Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Charles James Fox or search for Charles James Fox in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address of J. C. C. Black, at the unveiling of the Hill statue, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1, 1886. (search)
human ambition? Who has taught the ruled of the world that man may be entrusted with power? Who has taught the rulers of the world when and how to surrender power? Of whom did Bancroft write, but for him the country would not have achieved its independence, but for him it could not have formed its Union, and now, but for him it could not set the Federal Government in successful motion? Of whom did Erskine say, you are the only being for whom I have an awful reverence? Of whom did Charles James Fox say in the House of Commons, illustrious man, before whom all borrowed greatness sinks into insignificance? Washington. What State first made the call for the convention that framed the Constitution? Virginia. Who was the father of the Constitution? Madison. Who made our system of jurisprudence, unsurpassed by the civil law of Rome and the common law of England? Marshall. Who was Marshall's worthy successor? Taney. Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Marshall, Taney—these were her