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Cambridge sketches (ed. Estelle M. H. Merrill), The oldest road in Cambridge. (search)
ined society. This quotation reminds one of the valuable sketch of Cambridge by his son, Mr. John Holmes, in the History of Middlesex County. With flashes of wit which strongly remind his readers of his brother, the poet, Mr. Holmes gives his own recollections of Cambridge in the past. He says that the houses on Kirkland street were erected about 1821, and that east of the Delta, now occupieas the Foxcroft house, there is a seeming disagreement between the Rev. Lucius R. Paige and Mr. John Holmes. The former says that the house was burned in 1777, the latter that it was standing in his youth, dilapidated and untenantable. Mr. Holmes would mean about the year 1820. Both are probably correct. There were undoubtedly several buildings connected with so large an estate. A portion mave been burned, leaving another portion of the buildings remaining, and this is probably what Mr. Holmes remembers. Judge Foxcroft the second had strongly requested his heirs to retain the estate