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James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 23: three months in Congress. (search)
o Washington forty-three miles further than the Committee paid me; but I stated before the Committee the reasons why I made the change of route. I had been capsized once—— The Chairman interposed, and said he felt bound to arrest this debate. [Cries of Greeley! Greeley! ] Mr. Greeley rose—— The Chairman stated that it would not be in order for the gentleman to address the House while there was no question pending. [Cries of Suspend the rules; hear him. ] Mr. Tallmadge rose and inquired if his colleague could not proceed by general consent? The Chairman replied in the affirmative. No objection was made, and Mr. Greeley proceeded. The gentleman from Massachusetts [Mr. Hudson] simply misunderstood only one thing. He states me to have urged the considerations which he urged to me. He urged these considerations—and I think forcibly. I say now, as I did the other day on the floor of this House, I approve of the appropriation for the boo