Found 335 total hits in 189 results.
ral G. A., Capture of, 198.
McCausland, General, John, 99.
McDowell, battle of, 137.
McQueen, Lieut. J A, U. S. A., his chivalry, 26.
Malvern Hill, battle of, 60
Manassas, First battle of, 111.
Manassas, cavalry pursuit after, 259, 299.
Marshall, Colonel, Charles, 205.
Martin, General J. G., gallantry of, 192; His brigade in 1863-1863, 189.
Meade, General George G.; His temper, 247.
Miller, Rev., John, Captain Artillery, 99.
Minor, Captain R. D., C. S. Navy, 283.
Mine Run, battle of, 48.
Minutiae of Soldier's Life, 104, 265.
Moncure, Judge E. C., 292.
Moore. Colonel A. D., killed, 193.
Moorehead City, N. C , assault of, 64.
Mosby, Colonel John S., 238, 348.
Munford, General Thomas T, 265.
Murdaugh, Lieut. W. H., C. S. Navy, 283.
Nelson and Page, in 1776 and 1861, 336.
New Orleans, La.; Butler's Investment of, 182.
News, Rockbridge county, cited, 202.
North Carolina Infantry, the 11th organization and history of, 42; the 1st, or B
of, 131.
Pendleton, General W. N., 99, 236, 343.
Perry, Captain Leslie J., 247, 253.
Petersburg, Defense of, 51, 70.
Pettigrew, General J. J., 44
Pettigrew, Dr. W. S., 166, 314.
Phifer, Lieutenant, Edward, killed, 71.
Picayune, The N. O., La., cited, 182, 198.
Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg, 160, 229.
Pickett Camp C. V., 229, 318.
Plymouth, N. C., Capture of, 190.
Poets and Poetry of the West, 84.
Porter, Dr., A. Toomer, 26.
Power, S. F., 41.
Ramseur, General S. D., Tribute to, 58.
Randolph Guard, Roster and History of, 94.
Randolph, Major N. V., 337.
Read, General, Theodore, Heroic death of, 309.
Ream's Station, Battle of, 53.
Register, The Rockingham, Va., cited, 56.
Revolutions of 1776 and 1861, Principles of, 366
Richmond, Va , Evacuation of, April 3, 1865; Cause of Conflagration, 175.
Robins, Colonel W. T., 178.
Rockbridge Artillery, History and Roster, 98, 100, 118, 139, 153; Uniform and Equipments of, 103.
Roulhac, Lieu
temper, 247.
Miller, Rev., John, Captain Artillery, 99.
Minor, Captain R. D., C. S. Navy, 283.
Mine Run, battle of, 48.
Minutiae of Soldier's Life, 104, 265.
Moncure, Judge E. C., 292.
Moore. Colonel A. D., killed, 193.
Moorehead City, N. C , assault of, 64.
Mosby, Colonel John S., 238, 348.
Munford, General Thomas T, 265.
Murdaugh, Lieut. W. H., C. S. Navy, 283.
Nelson and Page, in 1776 and 1861, 336.
New Orleans, La.; Butler's Investment of, 182.
News, Rockbridge county, cited, 202.
North Carolina Infantry, the 11th organization and history of, 42; the 1st, or Bethel regiment, 42; the 49th, history of, 58.
Observer, The, Charlotte, N. C., cited, 42, 58, 158, 266, 314.
O'Ferrall, Gov., Chas. T., address, 361,
Otey, Hon. Peter J., 337.
Parham, Benj. M., 82.
Parker, Captain John C., 88
Parker, Dr. W. W., Major of Artillery, 388.
Patterson, Captain, U. S. Army, Humanity of, 162.
Payne, Lieutenant James B., wounded, 125.
le of, 46.
Federal Depredations in 1865, 266.
Federal Relief to Confederates, Protest of R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., against the Otey Bill,
Federal Vessels Captured: Whistling Wind, Alfred H. Partridge.
Mary Alvina, Bark Tacony, M. A. Shindler, Isaac Webb, Micawber, 277; Byzantium, Goodspeed, Marengo, Florence, Elizabeth Ann, Rufus Choate, Raffle, 278; Shatemuc, Archer, Caleb Cushing, 279.
First and Last Days of the War, Reminiscences of, 294.
Five Forks, Battle of, 58, 78.
Fleming, Col. John A., Killed, 73.
Flowers, Colonel Robert L., 273.
Fort Fisher, Bombardment of, 166.
Fort Hamby, on the Yadkin, 266.
Fort Steadman, Capture of, 74.
Fredericksburg, Battle of, 198.
Gettysburg, Battle of, Charge of N. C. Troops in, 44, 158; Events Leading Up to; Address of Colonel Charles Marshall, 205; Pickett's Charge at, 229; Discussed, 253, 342, 348.
Goode, Hon., John, 296.
Gum Spring, N. C., Action at, 62.
Half-Way House, 67.
Hainesville, Va., Skirmish at,
uring our late memorable internecine war. I have not been face to face with him since, but we have maintained correspondence at intervals.
I was honored in his regard.
A brother, like worthy, the late Colonel Charles Colcock Jones, Jr., of Augusta, Ga., I met later, only a few years ago. Although our friendship began later, our communication was more frequent whilst he lived.
Rarely in the world's history has it been that an excellent father has been doubly blessed in two sons, such typesny B, 292.
Cavalry, 9th Virginia, Roll of Company C, 330.
Chaffin's Bluff, Encampment at, 196.
Chancellorsville, Battle of, 210.
Christian, Hon. George L., 358, 380.
Christian Observer, Louisville, Ky., cited, 333.
Chronicle, Augusta, Ga., cited, 335.
Clark, Captain M. T., 181.
Coggeshall, William T., 84.
Cold Harbor, Battle of, 79, 193.
Confederate Generals by States, 335.
Confederate Association, Washington, D. C., 205.
Confederate Memorial Literary Society, Ded
ania, 63.
Jackson's Soubriquet of Stonewall, 112.
Jackson, his dread of intoxicants, 333.
James, G P. R, 318.
Johnson Publishing Co., B. F., 1.
Johnson, General Bradley T. Oration in dedicating the Confederate Museum at Richmond, 364.
Johnson's Island Prisoners; plan to rescue them, 283.
Johnson, Major L J., death of, 172.
Johnson, Zack, killed, 106.
Jones, has. Edgeworth, 335.
Jones, Dr., Joseph, tribute to, 382.
Jones, D. D., Rev. J. Wm., 342.
Journal, Farmville, Va., cited, 94.
Kernstown, battle of, 130.
Kirkland's N. C. Brigade in 1864-1864, 165
Lamb, Colonel John C., killed, 191.
Landry, Captain R., Prosper, 202.
Last Battle of the War, 38.
Lee Camp, No. 1, C. V. The beneficence and influence of, 337.
Lee rangers.
Roster and service of, 290.
Lee, General R. E. His kindness and gentleness, 206; appearance in 1861, 297; birth-day observed, 205.
Lincoln's Estimate of General Meade, 249.
Linebarger, Lieut., killed, 68.
tain, Chas. G., 174, 198.
Equipment, 1861, A Soldier's, 300.
Evans, General C. A., Address of, 1.
Exall, Wm., Death of, 125.
F Co. 21st Va. Infantry, 125.
Falling Waters, Battle of, 46.
Federal Depredations in 1865, 266.
Federal Relief to Confederates, Protest of R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., against the Otey Bill,
Federal Vessels Captured: Whistling Wind, Alfred H. Partridge.
Mary Alvina, Bark Tacony, M. A. Shindler, Isaac Webb, Micawber, 277; Byzantium, Goodspeed, Marengo, Florence, Elizabeth Ann, Rufus Choate, Raffle, 278; Shatemuc, Archer, Caleb Cushing, 279.
First and Last Days of the War, Reminiscences of, 294.
Five Forks, Battle of, 58, 78.
Fleming, Col. John A., Killed, 73.
Flowers, Colonel Robert L., 273.
Fort Fisher, Bombardment of, 166.
Fort Hamby, on the Yadkin, 266.
Fort Steadman, Capture of, 74.
Fredericksburg, Battle of, 198.
Gettysburg, Battle of, Charge of N. C. Troops in, 44, 158; Events Leading Up to; Address of Colonel Char
ns of, to the Greatness of the Union, 1; its Army as compared with the Federal, 1861-1861, 5; its gifts of territory, 7; its valor in war, 9; its fidelity to principles, 11; its influence in the forming of the Union its aid in industrial greatness, 14; its grand future, 21.
Southern Soldiers in Northern Prisons; John-son's Island, Point Lookout, and Fort Delaware, 158.
Southern Historical Society, 381.
Spirit of 1776 and of 1861, 336.
Spotsylvania C. H Battle of, 50.
State, Raleigh, N. C., cited, 165, 189.
State, Columbia, S C , cited, 25.
State, N. O., La., cited, 82.
Stonewall Brigade, 56; Battles of the, 56.
Strange, Colonel, John Bowie, 298.
Stuart, General J. E. B., Tribute to, 202; at Gettysburg, 212, 216; defence of, 238, 348.
Suffolk, Va., Occupation of, 66.
Swift Creek, Va., Engagement at, 66.
Times-Democrat, cited, 38.
Times, Richmond, cited, 238, 294, 357, 359.
Twiggs, General D. E., anecdote of, 206.
Tyler, General R. C., 38.
ansas, 376; Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, Kentucky, 377.
Confederate Soldier, Camp experience of, 318; Privations of, 308.
Confederate Navy, Exploits of Lieutenant C. W. Read; Cruise of the Clarence-Tacony Archer, 274; Alabama, Florida, 276; Atlanta, 277.
Crater, Battle of the, 71. Constitution, Atlanta, Ga., cited, 328.
Dana, C. A., 248.
Darby-Town, Origin of name, 151.
Davis, Colonel, James Taylor, killed, 74.
Davis, President, his home in Richmond, 354.
Derry, Professor JAtlanta, Ga., cited, 328.
Dana, C. A., 248.
Darby-Town, Origin of name, 151.
Davis, Colonel, James Taylor, killed, 74.
Davis, President, his home in Richmond, 354.
Derry, Professor J. F., 1.
Dinwiddie Courthouse, Engagement at, 75.
Dismal Swamp, Success at, 65.
Dispatch, Richmond, Va., cited, 79, 175, 205, 229, 253, 259, 274, 283, 290, 292, 318, 323, 330, 342, 348, 379
Donaldsonville Artillery at Fredericksburg, 198.
Drewry's Bluff, Assault of, 67.
Durham, Captain Cicero A., death of, 68.
Early, General J. A., 297, 344.
Elliott, Captain, Chas. G., 174, 198.
Equipment, 1861, A Soldier's, 300.
Evans, General C. A., Address of, 1.
Exall, Wm., Death o
Patterson, Captain, U. S. Army, Humanity of, 162.
Payne, Lieutenant James B., wounded, 125.
Pendleton, Colonel A. S., Gallantry of, 131.
Pendleton, General W. N., 99, 236, 343.
Perry, Captain Leslie J., 247, 253.
Petersburg, Defense of, 51, 70.
Pettigrew, General J. J., 44
Pettigrew, Dr. W. S., 166, 314.
Phifer, Lieutenant, Edward, killed, 71.
Picayune, The N. O., La., cited, 182, 198.
Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg, 160, 229.
Pickett Camp C. V., 229, 318.
Plymouth, N. C., Capture of, 190.
Poets and Poetry of the West, 84.
Porter, Dr., A. Toomer, 26.
Power, S. F., 41.
Ramseur, General S. D., Tribute to, 58.
Randolph Guard, Roster and History of, 94.
Randolph, Major N. V., 337.
Read, General, Theodore, Heroic death of, 309.
Ream's Station, Battle of, 53.
Register, The Rockingham, Va., cited, 56.
Revolutions of 1776 and 1861, Principles of, 366
Richmond, Va , Evacuation of, April 3, 1865; Cause of Conflagration, 175.
Robins, C