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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Indiana, (search)
ired to set out 100 apple and 100 peach trees within four years......Dec. 14, 1816 Bank of Vincennes adopted as State bank of Indiana, empowered to adopt the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Indiana as one of its branches......Jan. 1, 1817 Thomas Lincoln, the father of Abraham Lincoln, with his family, moves from Kentucky to what is now Spencer county......1817 By treaty at St. Mary's, O., the Delaware Indians cede to the United States all claims to land in Indiana......Oct. 3, 1818 Sitciates sell their property at Harmony to Robert Dale Owen, of Scotland, a philanthropist, who attempts to establish a community, naming the place New Harmony......1825 State road from Lake Michigan to Madison on the Ohio begun......1830 Thomas Lincoln, with his family, removes to Macon county, Ill......1830 Indiana Historical Society incorporated......1831 Wabash and Erie Canal in Indiana begun......Feb. 22, 1832 State bank chartered......1834 Internal improvement law, a State