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Occoquan (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 35
thCo. D.Abram F. Warner, Corporal. 24thCo. B.Patrick Cronan. 4thCo. E.Mark Gorey. 4thCo. F.Mathias Bixby, Sergeant. 4thJohn P. Small, Commissary Sergeant N. C. S. 1863.—Annual return of the Alterations and Casu- Alties, incident to the Nineteenth regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers during the year 1863. Designations of posts and Stations at which the deaths, Desertions, etc. Occurred. DischargedDeathsDesertionsApprehensions Falmouth, Va.25232238 Fredericksburg, Va.0000 Occoquan, Va.0000 Thoroughfare Gap, Va.0000 Gettysburg, Pa.01100 Williamsport, Md.0000 Mooneville, Md.0014 Warrenton Junction, Va.00153 Morrisville, Va.00155 Raccoon Ford, Va.00188 Mitchell's Station, Va.1000 Bristoe Station, Va.0000 Centreville, Va.0000 Warrenton, Va.00123 Berry Hill, Va.0000 Robinson's Cross Roads, Va.0123 Stevensburg, Va. re-enlisted.150141 General Hospital.2271200 designation of companies in which the casualties occurred. DeathsDesertionsApprehensions Non-C
Berry Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 35
eers during the year 1863. Designations of posts and Stations at which the deaths, Desertions, etc. Occurred. DischargedDeathsDesertionsApprehensions Falmouth, Va.25232238 Fredericksburg, Va.0000 Occoquan, Va.0000 Thoroughfare Gap, Va.0000 Gettysburg, Pa.01100 Williamsport, Md.0000 Mooneville, Md.0014 Warrenton Junction, Va.00153 Morrisville, Va.00155 Raccoon Ford, Va.00188 Mitchell's Station, Va.1000 Bristoe Station, Va.0000 Centreville, Va.0000 Warrenton, Va.00123 Berry Hill, Va.0000 Robinson's Cross Roads, Va.0123 Stevensburg, Va. re-enlisted.150141 General Hospital.2271200 designation of companies in which the casualties occurred. DeathsDesertionsApprehensions Non-Commissioned Officers,000 Co. A.8510 B.578 C.51411 D.5147 E.572 F.6103 G.2156 H.4106 I.683 K.299 488965 At the close of the year there was a change in the staff of surgeons, assistant surgeon W. D. Knapp being dismissed by S. O. 534, War Dept., and Dr. Gustavus P. Pratt be
Warrenton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 35
f Massachusetts Volunteers during the year 1863. Designations of posts and Stations at which the deaths, Desertions, etc. Occurred. DischargedDeathsDesertionsApprehensions Falmouth, Va.25232238 Fredericksburg, Va.0000 Occoquan, Va.0000 Thoroughfare Gap, Va.0000 Gettysburg, Pa.01100 Williamsport, Md.0000 Mooneville, Md.0014 Warrenton Junction, Va.00153 Morrisville, Va.00155 Raccoon Ford, Va.00188 Mitchell's Station, Va.1000 Bristoe Station, Va.0000 Centreville, Va.0000 Warrenton, Va.00123 Berry Hill, Va.0000 Robinson's Cross Roads, Va.0123 Stevensburg, Va. re-enlisted.150141 General Hospital.2271200 designation of companies in which the casualties occurred. DeathsDesertionsApprehensions Non-Commissioned Officers,000 Co. A.8510 B.578 C.51411 D.5147 E.572 F.6103 G.2156 H.4106 I.683 K.299 488965 At the close of the year there was a change in the staff of surgeons, assistant surgeon W. D. Knapp being dismissed by S. O. 534, War Dept., and Dr.
Morrisville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 35
ssary Sergeant N. C. S. 1863.—Annual return of the Alterations and Casu- Alties, incident to the Nineteenth regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers during the year 1863. Designations of posts and Stations at which the deaths, Desertions, etc. Occurred. DischargedDeathsDesertionsApprehensions Falmouth, Va.25232238 Fredericksburg, Va.0000 Occoquan, Va.0000 Thoroughfare Gap, Va.0000 Gettysburg, Pa.01100 Williamsport, Md.0000 Mooneville, Md.0014 Warrenton Junction, Va.00153 Morrisville, Va.00155 Raccoon Ford, Va.00188 Mitchell's Station, Va.1000 Bristoe Station, Va.0000 Centreville, Va.0000 Warrenton, Va.00123 Berry Hill, Va.0000 Robinson's Cross Roads, Va.0123 Stevensburg, Va. re-enlisted.150141 General Hospital.2271200 designation of companies in which the casualties occurred. DeathsDesertionsApprehensions Non-Commissioned Officers,000 Co. A.8510 B.578 C.51411 D.5147 E.572 F.6103 G.2156 H.4106 I.683 K.299 488965 At the close of the year
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 35
atrick Fitzgerald. 24thCo. D.Abram F. Warner, Corporal. 24thCo. B.Patrick Cronan. 4thCo. E.Mark Gorey. 4thCo. F.Mathias Bixby, Sergeant. 4thJohn P. Small, Commissary Sergeant N. C. S. 1863.—Annual return of the Alterations and Casu- Alties, incident to the Nineteenth regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers during the year 1863. Designations of posts and Stations at which the deaths, Desertions, etc. Occurred. DischargedDeathsDesertionsApprehensions Falmouth, Va.25232238 Fredericksburg, Va.0000 Occoquan, Va.0000 Thoroughfare Gap, Va.0000 Gettysburg, Pa.01100 Williamsport, Md.0000 Mooneville, Md.0014 Warrenton Junction, Va.00153 Morrisville, Va.00155 Raccoon Ford, Va.00188 Mitchell's Station, Va.1000 Bristoe Station, Va.0000 Centreville, Va.0000 Warrenton, Va.00123 Berry Hill, Va.0000 Robinson's Cross Roads, Va.0123 Stevensburg, Va. re-enlisted.150141 General Hospital.2271200 designation of companies in which the casualties occurred. DeathsDesertio
Falmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 35
hts, Sergeant. 4thCo. D.Patrick Fitzgerald. 24thCo. D.Abram F. Warner, Corporal. 24thCo. B.Patrick Cronan. 4thCo. E.Mark Gorey. 4thCo. F.Mathias Bixby, Sergeant. 4thJohn P. Small, Commissary Sergeant N. C. S. 1863.—Annual return of the Alterations and Casu- Alties, incident to the Nineteenth regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers during the year 1863. Designations of posts and Stations at which the deaths, Desertions, etc. Occurred. DischargedDeathsDesertionsApprehensions Falmouth, Va.25232238 Fredericksburg, Va.0000 Occoquan, Va.0000 Thoroughfare Gap, Va.0000 Gettysburg, Pa.01100 Williamsport, Md.0000 Mooneville, Md.0014 Warrenton Junction, Va.00153 Morrisville, Va.00155 Raccoon Ford, Va.00188 Mitchell's Station, Va.1000 Bristoe Station, Va.0000 Centreville, Va.0000 Warrenton, Va.00123 Berry Hill, Va.0000 Robinson's Cross Roads, Va.0123 Stevensburg, Va. re-enlisted.150141 General Hospital.2271200 designation of companies in which the casualties o
Cole's Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 35
Chapter 35: camp at Cole's Hill. Re-enlistment. On the 7th of the month the regiment moved to a point three and one half miles southeast of Brandy Station, on the south side of Cole's Hill and halted to await the rebuilding of the railroad which the rebels had destroyed. The men began putting up log houses, preparatory to Cole's Hill and halted to await the rebuilding of the railroad which the rebels had destroyed. The men began putting up log houses, preparatory to a winter's stay in camp and many furloughs were issued. December 9, 1863. Commenced our houses today. Cannot get along very fast, as we have but one axe for seven men. However, we have got all our logs up. December 10, 1863. Plastered up the chinks with mud, making our house quite tight. Our fire place and door will be in front. December 11, 1863. Built our fire-place today. Policing tonight on account of inspection tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. While encamped at Cole's Hill at this time, the question of re-enlistment was discussed, in all its forms, by the veterans. The memoirs of Captain Adams give interesting little anecdotes reg
Centreville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 35
Nineteenth regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers during the year 1863. Designations of posts and Stations at which the deaths, Desertions, etc. Occurred. DischargedDeathsDesertionsApprehensions Falmouth, Va.25232238 Fredericksburg, Va.0000 Occoquan, Va.0000 Thoroughfare Gap, Va.0000 Gettysburg, Pa.01100 Williamsport, Md.0000 Mooneville, Md.0014 Warrenton Junction, Va.00153 Morrisville, Va.00155 Raccoon Ford, Va.00188 Mitchell's Station, Va.1000 Bristoe Station, Va.0000 Centreville, Va.0000 Warrenton, Va.00123 Berry Hill, Va.0000 Robinson's Cross Roads, Va.0123 Stevensburg, Va. re-enlisted.150141 General Hospital.2271200 designation of companies in which the casualties occurred. DeathsDesertionsApprehensions Non-Commissioned Officers,000 Co. A.8510 B.578 C.51411 D.5147 E.572 F.6103 G.2156 H.4106 I.683 K.299 488965 At the close of the year there was a change in the staff of surgeons, assistant surgeon W. D. Knapp being dismissed by S. O. 53
Stevensburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 35
orms to urge them on, but with a full knowledge of the duties required, the hardships to be endured, and the probability that many would either be killed or wounded before their term expired. Men who re-enlisted on December 21ST, 1863, at Stevensburg, Va. non-commissioned officers and men: Wm. M. Curtis, Sergeant Major. George M. Ritchie, Quartermaster Sergeant. James P. Clare, Principal Musician. Co. A.Giles D. W. Johnson, First Sergeant. Benjamin F. Falls, Sergeant. Samuel A. Briille, Md.0014 Warrenton Junction, Va.00153 Morrisville, Va.00155 Raccoon Ford, Va.00188 Mitchell's Station, Va.1000 Bristoe Station, Va.0000 Centreville, Va.0000 Warrenton, Va.00123 Berry Hill, Va.0000 Robinson's Cross Roads, Va.0123 Stevensburg, Va. re-enlisted.150141 General Hospital.2271200 designation of companies in which the casualties occurred. DeathsDesertionsApprehensions Non-Commissioned Officers,000 Co. A.8510 B.578 C.51411 D.5147 E.572 F.6103 G.2156 H.410
Brandy Station (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 35
Chapter 35: camp at Cole's Hill. Re-enlistment. On the 7th of the month the regiment moved to a point three and one half miles southeast of Brandy Station, on the south side of Cole's Hill and halted to await the rebuilding of the railroad which the rebels had destroyed. The men began putting up log houses, preparatory to a winter's stay in camp and many furloughs were issued. December 9, 1863. Commenced our houses today. Cannot get along very fast, as we have but one axe for sevas bitterly cold, wet and gloomy and left small room for cheer or comfort. Heavy details were engaged in the daily labor of building corduroy roads through the boundless sea of stiff, adhesive, half-frozen mud that stretched for miles around Brandy Station. The camp of the Nineteenth Massachusetts regiment was pleasantly situated on the southeasterly slope of the hill. Near it and in front was corps headquarters; on the hill at the rear were division headquarters, and in front of the right
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