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O. N. Brown (search for this): chapter 5.44
s W. Mayhew, Joseph H. Saunders, James A. Weston. Adjutants: John M. Poteat, Spier Whitaker, Jr. Quartermasters: Joseph A. Engelhard, John M. Poteat, John R. Sudderth. Commissaries: J. A. Gibson, Robert A. Hauser. Surgeons: R. B. Baker, J. H. Shaffner, Ed. G. Higginbotham. Assistant Surgeons: J. H. Shaffner, John A. Vigal, J. L. McLean. Chaplain: T. J. Eatmon. Thirty-seventh regiment. Colonels: Charles C. Lee, William M. Barbour. Lieutenant-Colonels: William M. Barbour, John B. Ashcraft, William G. Morris. Majors: John G. Bryan, Charles N. Hickerson, William R. Rankin, John B. Ashcraft, William G. Morris, O. N. Brown, Jackson L. Bost. Adjutants: William T. Nicholson, David W. Oates. Quartermasters: Robert M. Oates, Miles P. Pegram. Commissaries: Herbert DeLambert Stowe, Miles P. Pegram. Surgeons: James Hickerson, George E. Trescot. Assistant Surgeons: J. W. Tracy, J. B. Alexander, G. B. Moffitt, Daniel McL. Graham. Chaplain: A. L. Stough.
W. H. A. Speers (search for this): chapter 5.44
History of Lane's brigade. (conclusion.) By General James H. Lane. Brigade commanders. This Brigade had only two regular commanders, General L. O'B. Branch, of North Carolina, and myself. General Branch commanded it from its organization until he was killed at Sharpsburg. I then took charge of it on the field and continued in command until the close of the war. When I was wounded, in the summer of 1864, it was temporarily commanded by Colonels John D. Barry and W. H. A. Speers, and Brigadier-General Conner. General Branch entered the service as Quartermaster-General of North Carolina, was appointed Colonel of the Thirty-third North Carolina Troops, and afterwards made Brigadier-General and put in command at Newberne. He was in command at Newberne in 1862, when it was attacked, and had charge of his brigade in all of its battles from its organization to Sharpsburg. He was a very gallant General, stood high in the estimation of his superior officers, and I often heard wo
Duncan McNeil (search for this): chapter 5.44
t Surgeons: William Ed. White, Alfred W. Wiseman, J. R. Fraley. Chaplain: M. M. Marshall. Eighteenth regiment. Colonels: James D. Radcliffe, Robert H. Cowan, Thomas J. Purdie, John D. Barry. Lieutenant-Colonels: O. P. Meares, Thomas J. Purdie, Forney George, John W. McGill. Majors: George Tait, Forney George, R. M. DeVane, John D. Barry, Thomas J. Wooten. Adjutants: Charles D. Myers, Samuel B. Walters, William H. McLaurin. Quartermaster: A. D. Cazaux. Commissaries: Duncan McNeil, Robert Tait. Surgeons: James A. Miller, John Tazwell Tyler, Thomas B. Lane. Assistant-Surgeons: Charles Lecesne, William Brower, Alexander Gordon, Simpson Russ. Chaplain: Colin Shaw. Twenty-eighth regiment. Colonels: James H. Lane, Samuel D. Lowe, William H. A. Speer. Lieutenant-Colonels: Thomas L. Lowe, Samuel D. Lowe, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer. Majors: Richard E. Reeves, Samuel D. Lowe, William J. Montgomery, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer
E. W. Herndon (search for this): chapter 5.44
ter of the field and staff from the organization of the brigade and regiment to the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. Brigadiers: L. O'B. Branch, James H. Lane. Aids: W. A Blount, Oscar Lane, J. Rooker Lane (acting), Everard B. Meade. A. A. Generals: W. E. Cannaday, Francis T. Hawks, George B. Johnston, Edward J. Hale, Jr. A. I. General: Ed. T. Nicholson. Ordinance Officer: James A. Bryan. Quartermasters: Joseph A. Engelhard, George S. Thompson, A. D. Cazaux (acting), E. W. Herndon. Commissaries: Daniel T. Carraway, Thomas Hall McKoy. Surgeons: James A. Miller, Robert Gibbon, J. F. McRee, Ed. G. Higginbotham, Wesley M. Campbell, George E. Trescot. Seventh regiment. Colonels: Reuben P. Campbell, Ed. Graham Haywood, William Lee Davidson. Lieutenant-Colonels: Ed. Graham Haywood, Junius L. Hill, Wm. Lee Davidson, J. McLeod Turner. Majors: Edward D. Hall, Junius L. Hill, Robert S. Young, Robert B. McRae, Wm. Lee Davidson, J. McLeod Turner, James G. Harri
Samuel B. Walters (search for this): chapter 5.44
ries: William H. Sanford, Thos. Hall McKoy. Surgeon: Wesley M. Campbell. Assistant Surgeons: William Ed. White, Alfred W. Wiseman, J. R. Fraley. Chaplain: M. M. Marshall. Eighteenth regiment. Colonels: James D. Radcliffe, Robert H. Cowan, Thomas J. Purdie, John D. Barry. Lieutenant-Colonels: O. P. Meares, Thomas J. Purdie, Forney George, John W. McGill. Majors: George Tait, Forney George, R. M. DeVane, John D. Barry, Thomas J. Wooten. Adjutants: Charles D. Myers, Samuel B. Walters, William H. McLaurin. Quartermaster: A. D. Cazaux. Commissaries: Duncan McNeil, Robert Tait. Surgeons: James A. Miller, John Tazwell Tyler, Thomas B. Lane. Assistant-Surgeons: Charles Lecesne, William Brower, Alexander Gordon, Simpson Russ. Chaplain: Colin Shaw. Twenty-eighth regiment. Colonels: James H. Lane, Samuel D. Lowe, William H. A. Speer. Lieutenant-Colonels: Thomas L. Lowe, Samuel D. Lowe, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer. Majors: Richard E. R
Everard B. Meade (search for this): chapter 5.44
le, as a token of respect for you as our commander, and high appreciation of your many gentlemanly and soldierly qualities. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Sam. D. Lowe, Colonel Commanding Twenty-eighth N. C. Regiment, and Chairman of Committee. Roster of the field and staff from the organization of the brigade and regiment to the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. Brigadiers: L. O'B. Branch, James H. Lane. Aids: W. A Blount, Oscar Lane, J. Rooker Lane (acting), Everard B. Meade. A. A. Generals: W. E. Cannaday, Francis T. Hawks, George B. Johnston, Edward J. Hale, Jr. A. I. General: Ed. T. Nicholson. Ordinance Officer: James A. Bryan. Quartermasters: Joseph A. Engelhard, George S. Thompson, A. D. Cazaux (acting), E. W. Herndon. Commissaries: Daniel T. Carraway, Thomas Hall McKoy. Surgeons: James A. Miller, Robert Gibbon, J. F. McRee, Ed. G. Higginbotham, Wesley M. Campbell, George E. Trescot. Seventh regiment. Colonels: Reuben P. Campbel
Edward T. Nicholson (search for this): chapter 5.44
ry respectfully, your obedient servant, Sam. D. Lowe, Colonel Commanding Twenty-eighth N. C. Regiment, and Chairman of Committee. Roster of the field and staff from the organization of the brigade and regiment to the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. Brigadiers: L. O'B. Branch, James H. Lane. Aids: W. A Blount, Oscar Lane, J. Rooker Lane (acting), Everard B. Meade. A. A. Generals: W. E. Cannaday, Francis T. Hawks, George B. Johnston, Edward J. Hale, Jr. A. I. General: Ed. T. Nicholson. Ordinance Officer: James A. Bryan. Quartermasters: Joseph A. Engelhard, George S. Thompson, A. D. Cazaux (acting), E. W. Herndon. Commissaries: Daniel T. Carraway, Thomas Hall McKoy. Surgeons: James A. Miller, Robert Gibbon, J. F. McRee, Ed. G. Higginbotham, Wesley M. Campbell, George E. Trescot. Seventh regiment. Colonels: Reuben P. Campbell, Ed. Graham Haywood, William Lee Davidson. Lieutenant-Colonels: Ed. Graham Haywood, Junius L. Hill, Wm. Lee Davidson, J. McL
William Lee Davidson (search for this): chapter 5.44
Gibbon, J. F. McRee, Ed. G. Higginbotham, Wesley M. Campbell, George E. Trescot. Seventh regiment. Colonels: Reuben P. Campbell, Ed. Graham Haywood, William Lee Davidson. Lieutenant-Colonels: Ed. Graham Haywood, Junius L. Hill, Wm. Lee Davidson, J. McLeod Turner. Majors: Edward D. Hall, Junius L. Hill, Robert S. Young, Wm. Lee Davidson, J. McLeod Turner. Majors: Edward D. Hall, Junius L. Hill, Robert S. Young, Robert B. McRae, Wm. Lee Davidson, J. McLeod Turner, James G. Harris. Adjutants: J. A. Cunningham, John E. Brown, Frank D. Stockton, Ives Smedes, John M. Pearson. Quartermasters; William A. Eliason, John Hughes. Commissaries: William H. Sanford, Thos. Hall McKoy. Surgeon: Wesley M. Campbell. Assistant Surgeons: WillWm. Lee Davidson, J. McLeod Turner, James G. Harris. Adjutants: J. A. Cunningham, John E. Brown, Frank D. Stockton, Ives Smedes, John M. Pearson. Quartermasters; William A. Eliason, John Hughes. Commissaries: William H. Sanford, Thos. Hall McKoy. Surgeon: Wesley M. Campbell. Assistant Surgeons: William Ed. White, Alfred W. Wiseman, J. R. Fraley. Chaplain: M. M. Marshall. Eighteenth regiment. Colonels: James D. Radcliffe, Robert H. Cowan, Thomas J. Purdie, John D. Barry. Lieutenant-Colonels: O. P. Meares, Thomas J. Purdie, Forney George, John W. McGill. Majors: George Tait, Forney George, R. M. DeVane, John D. Ba
Charles D. Myers (search for this): chapter 5.44
Hughes. Commissaries: William H. Sanford, Thos. Hall McKoy. Surgeon: Wesley M. Campbell. Assistant Surgeons: William Ed. White, Alfred W. Wiseman, J. R. Fraley. Chaplain: M. M. Marshall. Eighteenth regiment. Colonels: James D. Radcliffe, Robert H. Cowan, Thomas J. Purdie, John D. Barry. Lieutenant-Colonels: O. P. Meares, Thomas J. Purdie, Forney George, John W. McGill. Majors: George Tait, Forney George, R. M. DeVane, John D. Barry, Thomas J. Wooten. Adjutants: Charles D. Myers, Samuel B. Walters, William H. McLaurin. Quartermaster: A. D. Cazaux. Commissaries: Duncan McNeil, Robert Tait. Surgeons: James A. Miller, John Tazwell Tyler, Thomas B. Lane. Assistant-Surgeons: Charles Lecesne, William Brower, Alexander Gordon, Simpson Russ. Chaplain: Colin Shaw. Twenty-eighth regiment. Colonels: James H. Lane, Samuel D. Lowe, William H. A. Speer. Lieutenant-Colonels: Thomas L. Lowe, Samuel D. Lowe, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer. Ma
Charles Lecesne (search for this): chapter 5.44
Colonels: James D. Radcliffe, Robert H. Cowan, Thomas J. Purdie, John D. Barry. Lieutenant-Colonels: O. P. Meares, Thomas J. Purdie, Forney George, John W. McGill. Majors: George Tait, Forney George, R. M. DeVane, John D. Barry, Thomas J. Wooten. Adjutants: Charles D. Myers, Samuel B. Walters, William H. McLaurin. Quartermaster: A. D. Cazaux. Commissaries: Duncan McNeil, Robert Tait. Surgeons: James A. Miller, John Tazwell Tyler, Thomas B. Lane. Assistant-Surgeons: Charles Lecesne, William Brower, Alexander Gordon, Simpson Russ. Chaplain: Colin Shaw. Twenty-eighth regiment. Colonels: James H. Lane, Samuel D. Lowe, William H. A. Speer. Lieutenant-Colonels: Thomas L. Lowe, Samuel D. Lowe, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer. Majors: Richard E. Reeves, Samuel D. Lowe, William J. Montgomery, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer, Samuel N. Stowe. Adjutants: Duncan A. McRae, Romulus S. Folger. Quartermasters: George S. Thompson, Durant A.
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