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Found 25 total hits in 17 results.
Fishkill (New York, United States) (search for this): entry cincinnati-society-of-the
Cincinnati, Society of the
A few weeks before the disbanding of the Continental army (June, 1783) a tie of friendship had been formed among the officers, at the suggestion of General Knox, by the organization, at the headquarters of Baron von Steuben, near Fishkill Landing, N. Y., of an association known as the Society of the Cincinnati.
Its chief objects were to promote a cordial friendship and indissoluble union among themselves, and to extend benevolent aid to such of its members as might need assistance.
Washington was chosen the first president of the society, and remained president-general until his death.
Gen. Henry Knox was its first secretary-general.
State societies were formed, auxiliary to the general society.
To perpetuate the association, it was provided in the constitution of the society that the eldest masculine descendant of an original member should be entitled to wear the order and enjoy the privileges of the society.
The order, or badge, of the society c
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry cincinnati-society-of-the
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): entry cincinnati-society-of-the
Cincinnati (Ohio, United States) (search for this): entry cincinnati-society-of-the
Cincinnati, Society of the
A few weeks before the disbanding of the Continental army (June, 1783) a tie of friendship had been formed among the officers, at the suggestion of General Knox, by the organization, at the headquarters of Baron von Steuben, near Fishkill Landing, N. Y., of an association known as the Society of the Cincinnati.
Its chief objects were to promote a cordial friendship and indissoluble union among themselves, and to extend benevolent aid to such of its members as might need assistance.
Washington was chosen the first president of the society, and remained president-general until his death.
Gen. Henry Knox was its first secretary-general.
State societies were formed, auxiliary to the general society.
To perpetuate the association, it was provided in the constitution of the society that the eldest masculine descendant of an original member should be entitled to wear the order and enjoy the privileges of the society.
The order, or badge, of the society co
Henry Knox (search for this): entry cincinnati-society-of-the
Friedrich Wilhelm Steuben (search for this): entry cincinnati-society-of-the
Cincinnati, Society of the
A few weeks before the disbanding of the Continental army (June, 1783) a tie of friendship had been formed among the officers, at the suggestion of General Knox, by the organization, at the headquarters of Baron von Steuben, near Fishkill Landing, N. Y., of an association known as the Society of the Cincinnati.
Its chief objects were to promote a cordial friendship and indissoluble union among themselves, and to extend benevolent aid to such of its members as might need assistance.
Washington was chosen the first president of the society, and remained president-general until his death.
Gen. Henry Knox was its first secretary-general.
State societies were formed, auxiliary to the general society.
To perpetuate the association, it was provided in the constitution of the society that the eldest masculine descendant of an original member should be entitled to wear the order and enjoy the privileges of the society.
The order, or badge, of the society c
Bushrod Washington (search for this): entry cincinnati-society-of-the
Hamilton Fish (search for this): entry cincinnati-society-of-the
William Wayne (search for this): entry cincinnati-society-of-the
Nicholas Fish (search for this): entry cincinnati-society-of-the