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R. W. Emerson | 80 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book. Search the whole document.
Found 39 total hits in 16 results.
China (China) (search for this): chapter 28
Europe (search for this): chapter 28
Vienna (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 28
English (search for this): chapter 28
Preble Motley (search for this): chapter 28
J. L. Stackpole (search for this): chapter 28
Wendell Phillips (search for this): chapter 28
R. W. Emerson (search for this): chapter 28
The evolution of an American
Emerson once wrote, We go to Europe to be Americanized.
In the recent Correspondence of John Lothrop Motley-the most attractive series of letters which the present writer has for many a day encountered—the most interesting feature, after all, is the gradual evolution of all American.
Wendell Phillips used to delight in testifying to the manner in which this process went on in this his classmate and friend, and also in himself.
Both came out of Harvard College, Phillips said, the narrow aristocrats of a petty sphere; both—though he did not say this—handsome, elegant, accomplished, the prime favorites of the small but really polished circle of the Boston of that day. In case of Phillips, the emancipation was more rapid; and he too owed it in a sense to Europe, for it was there he met his future wife, through whom he first became interested in the anti-slavery movement.
In Motley's case the change came more slowly, and reached its crisis at <
John Lothrop Motley (search for this): chapter 28
The evolution of an American
Emerson once wrote, We go to Europe to be Americanized.
In the recent Correspondence of John Lothrop Motley-the most attractive series of letters which the present writer has for many a day encountered—the most interesting feature, after all, is the gradual evolution of all American.
Wend rapid; and he too owed it in a sense to Europe, for it was there he met his future wife, through whom he first became interested in the anti-slavery movement.
In Motley's case the change came more slowly, and reached its crisis at the outbreak of the Civil War; and it must have been at the time of his arrival in this country in tion with the pro-slavery tendency of public affairs was manifest as early as 1855.
Correspondence, i. 170, 268.
I can remember well my first impression of Motley and his friend and afterward brotherin-law, Stackpole, as the acknowledged leaders of the Boston society of which I had an occasional boyish glimpse; and the glam
1861 AD (search for this): chapter 28