th
ain Landing on the Potomac lay a chief base of supplies for Grant's armies in the spring of 1864. On April 4th Sheridan had o protect the flanks and front of the infantry. On May 7th Grant's army advanced with a view to taking Spotsylvania Court Hos senior that he could whip Stuart if allowed to do so. General Grant determined to give Sheridan the opportunity that he soud war-ridden fields, as the army advances on Richmond under Grant. While the infantry lay snug in winter-quarters, the troopps. It was Van Dorn's capture of Holly Springs that forced Grant to abandon his overland march against Vicksburg and return allowed of their being carried at the Cavalry stables at Grant's headquarters, city Point, in 1864 City Point was GrantGrant's base of supplies during the operations about Petersburg, in 1864. Sheridan at last was handling his cavalry as a separatecM. Gregg was in command of the cavalry which remained with Grant. The First Massachusetts, First New Jersey, Tenth New York
the north side of the Appomattox River only two days before Lee's surrender to Grant. stationed too far to the front to receive aid from the rest of the regiment,ow, in the order of time, the Wilderness campaign which opened May 4, 1864. General Grant's object was to interpose his army between Lee and Richmond. Sheridan, witle for bare existence, until at Appomattox the large-hearted Lee pointed out to Grant that the only mounts left to the Confederacy were those that his men were actuadays, but the result was the withdrawal of Sheridan's forces, and his rejoining Grant. General Grant, in his Memoirs, states of this withdrawal that Sheridan went bGeneral Grant, in his Memoirs, states of this withdrawal that Sheridan went back because the enemy had taken possession of a crossing by which he proposed to go west,.and because he heard that Hunter was not at Charlottesville. In Septembetle to Lee's starving soldiers. On the 17th, General B. F. Butler informed General Grant that three brigades of Hampton's cavalry turned our left and captured about
heir plans. It was Van Dorn's capture at Holly Springs that caused Grant's first failure against Vicksburg. It was not until after the surrerates successfully to defend the city. When, early in 1864, General Grant gave Sheridan the long hoped for opportunity to whip Stuart, aned an opportunity to cut loose from the main army, drawing off from Grant's flanks and rear the enterprising and oftentimes dangerous ConfedeMay 17th, the raiding force began its retrograde movement to rejoin Grant, which was successfully accomplished on the 24th near Chesterfield men killed, wounded, and captured, and three hundred horses. General Grant describes the results attained in this famous raid as follows: n days to the very gates of Richmond, Sheridan and his men rejoined Grant near Chesterfield Station. The photographer caught the returning c Lee's lines of supply, and to draw off the Southern cavalry during Grant's movement forward by the left flank, following his unsuccessful at
n days Seventeen hundred men who marched 600 miles in sixteen days, from Vicksburg to Baton Rouge. On April 17, 1863, Grant despatched Grierson on a raid from LaGrange, Tennessee, southward as a means of diverting attention from his own movementustly proud of having executed one of the most thoroughly successful feats in the entire war. It was highly important, if Grant was to carry out his maneuver of crossing the Mississippi at Grand Gulf and advance upon Vicksburg from the south, that Pcavalry interfered with the movements of a much larger force. It was Van Dorn, the Confederate cavalryman, who had upset Grant's calculations four months before. Meanwhile Grierson had continued his raid with less than one thousand horsemen, btroying miles of railroad, telegraph, and other property; but most of all, he distracted the Confederates' attention from Grant's operations against Vicksburg at the critical time when the latter was preparing to cross the Mississippi River near Gra
n December 17th Forrest, with three thousand men, was sent into western Tennessee to destroy the railroads in the rear of Grant's army in western Tennessee and northern Mississippi. Morgan with two brigades, Duke's and Breckinridge's, thirty-nine h they were destroyed by the Confederates, and when the Army of Northern Virginia shot its weight in men from the ranks of Grant's army in the fearful campaign of 1864, the ranks were as constantly replenished. In the wake of the raiders stirruprailroad bridge across the Cumberland, 1864: gates ready to be shut against the Confederates By all means, telegraphed Grant to Thomas, avoid a foot-race to see which, you or Hood, can beat to the Ohio. This was the voicing of the Union general'umberland, but it proved that only a small detachment had been sent out to reconnoiter — sufficient, however, to occasion Grant's telegram. Note the huge gates at the end of the bridge ready to be rushed shut in a moment. The valley of the Cumbe
es. He followed Lee's army into Pennsylvania in June, 1863, and worried the flanks of the Federal army as it moved southward after Gettysburg. In January, 1864, he was repulsed in a night attack on Harper's Ferry; in May he harassed the rear of Grant's army as it advanced on Fredericksburg; a little later he made a long raid into Maryland, and in August he surprised and captured Sheridan's entire supply-train near Berryville. In September he was wounded at Falls Church, but the following monore & Ohio Railroad tracks, destroyed rolling-stock, and made a prisoner of Brigadier-General Alfred Duffie. In December, 1864, he was promoted to be a colonel, and at the close of the war was paroled by the intercession of no less a person than Grant himself. along a cross-road which afforded the only avenue of escape. Nevertheless, Ashby made a dash for freedom. Vaulting into the saddle, the daring rider raced to beat the foremost Union trooper to the open road. Sergeant Pierson, who wa
ies along their lines of communication, to guard against the impending raids of the Confederate cavalry. The destruction of the bridge in this photograph, part of Grant's line of communication in the Wilderness campaign, would have delayed his movements for days and have compelled him to detach a strong body to recapture the railrtwo boys at the left of the picture seem hardly old enough to be real soldiers. The tangle of underbrush along the banks suggest the mazes of the Wilderness where Grant was baffled in his overland campaign. Outposts and cavalry pickets. An army on the march is protected from surprise and annoyance by advance, rear, and farmy's movements. The troopers are guarding the evacuation of Port Royal on the Rappahannock, May 30, 1864. After the reverse to the Union arms at Spottsylvania, Grant ordered the change of base from the Rappahannock to McClellan's former starting-point, White House on the Pamunkey. The control of the waterways, combined with Sh
n. Sterner work awaits the troopers after this peaceful maneuver. Grant needs every man to screen his infantry in its attempt to outflank tay was approximately seven thousand men all told. For another week Grant made partial attacks all along the line, but Lee's veterans withstood every onset. In two weeks Grant lost thirty-six thousand men. The Fifth Corps bore the brunt of much of the heavy work. One can imagine Horses that carried the orders of the General-in-chief: waiting on Grant at Bethesda church, June, 1864. Crack horses were a first requisite for Grant's staff, escort, and couriers. This photograph shows several at Bethseda Church, the little Virginia meeting-house where the ssion commanders. Brigadier-General John A. Rawlins was the chief. Grant's instructions to his staff showed the value that he placed upon celar cavalry. These men and boys formed part of the escort of General Grant during the Appomattox campaign. The same companies (B, F, and
ne is typical of the times. The reorganized Federal cavalry was proving of the greatest help to Grant in locating the enemy, particularly ahead of the main column as in the case of the fight at Old Church. In Grant's advance toward Richmond from North Anna, Sheridan's cavalry corps served as an advance guard. Torbert and Gregg with the First and Second Divisions formed the guard for the left tober. The black shame of war spread over the valley and rose in the smoke from burning barns. Grant had resolved that Shenandoah should no longer be allowed to act as a granary for the armies of t Appomattox. One more cavalry exploit, the capture of Lee's provision trains by Sheridan, which Grant in his delicacy did not reveal to the stricken commander, and the cavalry operations are over. tions of that remarkable army, now under the direction of the inexorable Grant. After joining Grant in front of Petersburg on March 27, 1865, Sheridan received instruction from his chief to move w