Ga.,Aug. 17, 1864.
Goodnow, Andrew J., Corp.,25th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 18, 1864.
Goodnow, James W.,25th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 23, 1864.
Goodrich, Charles, Musician,21st Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Oct. 11, 1864.
Goodrich, George J.,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 26, 1864.
Goodrich, Henry,
Proved to have been discharged at the Augur Hospital, June 22, 1865.2d Mass. Cav.,Savannah, Ga.,Sept.--, 1864.
Goodridge, Samuel, Sergt.,23d Mass. Inf.,Florence, S. C.,Feb. 5, 1864.
Goodwin, Alfred M.,20th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Sept. 1, 1864.
Goodwin, John, Corp.,28th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,Oct. 29, 1863.
Gordon, Charles, Sergt.,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,March 26, 1864.
Gordon, R.,*25th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Nov. 3, 1864.
Gordon, W. L., Corp.,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,July 17, 1864.
Gorham, David, Corp.,39th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec. 10, 1864.
Gorman, Michael,58th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,June 25, 1864.
nk.Command.Place of Death.Date of Death.
Goodhue, David H.,6th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,July 1, 1863.
Gooding, James H.,54th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,July 1ss. Inf.,Florence, S. C.,Feb. 5, 1864.
Goodwin, Alfred M.,20th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Sept. 1, 1864.
Goodwin, John, Corp.,28th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,Oct. 29A.,Andersonville, Ga.,July 17, 1864.
Gorham, David, Corp.,39th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec. 10, 1864.
Gorman, Michael,58th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,June 25, 1864.
Gorman, Michael,39th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Jan. 9, 1865.
Gormley, Thomas,34th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,Dec. 13, 1864.
Gould, Daniel H.,1st Mass. Cav.,SaSalisbury, N. C.,Nov. 10, 1864.
Gould, Reuben,12th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,Feb. 2, 1864.
Gould, William,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,May 5, 1864.
Goulding, Baman,2d Mass. Cav.,Savannah, Ga.,Oct.--, 1864.
Grady, John,34th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Feb. 5, 1865.
Graham, George,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,—--, 1864
spital, June 22, 1865.2d Mass. Cav.,Savannah, Ga.,Sept.--, 1864.
Goodridge, Samuel, Sergt.,23d Mass. Inf.,Florence, S. C.,Feb. 5, 1864.
Goodwin, Alfred M.,20th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Sept. 1, 1864.
Goodwin, John, Corp.,28th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,Oct. 29, 1863.
Gordon, Charles, Sergt.,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,March 26, 1864.
Gordon, R.,*25th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Nov. 3, 1864.
Gordon, W. L., Corp.,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,July 17, 1864.
Gorham, David, Co Md.,June 25, 1864.
Gorman, Michael,39th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Jan. 9, 1865.
Gormley, Thomas,34th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,Dec. 13, 1864.
Gould, Daniel H.,1st Mass. Cav.,Salisbury, N. C.,Nov. 10, 1864.
Gould, Reuben,12th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,Feb. 2, 1864.
Gould, William,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,May 5, 1864.
Goulding, Barney,33d Mass. Inf.,Charleston, S. C.,Oct. 1, 1864.
Gove, Jeremiah,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 7, 1864.
Gowen, John T.,*11th Mass. Inf.,A
Cav.,Salisbury, N. C.,Nov. 10, 1864.
Gould, Reuben,12th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,Feb. 2, 1864.
Gould, William,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,May 5, 1864.
Goulding, Barney,33d Mass. Inf.,Charleston, S. C.,Oct. 1, 1864.
Gove, Jeremiah,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 7, 1864.
Gowen, John T.,*11th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 10, 1864.
Gozzens, Herman,2d Mass. Cav.,Savannah, Ga.,Oct.--, 1864.
Grady, John,34th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Feb. 5, 1865.
Graham, George,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,—--, 1864.
Graham, S.,*37th Mass. Inf.,Danville, Va.,Dec. 13, 1864.
Graney, T.,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 21, 1864.
Graney, Thomas,
Duplicate for Graney, T.2d Mass. H. A.,---—--, 1864.
Grant, G. W.,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 5, 1864.
Graves, Francis G.,18th Mass. Inf.,Belle Isle, Va.,Aug. 30, 1862.
Graves, Moses P.,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Oct. 25, 1864.
Gray, Charles,28th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 15, 186
he Augur Hospital, June 22, 1865.2d Mass. Cav.,Savannah, Ga.,Sept.--, 1864.
Goodridge, Samuel, Sergt.,23d Mass. Inf.,Florence, S. C.,Feb. 5, 1864.
Goodwin, Alfred M.,20th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Sept. 1, 1864.
Goodwin, John, Corp.,28th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,Oct. 29, 1863.
Gordon, Charles, Sergt.,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,March 26, 1864.
Gordon, R.,*25th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Nov. 3, 1864.
Gordon, W. L., Corp.,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,July 17, 1864.
Gorham, David, Corp.,39th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec. 10, 1864.
Gorman, Michael,58th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,June 25, 1864.
Gorman, Michael,39th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Jan. 9, 1865.
Gormley, Thomas,34th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,Dec. 13, 1864.
Gould, Daniel H.,1st Mass. Cav.,Salisbury, N. C.,Nov. 10, 1864.
Gould, Reuben,12th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,Feb. 2, 1864.
Gould, William,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,May 5, 1864.
Goulding, Barney,33d Mass. Inf.,Charleston, S. C.,Oct. 1,