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Entity | Max. Freq | Min. Freq | ||
W. J. Hardee | 426 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Cleburne | 334 | 18 | Browse | Search |
W. T. Sherman | 301 | 1 | Browse | Search |
R. E. Lee | 278 | 0 | Browse | Search |
J. B. Hood | 267 | 1 | Browse | Search |
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) | 182 | 2 | Browse | Search |
A. P. Hill | 175 | 31 | Browse | Search |
J. Longstreet | 148 | 0 | Browse | Search |
William J. Hardee | 145 | 1 | Browse | Search |
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) | 143 | 7 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). Search the whole document.
Found 272 total hits in 62 results.
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.41
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.41
Grahamville (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.41
Winnsboro (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.41
Columbia (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.41
The burning of Columbia, South Carolina-report of the Committee of citizens appointed to collect t marked the progress of the invading army from Columbia through this State to its northern frontier, rritory of the State up to Columbia, and from Columbia to the North Carolina border, was one continu d the town or its citizens.
The surrender of Columbia was made by the Mayor and aldermen to the fir ock P. M. General Sherman in person rode into Columbia, informed the Mayor that his letter had been nding in great awe of their officers.
That Columbia was burned by the soldiers of General Sherman neral Sherman's offer to give us any house in Columbia we might choose for a convent.
We have thoug e town was in flames, ascribed the burning of Columbia to the intoxication of his soldiers and to no ily intercourse with all classes in and about Columbia, high and low, rich and poor, male and female d incidents connected with the destruction of Columbia to present only an absract of the numerous de
[14 more...]
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.41
The burning of Columbia, South Carolina-report of the Committee of citizens appointed to collect testimony. By J. P. Carrol, Chairman.
[We have already published most conclusive proofs that General Sherman was responsible for the burning of Columbia; but the following report of the committee of citizens who thoroughly invest with the necessity of formal proof.
The forces of General Sherman's command while in Georgia seem to have anticipated that their next march would be through South Carolina.
Their temper and feeling toward our people, a witness, Mrs. L. Catherine Joyner, thus describes: The soldiers were universal in their threats.
They seemed words: Though General Sherman did not order the burning of the town, yet somehow or other the men had taken up the idea that if they destroyed the capital of South Carolina it would be peculiarly gratifying to General Sherman.
These were his words in the order in which I have set them forth.
I noted them down as having great si
Blackville (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.41
Gillisonville (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.41
Hardeeville (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.41
Salem, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.41