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Oscar J. Brent (search for this): chapter 5.44
nels: Thomas L. Lowe, Samuel D. Lowe, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer. Majors: Richard E. Reeves, Samuel D. Lowe, William J. Montgomery, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer, Samuel N. Stowe. Adjutants: Duncan A. McRae, Romulus S. Folger. Quartermasters: George S. Thompson, Durant A. Parker. Commissary: Nicholas Gibbon. Surgeons: Robert Gibbon. J. F. McRee, W. W. Gaither. Assistant Surgeons: F. N. Luckey, R. G. Barham, Thomas B. Lane, N. L. Mayo. Chaplains: Oscar J. Brent, F. Milton Kennedy, D. S. Henkel. Thirty-third regiment. Colonels: L. O'B. Branch, Clark M. Avery, Robert V. Cowan. Lieutenant-Colonels: Clark M. Avery, Robert F. Hoke, Robert V. Cowan, Joseph H. Saunders. Majors: Robert F. Hoke, W. Gaston Lewis, Robert V. Cowan, Thomas W. Mayhew, Joseph H. Saunders, James A. Weston. Adjutants: John M. Poteat, Spier Whitaker, Jr. Quartermasters: Joseph A. Engelhard, John M. Poteat, John R. Sudderth. Commissaries: J. A. Gibson, Robert A
as W. Mayhew, Joseph H. Saunders, James A. Weston. Adjutants: John M. Poteat, Spier Whitaker, Jr. Quartermasters: Joseph A. Engelhard, John M. Poteat, John R. Sudderth. Commissaries: J. A. Gibson, Robert A. Hauser. Surgeons: R. B. Baker, J. H. Shaffner, Ed. G. Higginbotham. Assistant Surgeons: J. H. Shaffner, John A. Vigal, J. L. McLean. Chaplain: T. J. Eatmon. Thirty-seventh regiment. Colonels: Charles C. Lee, William M. Barbour. Lieutenant-Colonels: William M. Barbour, John B. Ashcraft, William G. Morris. Majors: John G. Bryan, Charles N. Hickerson, William R. Rankin, John B. Ashcraft, William G. Morris, O. N. Brown, Jackson L. Bost. Adjutants: William T. Nicholson, David W. Oates. Quartermasters: Robert M. Oates, Miles P. Pegram. Commissaries: Herbert DeLambert Stowe, Miles P. Pegram. Surgeons: James Hickerson, George E. Trescot. Assistant Surgeons: J. W. Tracy, J. B. Alexander, G. B. Moffitt, Daniel McL. Graham. Chaplain: A. L. Stough.
Speer. Lieutenant-Colonels: Thomas L. Lowe, Samuel D. Lowe, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer. Majors: Richard E. Reeves, Samuel D. Lowe, William J. Montgomery, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer, Samuel N. Stowe. Adjutants: Duncan A. McRae, Romulus S. Folger. Quartermasters: George S. Thompson, Durant A. Parker. Commissary: Nicholas Gibbon. Surgeons: Robert Gibbon. J. F. McRee, W. W. Gaither. Assistant Surgeons: F. N. Luckey, R. G. Barham, Thomas B. Lane, N. L. Mayo. Chaplains: Oscar J. Brent, F. Milton Kennedy, D. S. Henkel. Thirty-third regiment. Colonels: L. O'B. Branch, Clark M. Avery, Robert V. Cowan. Lieutenant-Colonels: Clark M. Avery, Robert F. Hoke, Robert V. Cowan, Joseph H. Saunders. Majors: Robert F. Hoke, W. Gaston Lewis, Robert V. Cowan, Thomas W. Mayhew, Joseph H. Saunders, James A. Weston. Adjutants: John M. Poteat, Spier Whitaker, Jr. Quartermasters: Joseph A. Engelhard, John M. Poteat, John R. Sudderth. Commissari
Spier Whitaker (search for this): chapter 5.44
. F. McRee, W. W. Gaither. Assistant Surgeons: F. N. Luckey, R. G. Barham, Thomas B. Lane, N. L. Mayo. Chaplains: Oscar J. Brent, F. Milton Kennedy, D. S. Henkel. Thirty-third regiment. Colonels: L. O'B. Branch, Clark M. Avery, Robert V. Cowan. Lieutenant-Colonels: Clark M. Avery, Robert F. Hoke, Robert V. Cowan, Joseph H. Saunders. Majors: Robert F. Hoke, W. Gaston Lewis, Robert V. Cowan, Thomas W. Mayhew, Joseph H. Saunders, James A. Weston. Adjutants: John M. Poteat, Spier Whitaker, Jr. Quartermasters: Joseph A. Engelhard, John M. Poteat, John R. Sudderth. Commissaries: J. A. Gibson, Robert A. Hauser. Surgeons: R. B. Baker, J. H. Shaffner, Ed. G. Higginbotham. Assistant Surgeons: J. H. Shaffner, John A. Vigal, J. L. McLean. Chaplain: T. J. Eatmon. Thirty-seventh regiment. Colonels: Charles C. Lee, William M. Barbour. Lieutenant-Colonels: William M. Barbour, John B. Ashcraft, William G. Morris. Majors: John G. Bryan, Charles N. Hickerson, Willi
John B. Ashcraft (search for this): chapter 5.44
fner, Ed. G. Higginbotham. Assistant Surgeons: J. H. Shaffner, John A. Vigal, J. L. McLean. Chaplain: T. J. Eatmon. Thirty-seventh regiment. Colonels: Charles C. Lee, William M. Barbour. Lieutenant-Colonels: William M. Barbour, John B. Ashcraft, William G. Morris. Majors: John G. Bryan, Charles N. Hickerson, William R. Rankin, John B. Ashcraft, William G. Morris, O. N. Brown, Jackson L. Bost. Adjutants: William T. Nicholson, David W. Oates. Quartermasters: Robert M. Oates, M, John B. Ashcraft, William G. Morris. Majors: John G. Bryan, Charles N. Hickerson, William R. Rankin, John B. Ashcraft, William G. Morris, O. N. Brown, Jackson L. Bost. Adjutants: William T. Nicholson, David W. Oates. Quartermasters: Robert M. Oates, Miles P. Pegram. Commissaries: Herbert DeLambert Stowe, Miles P. Pegram. Surgeons: James Hickerson, George E. Trescot. Assistant Surgeons: J. W. Tracy, J. B. Alexander, G. B. Moffitt, Daniel McL. Graham. Chaplain: A. L. Stough.
Robert S. Young (search for this): chapter 5.44
ters: Joseph A. Engelhard, George S. Thompson, A. D. Cazaux (acting), E. W. Herndon. Commissaries: Daniel T. Carraway, Thomas Hall McKoy. Surgeons: James A. Miller, Robert Gibbon, J. F. McRee, Ed. G. Higginbotham, Wesley M. Campbell, George E. Trescot. Seventh regiment. Colonels: Reuben P. Campbell, Ed. Graham Haywood, William Lee Davidson. Lieutenant-Colonels: Ed. Graham Haywood, Junius L. Hill, Wm. Lee Davidson, J. McLeod Turner. Majors: Edward D. Hall, Junius L. Hill, Robert S. Young, Robert B. McRae, Wm. Lee Davidson, J. McLeod Turner, James G. Harris. Adjutants: J. A. Cunningham, John E. Brown, Frank D. Stockton, Ives Smedes, John M. Pearson. Quartermasters; William A. Eliason, John Hughes. Commissaries: William H. Sanford, Thos. Hall McKoy. Surgeon: Wesley M. Campbell. Assistant Surgeons: William Ed. White, Alfred W. Wiseman, J. R. Fraley. Chaplain: M. M. Marshall. Eighteenth regiment. Colonels: James D. Radcliffe, Robert H. Cowan, Thomas J.
John W. McGill (search for this): chapter 5.44
nningham, John E. Brown, Frank D. Stockton, Ives Smedes, John M. Pearson. Quartermasters; William A. Eliason, John Hughes. Commissaries: William H. Sanford, Thos. Hall McKoy. Surgeon: Wesley M. Campbell. Assistant Surgeons: William Ed. White, Alfred W. Wiseman, J. R. Fraley. Chaplain: M. M. Marshall. Eighteenth regiment. Colonels: James D. Radcliffe, Robert H. Cowan, Thomas J. Purdie, John D. Barry. Lieutenant-Colonels: O. P. Meares, Thomas J. Purdie, Forney George, John W. McGill. Majors: George Tait, Forney George, R. M. DeVane, John D. Barry, Thomas J. Wooten. Adjutants: Charles D. Myers, Samuel B. Walters, William H. McLaurin. Quartermaster: A. D. Cazaux. Commissaries: Duncan McNeil, Robert Tait. Surgeons: James A. Miller, John Tazwell Tyler, Thomas B. Lane. Assistant-Surgeons: Charles Lecesne, William Brower, Alexander Gordon, Simpson Russ. Chaplain: Colin Shaw. Twenty-eighth regiment. Colonels: James H. Lane, Samuel D. Lowe, Willi
Ambrose P. Hill (search for this): chapter 5.44
harge of his brigade in all of its battles from its organization to Sharpsburg. He was a very gallant General, stood high in the estimation of his superior officers, and I often heard would have been promoted but for his untimely death. General A. P. Hill, in his report of the battle of Sharpsburg, says: The Confederacy has to mourn the loss of a gallant soldier and accomplished gentleman, who fell in this battle, at the head of his brigade, Brigadier-General L. O'B. Branch of North Carolinaeighth North Carolina regiment September 21, 1861; was re-elected Colonel of the same regiment when it reorganized in the spring of 1862, and was appointed Brigadier-General November 1st, 1862, on the recommendation of Generals Lee, Jackson and A. P. Hill. camp Fisher, high point, September 21, 1861. Lieutenant-Colonel James H. Lane: Dear Sir,--You were unanimously elected Colonel of the Twenty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers this evening. This regiment is composed of the following compani
George S. Thompson (search for this): chapter 5.44
Lane (acting), Everard B. Meade. A. A. Generals: W. E. Cannaday, Francis T. Hawks, George B. Johnston, Edward J. Hale, Jr. A. I. General: Ed. T. Nicholson. Ordinance Officer: James A. Bryan. Quartermasters: Joseph A. Engelhard, George S. Thompson, A. D. Cazaux (acting), E. W. Herndon. Commissaries: Daniel T. Carraway, Thomas Hall McKoy. Surgeons: James A. Miller, Robert Gibbon, J. F. McRee, Ed. G. Higginbotham, Wesley M. Campbell, George E. Trescot. Seventh regiment. Col, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer. Majors: Richard E. Reeves, Samuel D. Lowe, William J. Montgomery, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer, Samuel N. Stowe. Adjutants: Duncan A. McRae, Romulus S. Folger. Quartermasters: George S. Thompson, Durant A. Parker. Commissary: Nicholas Gibbon. Surgeons: Robert Gibbon. J. F. McRee, W. W. Gaither. Assistant Surgeons: F. N. Luckey, R. G. Barham, Thomas B. Lane, N. L. Mayo. Chaplains: Oscar J. Brent, F. Milton Kennedy, D. S. He
Edward J. Hale (search for this): chapter 5.44
manly and soldierly qualities. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Sam. D. Lowe, Colonel Commanding Twenty-eighth N. C. Regiment, and Chairman of Committee. Roster of the field and staff from the organization of the brigade and regiment to the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. Brigadiers: L. O'B. Branch, James H. Lane. Aids: W. A Blount, Oscar Lane, J. Rooker Lane (acting), Everard B. Meade. A. A. Generals: W. E. Cannaday, Francis T. Hawks, George B. Johnston, Edward J. Hale, Jr. A. I. General: Ed. T. Nicholson. Ordinance Officer: James A. Bryan. Quartermasters: Joseph A. Engelhard, George S. Thompson, A. D. Cazaux (acting), E. W. Herndon. Commissaries: Daniel T. Carraway, Thomas Hall McKoy. Surgeons: James A. Miller, Robert Gibbon, J. F. McRee, Ed. G. Higginbotham, Wesley M. Campbell, George E. Trescot. Seventh regiment. Colonels: Reuben P. Campbell, Ed. Graham Haywood, William Lee Davidson. Lieutenant-Colonels: Ed. Graham Haywood, Jun
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