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Found 170 total hits in 93 results.
De Soto, Jefferson County, Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry arkansas
One of the Southwestern States; discovered by De Soto in 1541, who crossed the Mississippi near the site of Helena.
It was next visited by father Marquette (q. v.) in 1673.
It was originally a part of Louisiana, purchased from the French in 1803, and so remained until 1812, when it formed a part of Missouri Territory.
It was erected into a Territory in 1819, with its present name, and remained under a territorial government until 1836, when a convention at Little Rock, its present capital, formed a State constitution.
Its first territorial legislature met at Arkansas Post in 1820.
On June 15, 1836, Arkansas was admitted into the Union as a State.
In 1861 the people of Arkansas were attached to the Union, but, unfortunately, the governor and most of the leading politicians of the State were disloyal, and no effort was spared by them to obtain the passage of an ordinance of secession.
For this purpose a State convention of delegates assembled at the capital (Litt
Fort Smith (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): entry arkansas
Little Rock (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): entry arkansas
Missouri (United States) (search for this): entry arkansas
One of the Southwestern States; discovered by De Soto in 1541, who crossed the Mississippi near the site of Helena.
It was next visited by father Marquette (q. v.) in 1673.
It was originally a part of Louisiana, purchased from the French in 1803, and so remained until 1812, when it formed a part of Missouri Territory.
It was erected into a Territory in 1819, with its present name, and remained under a territorial government until 1836, when a convention at Little Rock, its present capital, formed a State constitution.
Its first territorial legislature met at Arkansas Post in 1820.
On June 15, 1836, Arkansas was admitted into the Union as a State.
In 1861 the people of Arkansas were attached to the Union, but, unfortunately, the governor and most of the leading politicians of the State were disloyal, and no effort was spared by them to obtain the passage of an ordinance of secession.
For this purpose a State convention of delegates assembled at the capital (Littl
United States (United States) (search for this): entry arkansas
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): entry arkansas
One of the Southwestern States; discovered by De Soto in 1541, who crossed the Missis on.
Its first territorial legislature met at Arkansas Post in 1820.
On June 15, 1836, Arkansas wasArkansas was admitted into the Union as a State.
In 1861 the people of Arkansas were attached to the Union, bArkansas were attached to the Union, but, unfortunately, the governor and most of the leading politicians of the State were disloyal, and oyal associates adopted measures for arraying Arkansas among the seceded States.
In violation of th omposed of representatives of
State seal of Arkansas. forty-two counties, assembled at Little Rock rity in March.
On June 22, Congress declared Arkansas entitled to representation in that body, and 1900, 1,311,564.
Territorial Governors of Arkansas.
Term of Office.
James Miller1819 to 1825 iam S. Fulton1835 to 1836
State Governors of Arkansas.
James S. Conway1836 to 1840
Archibald Yell --
United States Senators from the State of Arkansas.
of Congress.Date.
[2 more...]
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): entry arkansas
One of the Southwestern States; discovered by De Soto in 1541, who crossed the Mississippi near the site of Helena.
It was next visited by father Marquette (q. v.) in 1673.
It was originally a part of Louisiana, purchased from the French in 1803, and so remained until 1812, when it formed a part of Missouri Territory.
It was erected into a Territory in 1819, with its present name, and remained under a territorial government until 1836, when a convention at Little Rock, its present capital, formed a State constitution.
Its first territorial legislature met at Arkansas Post in 1820.
On June 15, 1836, Arkansas was admitted into the Union as a State.
In 1861 the people of Arkansas were attached to the Union, but, unfortunately, the governor and most of the leading politicians of the State were disloyal, and no effort was spared by them to obtain the passage of an ordinance of secession.
For this purpose a State convention of delegates assembled at the capital (Litt
Elisha Baxter (search for this): entry arkansas
Alexander McDonald (search for this): entry arkansas
Elias N. Conway (search for this): entry arkansas