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by supposing that the Semitics received the animal and its name from its original proprietors, the men who crossed the Hindoo Koosh, and, occupying the country of the five rivers, became trading acquaintances of the Mesopotamian nations. Reference to the use of the fire-driven balls occurs at intervals along the pathway of history, and there is but little doubt that the Greek emperors possessed some modes of projecting fire and explosives, perhaps balls, as early as the seventh century. Conde, in his History of the Moors in Spain, speaks of them as used in the attack on fortified places as early as 1118, and at the siege of Cordova, 1280. It is reasonable to suppose that, failing to enter Europe at the Byzantine Gate, the advent would be by the Pillars of Hercules, by which route arrived cotton, paper, clocks, medicines, the present (Hindoo) system of notation, and many other things, including the shirt, its name, uses, and materials (chemise; Sp. camisa; Ar. kamis; not shirt,