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Ambleside (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 22
ney in North Wales, including visits to Mr. J. Taylor and the Miss Luxmoors of St. Asaph's.—At Ambleside we found a kind note from Wordsworth, inviting us to come directly to him. I walked there as sed very quickly away, and when I rose to leave him he took his staff and walked nearly back to Ambleside with me. September 2.—As it was not convenient for us to go up to Rydal and breakfast with rrangement, she offered to breakfast with us to-morrow morning, and we parted and came back to Ambleside. Wordsworth, as usual, talked the whole time. He showed us the scenery in the spirit of onan extremely agreeable evening with him again, which he again ended by accompanying me back to Ambleside by a beautiful moonlight. September 3.—Mrs. Fletcher and her daughter came to breakfast witsaw her last, she is as interesting as ever, by her talent and enthusiasm. When we drove from Ambleside she accompanied us to Wordsworth's, where we passed a couple of hours very agreeably. He show<
Wakefield, Washington County, Rhode Island (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
ry glad to promise to make him a visit there on our return from the Continent. Dr. Dundas read the evening service at ten o'clock. The chapel was very full to-night, more than a hundred servants being present. The huntsmen in their scarlet dresses, who have come [from Northamptonshire] since we were here before, made quite a show. October 5.—It is a rainy morning, and yet when we went to breakfast I found Lord Spencer with spurs on, prepared for a ride. He told me that he is going to Wakefield, to see the prison there, and had sent on one of his horses to change half-way. The distance is eighteen miles, making thirty-six in all, which he prefers to take on horseback, notwithstanding the rain, and to be back to dinner. . . .. Lord Fitzwilliam generally makes his journeys on horseback, in all weathers. Last year he went in this way to Milton, eighty-nine miles, in a single day, and will probably do the same this year. All this comes of fox-hunting. October 6.—To-day, for th
Rockingham, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
to Lord Strafford's father and one to himself, all quite rude. He was the last distinguished person buried here; his son, with the Rockinghams, Fitzwilliams, etc., being deposited in York Minster. The pew of the family is of oak, very rudely carved, and has a shattered look; but it is in the state in which it was when the famous Strafford sat there, and has his arms ill cut in several places. . . . . I could not help imagining how things looked when he was there, and the great Marquis of Rockingham, and when Burke and Fox sat there, as they often did, with the late Lord Fitzwilliam. I had many strange visions about it, and little heeded poor old Mr. Lowe. . . . We lounged slowly home through the grounds and gardens. . . . After lunch, Lord Fitzwilliam said he should go to hear a charity sermon two or three miles off, and asked who would go with him; but all declined except Lady Mary and Mr. Thompson, it being understood that Dr. Dundas would read the evening service in the chapel
King's college (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 22
than any building I know of; the high embowed roof, the antic pillars massy-proof, the storied windows, richly dight, the pealing organ, and the fullvoiced quire below, are all there, and there in their original perfection. We were invited to dine with the Harcourts, but had an engagement with the Phillipses. . . . . We passed a couple of hours most agreeably with Professor Phillips, who gratifies and surprises me more, the more I know him. John Phillips, Professor of Geology in King's College, London, and Curator of the Museum at York, an eminent geologist. Mr. Ticknor had known him in Dublin, when he was Secretary of the British Association.. . . . We finished the evening with the Harcourts, who are fine specimens of the highest order of the English character,—the lady beautiful, intelligent, winning, and religious; and Mr. Harcourt a quiet, unobtrusive, efficient gentleman, with very large resources of various and elegant knowledge. We shall be sorry indeed to leave York,
Bowood (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
e island, and the exclusive character and tone assumed by the priests, who have every day, as they assure me, more and more the air of claiming superiority; especially where, as in the case of Edgeworthtown, the old priests have been removed, and Jesuits placed in their stead. After lunch,—there is only one service in the church,—Miss Edgeworth showed me a good many curious letters from Dumont,— one in particular, giving an account of Madame de Stael's visit, in 1813, to Lord Lansdowne at Bowood, for a week, when Mackintosh, Romilly, Schlegel, Rogers, and a quantity more of distinguished people were there; but Miss Edgeworth declined, not feeling apparently willing to live in a state of continual exhibition for so long a time. It was, however, very brilliant, and was most brilliantly described by Dumont. One thing amused me very much. Madame de Stael, who had just been reading the Tales of Fashionable Life,—then recently published,—with great admiration, said to Dumont of Miss
Kirkdale (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 22
Ticknor was shown a common-looking house where Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, died, whose death is thus recorded in the parish register of the place: buried in the yeare of our Lord 1687, April ye 17. Gorges uiluas Lord dooke of bookingam, etc.,—so carelessly and ignorantly was the death of a statesman, out of date, put on record, even in the midst of his own possessions and tenantry. About two miles to the northwest of Kirby Moorside, I stopped to see the small but remarkable church of Kirkdale. It stands in a retired and quiet valley, and has undergone considerable repairs; but the Saxon arch of its principal entrance is still surmounted by a sundial, on which there is a plain Saxon inscription, signifying that it was placed there by Orm the son of Gamal, in the days of Edward the King and of Tosti the Earl, which brings its date to 1055-65, when Tosti was Earl of Northumberland, and Edward, the Confessor, King. Three days later they passed through Leeds, where the Messrs.
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
Eldon, however, on whom Copley's promotion then depended, it was found afterwards, was opposed to the bill, and this explained it. Later, the government changed its opinion on the measure, Lord Althorp introduced it again, received the most efficient, good-tempered, and sagacious support for it, both in committee and in the House, and carried it, with Copley's aid, in every stage, and in every way, except debate. Lord Spencer talked to me, too, a great deal about his recollections of Fox, Pitt, and Sheridan, placing the latter much lower than his party usually does, and giving more praise to Pitt than I ever heard a Whig give him. He does not talk brilliantly,—he hardly talks well, for he hesitates, blushes even, and has a queer chuckling laugh, —but he interests you and commands your attention. I felt sure all the time that I was getting right impressions from him. . . . . As we went down to the chapel, Lord Spencer told me that so solemn and fine a chapel is nowhere else kept u
a mystery to me still. Things are in general very convenient and comfortable through the house, though, as elsewhere in Ireland, there is a want of English exactness and finish. However, all such matters, even if carried much farther than they aredid it with great regret; but our engagements with other friends in England would be broken by a more protracted stay in Ireland. So urgent was their kindness, as we parted from them, that we fairly promised to come back to Ireland, Note by Mr. Ireland, Note by Mr. Ticknor, written February 9, 1836: After an interval of six months I look back upon this visit to Miss Edgeworth with just the same feelings with which I drove away from her door. There was a life and spirit about her conversation, she threw herselpictures now in progress. Of the sketches, those he made in Spain are the most picturesque; those he has lately made in Ireland are the most interesting. . . . . It is evidently Wilkie's theory and purpose to find out what is striking and character
Maynooth (Irish Republic) (search for this): chapter 22
ouse. Journal. August 21.—We set out pretty early this morning to make a visit, by invitation, to the Edgeworths, at Edgeworthtown, sixty-five English miles from Dublin. . . . The whole country we passed through was like a succession of prairies, so little inequality was there in the surface, and it was only at rare intervals we even saw any tolerably sized hills in the horizon. Nor were the objects on the road more various. . . . . The ruins of an old castle of the Leinsters, at Maynooth, two mounds, which were probably burial-places of the aborigines, a good many ruined churches, and a good many villages, some very squalid and wretched, and some as comfortable as the poorer Scotch hamlets, were all we noticed. . . . . At last we approached the house. There was no mistaking it. We had seen none such for a long time. It is spacious, with an ample veranda, and conservatory covering part of its front quite beautifully, and situated in a fine lawn of the richest green, int
York (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 22
non Harcourt, with whom I dined at Lord Mulgrave's in Dublin. He is the son of the Archbishop of York, first Residentiary Canon of the minster, and the most active and efficient manager of the Festivm. John Phillips, Professor of Geology in King's College, London, and Curator of the Museum at York, an eminent geologist. Mr. Ticknor had known him in Dublin, when he was Secretary of the Britishn, with very large resources of various and elegant knowledge. We shall be sorry indeed to leave York, because it contains such people. After the Musical Festival followed the Doncaster Races, at days later they passed through Leeds, where the Messrs. Gott—two of whom Mr. Ticknor had met at York—showed him the wonderful machinery of their great woollen manufactory, with a freedom and opennesbeing, as he always is, agreeable, with the utmost simplicity of heart. I saw him constantly in York, and it was one of my pleasures to witness his exquisite enjoyment of the music at the minster.
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