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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). Search the whole document.
Found 22 total hits in 10 results.
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 8.71
Chicago (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 8.71
Book notices.
The Southern student's hand book of selections for reading and oratory. By John G. James, Superintendent Texas Military Institute. New York, Chicago and New Orleans: A. S. Barnes & Co.
We are indebted to the publishers for a copy of this book, and, despite.
the edict of Senator Blaine (one of the heroic gentlemen who were invisible in war and are now invincible in peace ), we most cordially commend it. to our schools and families.
It is emphatically a Southern book, designed for Southern youth, and made of selections from Southern authors.
And yet the charge that it is so sectional as to keep alive the bitter memories of the war, and sow seed which may ripen into a future rebellion, is utterly false, as any candid man may see by reference to the book itself.
It does teach that the men who fought for Southern independence were not rebels or traitors, but as pure patriots as the world ever saw. Yet on the other hand, it teaches a full acceptance of the sit
Texas (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 8.71
Book notices.
The Southern student's hand book of selections for reading and oratory. By John G. James, Superintendent Texas Military Institute. New York, Chicago and New Orleans: A. S. Barnes & Co.
We are indebted to the publishers for a copy of this book, and, despite.
the edict of Senator Blaine (one of the heroic gentlemen who were invisible in war and are now invincible in peace ), we most cordially commend it. to our schools and families.
It is emphatically a Southern book, designed for Southern youth, and made of selections from Southern authors.
And yet the charge that it is so sectional as to keep alive the bitter memories of the war, and sow seed which may ripen into a future rebellion, is utterly false, as any candid man may see by reference to the book itself.
It does teach that the men who fought for Southern independence were not rebels or traitors, but as pure patriots as the world ever saw. Yet on the other hand, it teaches a full acceptance of the sit
John Esten Cooke (search for this): chapter 8.71
Harper (search for this): chapter 8.71
Blaine (search for this): chapter 8.71
Alexander Robert Chisolm (search for this): chapter 8.71
A. S. Barnes (search for this): chapter 8.71
Book notices.
The Southern student's hand book of selections for reading and oratory. By John G. James, Superintendent Texas Military Institute. New York, Chicago and New Orleans: A. S. Barnes & Co.
We are indebted to the publishers for a copy of this book, and, despite.
the edict of Senator Blaine (one of the heroic gentlemen who were invisible in war and are now invincible in peace ), we most cordially commend it. to our schools and families.
It is emphatically a Southern book, dgment, rare discretion and fine literary taste, and has produced a book which deserves, as it will no doubt have, a wide circulation.
The type, paper, binding and general make up are in the usual good style of the great publishing house of A. S. Barnes & Co.
Stories of the old Dominion. By Colonel John Esten Cooke. New York: Harper & Brothers.
This is a charming book, designed for children and admirably fulfilling its design, but of deep interest to grown people as well.
We learn t
E. L. Drake (search for this): chapter 8.71
John G. James (search for this): chapter 8.71
Book notices.
The Southern student's hand book of selections for reading and oratory. By John G. James, Superintendent Texas Military Institute. New York, Chicago and New Orleans: A. S. Barnes & Co.
We are indebted to the publishers for a copy of this book, and, despite.
the edict of Senator Blaine (one of the heroic gentlemen who were invisible in war and are now invincible in peace ), we most cordially commend it. to our schools and families.
It is emphatically a Southern book, this book teaches obedience to the constitution and laws of the land.
If we find here and there a selection which a more rigid standard of excellence would have excluded, and miss some which we would have expected to find, yet it is due to Colonel James to say that he has performed his delicate task with sound judgment, rare discretion and fine literary taste, and has produced a book which deserves, as it will no doubt have, a wide circulation.
The type, paper, binding and general make up