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February 5th, 1684 AD (search for this): chapter 13
er for this town.’ These gentlemen reported, January 10, 1705, ‘that all gave incoridgment & declare their opinion that as to Mr. Wissell's Learning & other qualifications he was a fitt person for sd work.’ This report was accepted, and these three gentlemen, along with Mr. Ebenezer Austin as a fourth, were authorized, any two of them, to treat with Mr. Wissell for a term of six months. Peleg Wiswell (Wiswall) was the son of Rev. Ichabod and Priscilla (Peabody) Wiswall, and was born February 5, 1684, at Duxbury, where his father was ordained and settled. He graduated from Harvard in 1702, and died in 1767. A printed genealogy of the Wiswall family may be consulted. If we remember rightly, he taught many years in the North End School, Boston. March 4, 1706. It became the duty of the selectmen to provide a schoolmaster for the town, and on the twenty-sixth they empowered Captain Samuel Heyman, Joseph Whittemore, Mr. Bateman, and Robert Wyer ‘to inquire & treat with Mr. Samuel
May 11th, 1709 AD (search for this): chapter 13
use and the schoolhouse; £ 18 was voted for this object. (At the same meeting Mr. Phipps was voted eleven pounds, four shillings for his services as town representative in 1705.) March 31, 1707. ‘It was agreed with Mr. Burr to keep the school one year, as last year, for £ 40. Also it was ordered that there be another table & two forms provided for the schoolhouse.’ May 21, 1707, and May 17, 1708, the usual annual amount was appropriated for the schoolmaster. The vote was the same May 11, 1709, May 22, 1710, and May 23, 1711. Samuel Burr, A. M. (class of 1697, Harvard), was the son of Major John Burr, of Fairfield, Ct. His mother's maiden name was Sarah Fitch. According to the printed family record, the date of his birth was April 2, 1679; that of his marriage to Elizabeth Jennor (Jenner), June 19, 1707. A daughter, Sarah, born in Cambridge, married Thomas Edwards, of Boston. She received as legacy from her father, a silver tankard, that was her great-grandfather, John St<
May 17th, 1708 AD (search for this): chapter 13
eting Captain Heyman and Captain Phipps were empowered to secure workmen for repairing the meetinghouse and the schoolhouse; £ 18 was voted for this object. (At the same meeting Mr. Phipps was voted eleven pounds, four shillings for his services as town representative in 1705.) March 31, 1707. ‘It was agreed with Mr. Burr to keep the school one year, as last year, for £ 40. Also it was ordered that there be another table & two forms provided for the schoolhouse.’ May 21, 1707, and May 17, 1708, the usual annual amount was appropriated for the schoolmaster. The vote was the same May 11, 1709, May 22, 1710, and May 23, 1711. Samuel Burr, A. M. (class of 1697, Harvard), was the son of Major John Burr, of Fairfield, Ct. His mother's maiden name was Sarah Fitch. According to the printed family record, the date of his birth was April 2, 1679; that of his marriage to Elizabeth Jennor (Jenner), June 19, 1707. A daughter, Sarah, born in Cambridge, married Thomas Edwards, of Boston<
ained in the town school. The sons of the poor had some slight attention, but the ‘youth,’ the sons of the better class, whether they knew it or not, formed a privileged order in the community. As yet there was no real democratic equality in educational matters, and no free schools in the modern acceptation of the term. A list of those accredited to Charlestown, who graduated from Harvard College previous to 1701, may prove interesting. (From Bartlett's Address, 1813.) Comfort Starr, 1647,Nathaniel Cutler, 1663, Samuel Nowell, 1653,Alexander Nowell, 1664, Joshua Long, 1653 (?),Daniel Russell, 1669, Thomas Greaves, 1656,Isaac Foster, 1671, Zechariah Symmes, 1657,Samuel Phipps, 1671, Zechariah Brigden, 1657,Nicholas Morton, 1686, Benjamin Bunker, 1658,Nicholas Lynde, 1690, Joseph Lord, 1691. A personal examination of the town records shows that from the opening of this century, almost without exception thereafter, the inhabitants of Charlestown, in town meeting assemb
May 13th, 1719 AD (search for this): chapter 13
il May 17, 1725, when this amount had increased to £ 9, a sum was thus appropriated for a schoolmaster ‘at ye wood end of the town,’ or ‘for a school of children for writing & reading at the upper end of the town.’ The petition of Captain Benjamin Geary and fifty-three others ‘to be sett off as a separate town’ was presented on that day, and though their prayer was not granted at first, it resulted in a division of the township, and December 17, 1725, the new town of Stoneham was born. May 13, 1719, a second school without the peninsula was fostered, namely, at the indefinitely located Mistick-side, by an appropriation of £ 3. This amount was increased to £ 4 for four years following. In 1724 there seems to have been no vote for this purpose, and May 17, 1725, William Paine and seventeen others presented a petition to be set off to Malden. This request met the same fate as the other, but no doubt the bounds of the town were adjusted later to the satisfaction of all concern
January 8th (search for this): chapter 13
local committees, whose names are recorded from year to year. In a few instances we know who were the teachers and the length of their service. Thus, at the Stoneham precinct, William Hay taught for the months of February and March, 1721, for the £ 8. In 1722 George Taylor kept this school for three months, fourteen days, and overrun the appropriation fifteen shillings. In 1724 the teacher was Mr. Hancock, and for 1725 Ebenezer Parker. At Mistick-side John Brentnall kept the school from 8 January to 15 February for the £ 4 appropriated, and the next year Nathan Burnham rendered a similar service. The query naturally arises whether these outlying districts maintained a school during the major part of the year at their own expense, or are we to suppose that the short periods mentioned represent the sum total of a year's schooling? October 5, 1719. Among other things, it was voted to pro– vide a bell for the schoolhouse; also that the schoolboys be permitted to sit in the three h
March 4th, 1706 AD (search for this): chapter 13
h Mr. Ebenezer Austin as a fourth, were authorized, any two of them, to treat with Mr. Wissell for a term of six months. Peleg Wiswell (Wiswall) was the son of Rev. Ichabod and Priscilla (Peabody) Wiswall, and was born February 5, 1684, at Duxbury, where his father was ordained and settled. He graduated from Harvard in 1702, and died in 1767. A printed genealogy of the Wiswall family may be consulted. If we remember rightly, he taught many years in the North End School, Boston. March 4, 1706. It became the duty of the selectmen to provide a schoolmaster for the town, and on the twenty-sixth they empowered Captain Samuel Heyman, Joseph Whittemore, Mr. Bateman, and Robert Wyer ‘to inquire & treat with Mr. Samuel Burr with reference to his keeping the school in this Towne & to make report at their next meeting.’ It is recorded that Mr. Burr entered upon his duties, at the rate of £ 40 per annum, 24 April, 1706. At the May meeting Captain Heyman and Captain Phipps were empow
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