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Headquarters (Washington, United States) (search for this): chapter 144
Doc. 139.-interview between Colonels Tilghman and Prentiss. Headquarters, Camp defiance, Cairo, Ill., May 6, 1861. Colonel Lloyd Tilghman, commanding the western division of Kentucky Militia, including Paducah and Columbus, places that have been considered as menacing our troops here, called, in company with Colonel Wickliffe, of Kentucky, upon Colonel Prentiss, commandant at this place. The following is the substance of their interview: Colonel Tilghman--I have visited you, sir, for the purpose of a little official intercourse with reference to the late questions which have excited the people of Kentucky, and to cultivate, as far as in my power, peaceful relations. Some portions of the public press have erroneously used the name of Kentucky, the name of her organized militia under my command, and my own name, in referring to the hostile movement of troops against you from Tennessee. (Colonel Tilghman referred: to an article in the Louisville Journal, which stated that
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 144
r my command, and my own name, in referring to the hostile movement of troops against you from Tennessee. (Colonel Tilghman referred: to an article in the Louisville Journal, which stated that hostile movements from Tennessee could go through Kentucky only by the aid of troops under Colonel Tilghman's command. He characterized the statement in severe terms, and said that Kentucky was still in ly reciprocated. We must, however, when we understand that certain points in either Kentucky, Tennessee, or Missouri are menacing us, prepare to defend them. Colonel Tilghman--Let me say, in deference to Tennessee, that, so far as her authorities and official acts are concerned, she. was, three days ago, in the Union. I have just come from there, where, in an, official capacity, I defined tsay in deference to Governor Harris, with whom I had an interview, and in deference to the State of Tennessee, that there are no hostile menaces toward you. Colonel Prentiss--I want you to understa
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 144
called, in company with Colonel Wickliffe, of Kentucky, upon Colonel Prentiss, commandant at this plte questions which have excited the people of Kentucky, and to cultivate, as far as in my power, peaublic press have erroneously used the name of Kentucky, the name of her organized militia under my c the statement in severe terms, and said that Kentucky was still in the Union, and had no stronger wn we understand that certain points in either Kentucky, Tennessee, or Missouri are menacing us, prepight, Illinois cannot raise any objection to. Kentucky has her own rights to defend, and no State cang out the olive branch. But the commerce of Kentucky is large, and our people do not understand hoghman--The position I wish to assume is, that Kentucky is the peer of Illinois, and would not consenhio. Colonel Prentiss--But if, as you say, Kentucky is a loyal State, she would have to allow thehere is hardly a man in a hundred in the State of Kentucky but would fight for the old Constitution[8 more...]
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 144
d that Kentucky was still in the Union, and had no stronger wish than to remain so.) Colonel Prentiss--I can hardly express, gentlemen, how gratifying it is to me to find these the sentiments of all the leading men I have met from your side of the river. I assure you that, so far as I understand the sentiments of my State, my command and myself, those friendly feelings are cordially reciprocated. We must, however, when we understand that certain points in either Kentucky, Tennessee, or Missouri are menacing us, prepare to defend them. Colonel Tilghman--Let me say, in deference to Tennessee, that, so far as her authorities and official acts are concerned, she. was, three days ago, in the Union. I have just come from there, where, in an, official capacity, I defined to them, firmly and effectually, the policy of my State. She has a mercurial population, like every State, that is hard to control. But I feel fully authorized to say in deference to Governor Harris, with whom I ha
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 144
der my control. As to the recent arrival of arms at Columbus, they were the property of the State. This, as her right, Illinois cannot raise any objection to. Kentucky has her own rights to defend, and no State can do it more powerfully. She is a ined to the authorities of Kentucky. Colonel Tilghman--The position I wish to assume is, that Kentucky is the peer of Illinois, and would not consent to any thing of the kind, under any pretence. Kentucky probably would never consent to the blockentiss--But if, as you say, Kentucky is a loyal State, she would have to allow the blockading of the Ohio. I assure you Illinois would allow it, if required by the General Government. Kentucky has not done her full duty to the Government. She has here, I intend to visit the other side. Colonel Tilghman--We shall receive you with every kindness. The position of Illinois and Kentucky relatively is very delicate, and on that account allow me to say that I hope you will continue in command h
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 144
Doc. 139.-interview between Colonels Tilghman and Prentiss. Headquarters, Camp defiance, Cairo, Ill., May 6, 1861. Colonel Lloyd Tilghman, commanding the western division of Kentucky Militia, including Paducah and Columbus, places that have been considered as menacing our troops here, called, in company with Colonel Wickliffe, of Kentucky, upon Colonel Prentiss, commandant at this place. The following is the substance of their interview: Colonel Tilghman--I have visited you, sir, for the purpose of a little official intercourse with reference to the late questions which have excited the people of Kentucky, and to cultivate, as far as in my power, peaceful relations. Some portions of the public press have erroneously used the name of Kentucky, the name of her organized militia under my command, and my own name, in referring to the hostile movement of troops against you from Tennessee. (Colonel Tilghman referred: to an article in the Louisville Journal, which stated tha
Paducah (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 144
Doc. 139.-interview between Colonels Tilghman and Prentiss. Headquarters, Camp defiance, Cairo, Ill., May 6, 1861. Colonel Lloyd Tilghman, commanding the western division of Kentucky Militia, including Paducah and Columbus, places that have been considered as menacing our troops here, called, in company with Colonel Wickliffe, of Kentucky, upon Colonel Prentiss, commandant at this place. The following is the substance of their interview: Colonel Tilghman--I have visited you, sir,official encouragement. Colonel Tilghman--Yes, sir, I feel authorized to express that view of it. The press ought to be restrained in its ready circulation of errors. There is not a word of truth in the statement of there being 12,000 men at Paducah for invasion; or, as to the concentration of troops in any part of Kentucky under my control. As to the recent arrival of arms at Columbus, they were the property of the State. This, as her right, Illinois cannot raise any objection to. Kentuc
Doc. 139.-interview between Colonels Tilghman and Prentiss. Headquarters, Camp defiance, Cairo, Ill., Mapany with Colonel Wickliffe, of Kentucky, upon Colonel Prentiss, commandant at this place. The following is tnd had no stronger wish than to remain so.) Colonel Prentiss--I can hardly express, gentlemen, how gratifyiat there are no hostile menaces toward you. Colonel Prentiss--I want you to understand me that, in designat espionage, which is entirely inadmissible. Colonel Prentiss--I am instructed to seize no property unless Intucky, under her authority, as contraband? Colonel Prentiss--That would depend upon the point whether Coluhave not been and are not, allow me to say. Colonel Prentiss--Then I have been misinformed. Generally, the never consent to the blockade of the Ohio. Colonel Prentiss--But if, as you say, Kentucky is a loyal Statein Western Kentucky, outside of my command. Colonel Prentiss--As soon as our force is completely organized
Doc. 139.-interview between Colonels Tilghman and Prentiss. Headquarters, Camp defiance, Cairo, Ill., May 6, 1861. Colonel Lloyd Tilghman, commanding the western division of Kentucky Militia, including Paducah and Columbus, places that have been considered as menacing our troops here, called, in company with Colonel Wickliffe, of Kentucky, upon Colonel Prentiss, commandant at this place. The following is the substance of their interview: Colonel Tilghman--I have visited you, sir, for the purpose of a little official intercourse with reference to the late questions which have excited the people of Kentucky, and to cultivate, as far as in my power, peaceful relations. Some portions of the public press have erroneously used the name of Kentucky, the name of her organized militia under my command, and my own name, in referring to the hostile movement of troops against you from Tennessee. (Colonel Tilghman referred: to an article in the Louisville Journal, which stated tha
Isham G. Harris (search for this): chapter 144
cky, Tennessee, or Missouri are menacing us, prepare to defend them. Colonel Tilghman--Let me say, in deference to Tennessee, that, so far as her authorities and official acts are concerned, she. was, three days ago, in the Union. I have just come from there, where, in an, official capacity, I defined to them, firmly and effectually, the policy of my State. She has a mercurial population, like every State, that is hard to control. But I feel fully authorized to say in deference to Governor Harris, with whom I had an interview, and in deference to the State of Tennessee, that there are no hostile menaces toward you. Colonel Prentiss--I want you to understand me that, in designating certain points as hostile and menacing, I am far from including the whole State. As to Memphis, I am reliably informed that bodies are arming and drilling with a proposed destination to some place North; and I will say to you frankly, that we are prepared for the attack and await it. But I am incli
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