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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Life, services and character of Jefferson Davis. (search)
ation and the plea of humanity for exchange. 3. Vice-President Stephens was sent to see President Lincoln by President Davis, and urge exchange, in order to restrict the calamities of war, but he ichmond, and when, as the result of his mission, Messrs. Stephens, Hunter and Campbell met President Lincoln and Secretary Seward in conference at Hampton Roads. Reports have been circulated that atthe Monroe doctrine and expel Maximilian, the usurping emperor, from his throne. But when President Lincoln and Secretary Seward appeared no proposal of any kind was made but unconditional surrenderuisiana, and consider the ragged soldier of Bentonville and Appomattox. Early days—Davis and Lincoln. After the Revolutionary war Samuel Davis, who had served in it as one of the mounted men ofcky. Pending the war, in 1782 (the very year that George Rogers Clarke captured Kaskaskia), Thomas Lincoln, of Rockingham county, Virginia, removed to the same State. Jefferson Davis, the son of the