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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.). Search the whole document.

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Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ushering in German printing in this country. In 1738 Christopher Saur or Sower established at Germantown what is the oldest extant publishing firm in the United States. Sower won his place in publisalance was even greater in favour of that colony than these figures would indicate. Moreover, Germantown was the first place to gain wide recognition for itself as a paper manufacturing centre. Ofil the period of centralization began had fairly noteworthy careers. Reading, Lancaster, and Germantown in Pennsylvania; Brattleboro, Vermont; Hartford, Connecticut; Burlington, New Jersey; Charlestf the Germans in America. Pastorius, in 1683 founder of the first German settlement at Germantown, Pennsylvania, was a thorough scholar, a university man, trained in theology and law. Mortified that es. Saur's Bible, containing 1272 pages, was printed in quarto form, on paper manufactured in Germantown and with German types imported from Frankfort-on-the-Main. The second edition appeared in 176
Dresden, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
an Abate. He mingled freely in the gay and the learned society of Venice, carrying on numerous love intrigues and supporting himself by private teaching. One of his sonnets having given offence, in 1777 he left Italy to wander over Europe. At Dresden he made translations and redactions of plays for the Electoral Theatre; thence he removed to Vienna, where he became acquainted with Mozart, and wrote the libretti for Figaro (1786) and Don Giovanni (1787), produced with brilliant success. Driv he had as yet produced no great work, he was everywhere received as one whose standing was assured. The acquaintances he formed or renewed are too numerous to be even catalogued in full. In England he saw a good deal of the scientific men. At Dresden he examined Ludwig Tieck's collection of Spanish books, and he joined the scholarly circle of Prince John of Saxony. In Berlin in the spring of 1836 Ticknor visited the church historian Neander, and saw Alexander von Humboldt frequently. In Vi
Cheyenne (Wyoming, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
t, and the collector still comes at times upon ballads of the British highwayman, Dick Turpin. Some widely diffused songs, their authorship and origin now lost, which reflect emigrant and frontier life, especially the rush for gold in 1849, are Joe Bowers, Betsy from Pike, and The days of forty-nine. Pretty Maumee possibly echoes relations with the Miami Indians. The dreary Black hills reflects the mining fever of one period of Western history; and there are other sectional satires, like Cheyenne boys, Mississippi girls, or humorous narratives or complaints, like Starving to death on a government claim. The best-known pieces reflecting pioneer or prairie life are O Bury Me not on the Lone Prairie, and The dying cowboy, or The cowboy's lament, both of which are adaptations. The latter especially has roamed very far, as will be seen later, and exists in many varying texts, with changed localizations. These pieces have currency chiefly in the Far West and in the Central West. Nor a
Massachusetts Bay (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
s to the inhabitants of North Carolina on the want of a medium in Lieu of money (Williamsburg, 1746). With the prohibition, in 1751, of the further emission in the New England colonies of any paper money the discussion was transferred to coinage problems. Two Boston tracts of 1762 are here to be noted: Thomas Hutchinson's A projection for regulating the value of Gold and silver Coins and Oxenbridge Thatcher's Considerations on Lowering the value of Gold Coins within the Province of Massachusetts Bay. An echo of the older discussions is found in Roger Sherman's A Caveat against injustice or an Enquiry into the evil consequences of a Fluctuating medium of Exchange, published at New York in 1752 under the name of Philoeunomos; R. T.'s A letter to the common people of the colony of Rhode Island concerning the unjust designs . . . of a number of Misers and money Jobbers (Providence, 1763); and a Letter from a gentleman in Connecticut relative to paper currency (Boston, 1766). The abl
Cajon Pass (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
a Fe Trail coupled the Rio Grande and the mighty Missouri, as has been mentioned, by a well-beaten and more or less easy and comfortable way which halted at the city of Santa Fe. Thence on to Los Angeles there were two or three routes open to the traveller, taking any one of which was sure to make him wish he had chosen another. One led down the Rio Grande into Mexico, thence westward and up to the Gila through Tucson, following the Gila on west to the Colorado, the Mohave desert, and to Cajon Pass; the other turned north from Santa Fe and straggled over the mountains, to cross the Grand River and the Green at the first opportunity the canyons permitted (that on the Green being at what was afterwards known as Gunnison Crossing), thence through the Wasatch, down to the Virgin, and by that stream to the Mohave desert, and across that stretch of Hades by the grace of God. This trail was laid out in 1830 by William Wolfskill, an American, but as it was travelled mostly by Spaniards it w
Denmark (Denmark) (search for this): chapter 1
ue, had been acquired, but an excuse was found in a desire to accommodate Russia. The offer by Denmark and Sweden of their West Indian possessions was rejected. Instead of annexing Hawaii in 1894 te as an endowment for public education a domain about as large as the Netherlands or Belgium or Denmark. The local legislation of this period was chiefly permissive, and outside of New York and Newas The making of an American (1901) by Jacob Riis, a newspaper reporter and social reformer, of Danish birth. The reminiscences (1907) of Carl Schurz, the soldier, statesman, and liberal political le Scandinavian languages; from 1832 onward kept up a correspondence indifferently in English and Danish with C. C. Rafn of Copenhagen; and in 1838 printed an Icelandic grammar. His appointment in 184 a language in North America, as different from the future language of England, as modern Dutch, Danish, and Swedish are from German or from one another. When it was made this was not a foolish guess
Lake Michigan (United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ations led to talk of a railway to California. George Wilkes published in 1845 a volume now rare, Project of a national railroad from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean, for the purpose of obtaining a short route to Oregon. In 1848, Asa Whitney made addresses, memorials, and petitions for a transcontinental railway, and he gave his plan in a Congressional document, Miscellaneous 28, Senate, 30th Congress I: Memorial of Asa Whitney for grants of land to enable him to build a railway from Lake Michigan to the Pacific. Whitney issued a volume in the same line, from personal exploration: Project for a railroad to the Pacific with reports and other facts relating Thereto (1849). No one was more enthusiastic or confident of the feasibility of a railway than Fremont, unless it was his father-in-law, Benton. They were both positive that neither rivers, nor hot deserts, nor the deep mountain snows of winter would interfere seriously with the operation of trains. Fremont projected his fo
Delaware (Delaware, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
rature in economics multiplied rapidly, with the result that the United States counts today a body of economic thinkers superior in numbers and not inferior in quality to those of any other country, who are devoting themselves with conspicuous success and from many different points of view to the elucidation of the complex principles that underlie modern economic life. Note.—On page 427 the four following important tracts were omitted: Francis Rawles's Ways and means for the inhabitants of Delaware to become rich (Philadelphia, 1725); a reply to the same by James Logan, A dialogue shewing what's therein to be found. A motto being Modish for want of good Latin, are put English quotations (n. p., 1725); Cadwallader Colden, Papers relating to an Act of Assembly of the Province of New York, for encouragement of the Indian trade, etc. And for Prohibiting the selling of Indian goods to the French, viz. Of Canada (New York, 1724); Joseph Morgan, The nature of Riches, shewed from the natural
Mattapoisett (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
hood, he worked in the foundry for three hard years, with ever one consolation: the day would end, night would come, and then I could write poetry. In 1849 he published his first volume, Footprints, of which he tells us one copy was sold before the edition was given to the flames. Leaving the foundry, he supported himself, like Aldrich and Taylor, as a journalist, becoming in time literary editor of the World and Mail and express. Meanwhile he had married Elizabeth Barstow, of Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, one of those irrepressible girls, says her husband, who are sometimes born in staid Puritan families, who later attained some distinction as novelist and poetess (for she became, says Stoddard, the best writer of blank verse of any woman in America), and had secured a clerkship in the New York Custom House which he held till 1870. He lived in New York through many of its varied decades till 1903, a prominent figure in the literary life, a close friend of Taylor, Stedman, and the
Tubingen (Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) (search for this): chapter 1
report of the expedition the chapter on botany. Meanwhile he had become interested in Sanskrit; he studied it in his leisure time during the survey, and immediately afterward went to Yale for graduate study in the Department of Philosophy and the Arts, which Professor Salisbury had been active in organizing (1846-48), and which was the first graduate school of genuine university rank in the United States. From 1850 to 1853 Whitney studied in Berlin under Weber, Bopp, and Lepsius, and at Tubingen under Roth. Returning to the United States in 1853, he was next year appointed Salisbury's successor in the chair of Sanskrit, his duties including instruction in the modern languages. He was not released from undergraduate teaching until 1869, when Salisbury increased the endowment of Whitney's Yale professorship, and Whitney became the only university professor . . . in the whole country. He was now enabled to organize fully a graduate school of philology, which very soon attracted ab
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