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Paris (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
operations shall be undertaken, and fix the amount of material means which may be relied upon in the first instance for the opening of the enterprise, and then for the possible reserves in case of invasion. It cannot be denied that all these things may be, and even should be, discussed in a council of government made up of generals and of ministers; but here the action of such a council should stop; for if it pretends to say to a commander-in-chief not only that he shall march on Vienna or Paris, but also in what way he is to manoeuvre to reach those points, the unfortunate commander-in-chief will certainly be beaten, and the whole responsibility of his reverses will rest upon those who, two hundred miles off from the enemy, pretend to direct an army which it is difficult enough to handle when actually in the field. Jomini: Precis de l'art de la Guerre, vol. II., p. 47. On the other hand, it is to be admitted that General McClellan, too, committed grave faults. He had already
West Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
sury Building, and discussed the question of the operations which, in our judgment, were best under existing circumstances—as season, present position of the forces, present condition of the country—to be undertaken before going into the matter as to when those operations could be set on foot. I urged that we should now find fortifications in York River which would require a movement in that direction to be preceded by a naval force of heavy guns to clear them out, as well as the works at West Point. That Richmond was now fortified; that we could not hope to carry it by a simple march after a successful engagement; that we should be obliged to take a siege-train with us. That all this would take time, which would be improved by the enemy to mass his forces in our front, and we should find that we had not escaped any of the difficulties we have now before this position; but simply lost time and money to find those difficulties when we should not have so strong a base to operate from,
Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
d our people both North and South; and that nothing but what is necessary for this purpose should go elsewhere. General Franklin suggested whether Governor Chase, in view of what we were charged to do, might not be at liberty to tell us where General Burnside's expedition had gone? I went and asked him. He told me that, under the circumstances, he felt he ought to do so; and said it was destined for Newbern, N. C., by the way of Hatteras Inlet and Pamlico Sound, to operate on Raleigh or Beaufort, or either of them. That General McClellan had, by direction of the President, acquainted him with his plans, which was to go with a large force of this Army of the Potomac to Urbanna or Tappahannock, on the Rappahannock, and then with his bridge-train move directly to Richmond. On further consultation with General Franklin, it was agreed that our inquiries were to be directed to both cases of going from our present position, and of removing the large part of the force to another base fur
Gulf of Mexico (search for this): chapter 3
consultation with General McClellan (Report. p. 42). It is as follows: Executive Mansion, Washington, January 27, 1862. Ordered, That the 22d day of February, 1862, be the day for a general movement of the land and naval forces of the United States against the insurgent forces. That especially the army at and about Fortress Monroe, the Army of the Potomac, the Army of Western Virginia, the army near Mumfordsville, Kentucky, the army and flotilla at Cairo, and a naval force in the Gulf of Mexico, be ready to move on that day. That all other forces, both land and naval, with their respective commanders, obey existing orders for the time, and be ready to obey additional orders when duly given. That the heads of departments, and especially the Secretaries of War and of the Navy, with all their subordinates, and the general-in-chief, with all other commanders and subordinates of land and naval forces, will severally be held to their strict and full responsibilities for prompt
Centreville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
supplied in pencil, 50,000] move forward and menace the enemy at Centreville? The remainder of the movable force on that side move rapidlye successfully resisted at the same time. The force in front of Centreville, if pressed too hardly, should fight back into the intrenchmentsattle of Bull Run, the Confederates advanced their outposts from Centreville and Fairfax Courthouse forward as far as Munson's Hill, and almoned from an Englishman from Fort Monroe, Richmond, Manassas, and Centreville, which was to the effect, that the enemy had twenty thousand men under Huger, at Norfolk; thirty thousand at Centreville; and in all in our front, an effective force, capable of being brought up at short n in numbers and strength. The road by the Fairfax Courthouse to Centreville would give us the means to bring up siege-mortars and siege mateGeneral McClellan ordered a forward movement of the army towards Centreville the next day, and immediately dispatched two regiments of cavalr
Vienna (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
organize the army into four army corps, placing the five divisions on the Washington side on the right bank. Place three of these corps to the front—the right at Vienna or its vicinity, the left beyond Fairfax Station, the centre beyond Fairfax Courthouse, and connect the latter place with the Orange and Alexandria Railroad by ae general must be head and supreme. In my judgment, says the greatest of theoretical writers on the art of war, discussing the part taken by the Aulic Council of Vienna in directing the operations of the Austrian armies, the only duty which such a council can safely undertake is that of advising as to the adoption of a generaof generals and of ministers; but here the action of such a council should stop; for if it pretends to say to a commander-in-chief not only that he shall march on Vienna or Paris, but also in what way he is to manoeuvre to reach those points, the unfortunate commander-in-chief will certainly be beaten, and the whole responsibility
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
from the President, stating that he had been constrained, by the severity of the pressure, to order the division of Blenker to Fremont. Report, p. 63. It will, moreover, presently appear, that scarcely had the army landed on the Peninsula, when, notwithstanding the President's emphatic assurances that no more troops should be detached from McClellan's command, the whole of McDowell's corps, whose arrival he was impatiently awaiting, for the purpose of making with it a turning movement on Yorktown, was taken from him, and General McDowell with his troops assigned to the new department of the Rappahannock. The reason assigned for this measure was, that General McClellan had not left behind a sufficient force for the protection of the capital. The result of this act will presently appear. It is impossible to review the series of events here recorded without a deep sense of pain and humiliation. A sufficient time has since elapsed to permit those who have at heart rather the vind
Occoquan River (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
in pencil, 71,000.] How many from northwest of it? [Answer in pencil, 33,000.] Suppose, then, that of those southwest of the river [supplied in pencil, 50,000] move forward and menace the enemy at Centreville? The remainder of the movable force on that side move rapidly to the crossing of the Occoquan by the road from Alexandria towards Richmond; there to be joined by the whole movable force from northeast of the river, having landed from the Potomac just below the mouth of the Occoquan, move by land up the south side of that stream, to the crossing point named; then the whole move together, by the road thence to Brentville, and beyond, to the railroad just south of its crossing of Broad Run, a strong detachment of cavalry having gone rapidly ahead to destroy the railroad-bridges south and north of the point. If the crossing of the Occoquan by those from above be resisted, those landing from the Potomac below to take the resisting force of the enemy in rear; or, if land
Warrenton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
of the forces for the protection of the national capital. To provide for the security of Washington was General McClellan's next care, and for this purpose he left behind a force of above seventy thousand men, with one hundred and nine pieces of light artillery. These troops were not, it is true, all concentrated at Washington, but they were all available for its defence. The troops left behind by General McClellan were as follows: In garrison and in front of Washington18,000 At Warrenton7,780 At Manassas10,859 In the Shenandoah Valley35,467 On the lower Potomac1,350 ______ In all73,456 Meantime, the task of collecting water transportation, and embarking the troops for the proposed expedition, was being pushed forward with the utmost energy. Unhappily, however, while every thing seemed to be under way, certain occurrences took place that marred the auspicious circumstances that should have attended the expedition. Upon the evacuation of Manassas, General McClel
Poolesville (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
cCall was ordered to make, with his division, a movement on Drainesville, for the purpose of covering reconnoissances in all directions to be made the following day. These reconnoissances were successfully accomplished on the 20th; and General Mc-Clellan, anticipating that this demonstration would have the effect of inducing the enemy to abandon Leesburg, directed General Stone, whose division of observation was guarding the left bank of the Potomac above Washington, with headquarters at Poolesville, to keep a good lookout upon Leesburg, and suggested a slight demonstration as likely to have the effect of moving the enemy at that point. Accordingly, on the afternoon of the 20th, Gorman's brigade was sent to Edward's Ferry to make a display of force, and the Fifteenth Massachusetts regiment, under Colonel Devens, was sent to Harrison's Island, from which place a small scouting party was about dark sent across by Ball's Bluff, to the Virginia side, and ordered to push out towards Lees
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