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Charlottesville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.27
onsiderable attention by the skilful manner in which he twirled the baton. The Third regiment Battalion. The battalion of the Third regiment was commanded by Captain T. S. Keller, and consisted of the following companies: Company D (Charlottesville), First Lieutenant, L. F. Roberts; Second Lieutenant, J. N. Marshall. Four non-commissioned officers and thirty-three privates; total, rank and file, forty men. Company E (Lynchburg), Captain F. Camm; First Lieutenant, T. D. Oglesby; Secollitary companies began to leave the city immediately after the return from the exercises at Hollywood, and at 10 o'clock last night the armories were as quiet as they are when the boys are all off at encampment. The Monticello Guards, of Charlottesville, were the last infantrymen to take their departure, while the Lynchburg and Surry companies of cavalry were the last of all the organizations to leave the city. All the visiting militia were loud in the praises of the Richmond soldier boy
Surry (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.27
iring sight to behold the troopers as they proudly marched in the procession. Colonel G. Percy Hawes commanded the regiment, and the following were the members of his staff: Lieutenant-Colonel, W. F. Wickham; Major, W. Kirk Mathews; Major Lewis Wheat, M. D., surgeon; Captain H. M. Boykin, adjutant; Captain A. B. Guigon, commissary; Captain E. D. Hotchkiss, ordnance officer; Captain E. D. McGuire, M. D., assistant surgeon. Non-commissioned staff: Captain E. P. Turner, surgeon of Troop B, Surry county; Sergeant-Major W. B. Marks; Commissary-Sergeant, John C. Small; Quartermaster-Sergeant J. F. Bradley; Ordnance Sergeant, E. S. Hazen. Organizations in the regiment. Troop A (Stuart Horse Guard), Captain Charles Euker, Lieutenants E. J. Euker and J. R. Branch, eleven non-commissioned officers and twenty-five privates, making a total of thirty-nine. Troop C (Fitz Lee Troop, Lynchburg), Captain T. J. Ingram, First Lieutenant W. M. Seay, Jr., Second Lieutenant H. W. Baker; nine non-
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.27
skill won the admiration of the army and the applause of the whole country, and marked him for speedy promotion. In May, 1862, he was promoted to the rank of major-general and given command of the division composed of Pender's and Branch's North Carolina, Archer's Tennessee, Gregg's South Carolina, Field's Virginia, and Thomas' Georgia brigades. In the army then defending Richmond, Hill's division composed the extreme left, stationed along the left bank of the Chickahominy, opposite Mechanstarted, a spirited horse became unruly and rushed upon the pavement, which was crowded with persons. It was almost a miracle that no one was hurt. The rider had finally to get down and lead his horse away. Colonel John S. Cunningham, of North Carolina, a member of the staff of Governor Holt, of that State, was among the prominent guests in carriages. He was cheered by friends as the procession went out Franklin. Suffer from sunstroke. While on the line of march two infantrymen fell
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.27
, as unwavering, and as ready to respond to the order to charge as at the beginning, and when at the surrender they stacked arms in front of a division of the Federal army, and set their faces homeward, they marched off with the swinging gait of Jackson's foot cavalry, cheering for Jefferson Davis and for the Southern Confederacy. Though their first loved commander was then dead on the field of honor, his spirit was still with them. They were as brave as ever fought beneath knightly plume or ed General Pope a front view of Confederate troops, A. P. Hill retrieved what threatened to be a lost field. At Second Manassas the Light division was in the fore-front of the battle; and contributed largely to the success of the movements of Jackson's corps. At Sharpsburg General Hill's march from Harper's Ferry, his timely arrival upon the field, his prompt and vigorous assault upon the victorious columns of McClellan saved the Army of Northern Virginia from a serious disaster. When
Hermitage (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.27
Colonel Morton Marye, Hon. R. H. Cardwell, Mr. John V. L. Klapp and others. An animated picture. While the disposition of the various organizations was being made, the picture from the statue was a most animated and inspiring one. There was a clear sweep for the vision in whichever direction one turned. All over the field to the southeast were groups of cavalry, and paralleling the road in the same direction was a long line of glistening musket-barrels. To the immediate rear, the Hermitage road was bordered by vehicles and citizens. To the immediate rear of these, and made all the more prominent by a background composed of another immense throng in citizen's dress, were the Confederate camps and Sons of Veterans, in their gray uniforms and vari-colored badges. To the left and west the red artillery were stationed; here, there, and everywhere staff officers were galloping over the fields, and on every side fluttered State colors and Confederate battle-flags. Some of these
New Orleans (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.27
eir all upon the uncertain chances of war, and they will stand the hazard of the die. Though overpowered, they are proud of the record they made—of the valor of their armies; of the patriotism and courage of their women, and of the sufferings they endured in a just cause. They honor and reverence their chosen leaders and cling to their memories with tender recollections, which neither time nor change can efface. Broken with the storms of State. A few months ago, in the city of New Orleans, the President of the Confederate States of America lay dead—an old man broken with the storms of State, who for twenty-five years had been proscribed and disfranchised by the government under which he lived; denied the rights of citizenship accorded to his former slaves; without country, without fortune or influence, and by whose life or death no man could hope to be gainer or loser. No mercenary motives influenced a single individual to mourn for him. And yet the whole Southland, all
Romney (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.27
e Confederate lines, within a pistol-shot of the enemy's position, and fully a mile in advance of the rest of the division. But, asking pardon for this digression, we return to our subject. M'Clellan's movement checked. In the spring of 1861 General Joseph E. Johnston, learning that General McClellan was organizing a force on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, about New creek, and threatening his flank, sent A. P. Hill with his own (the Tenth Virginia) and Third Tennessee regiments to Romney in Hampshire county, to observe and check the movement. The task was accomplished by Colonel Hill in a manner to call forth honorable mention, and on his return to the army it was confidently expected by his friends that he would be promoted and assigned to the command of the regiments then under him, but the government at Richmond held that Virginia had already more than her share of brigadiers, and that no more appointments would be made from that State for the time being. That Colonel H
Louisa (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.27
d as soon as the secession of his State became a fixed fact he resigned his commission in the army, and bidding farewell to old friends and comrades, reported to duty to Governor Letcher, and was commissioned colonel of Virginia volunteers. Colonel Hill was at once ordered to report to General Joseph E. Johnston, then in command of the troops on the upper Potomac, and was assigned to the command of the Thirteenth Virginia Infantry, made up of companies from the counties of Orange, Culpeper, Louisa, Hampshire, and Frederick, in Virginia, and one company from Baltimore, Maryland. This regiment was composed of splendid material, and by his training and discipline and from the spirit he infused into its officers and men, it was made equal to the best of the regular troops, and became as well known throughout the Army of Northern Virginia as its first loved commander. Of this regiment General Lee said: It is a splendid body of men. General Ewell said: It is the only regiment in my com
Weldon, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.27
. The entire army, with all its baggage-trains and artillery, was brought safely across the Potomac, and the pursuing army was not able to deliver one single telling blow to the retreating Confederates. General Hill's corps, like his old division, was ever in motion, always ready to march at a moment's notice, always in the fight, and always giving a good account of itself. Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spotsylvania Courthouse, Cold Harbor, Jerusalem, Plank-Road, Ream's Station, the Crater, Weldon, Hatcher's Run, Petersburg, and many other combats and affairs speak the deeds of Hill and his brave men. During the seige of Petersburg, Hill's corps was on the right of the army, which was the exposed flank, and which it was General Grant's constant aim and object to turn in order to cut General Lee's communication with the South, and force him to retreat. To avert repeated efforts to accomplish this cherished design, kept the Third corps in constant motion, while the rest of the army
Crenshaw (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.27
C. A. Robinson, Mr. Corbin Warwick, and Mr. H. Cabell Tabb; Courier, Master James A. Langhorne. Captain Tyler wore the uniform he used during the war, and also had on a white rosette to mark his rank. The veterans of this organization proudly carried with them two historic Confederate battle-flags, which plainly showed by their appearance that they had been through the ravages of war. One of the tattered banners was the ensign of the old Pegram Battalion, and the other was the flag of Crenshaw's Battery, which was attached to this command. Next followed Colonel William P. Smith, commander of the Grand Camp of Confederate Veterans, Department of Virginia, escorted by the members of his staff, who were all mounted. Behind these came the members of the Lee Camp on foot, dressed in the beloved Confederate gray, and preceded by their drum corps, which made the air quake with their merry music. Colonel A. W. Archer, their commander, was at their head. At least one hundred and f
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