Found 902 total hits in 579 results.
, 10, 14, 55.
Clark, Joseph H., 10.
Clark, Mary A., 9.
Clark, Samuel Adams. 9.
Clark, T. Cordis, 19.
Claudius, 80.
Cleur, John C., Esq., 42.
City Hall, 81.
Civil War, 5, 35, 82, 83.
Company A, of Peabody.
46, 67.
Company B, Roxbury, 46, 64.
Company C. Medford. 22, 46.
Company C, of Scituate and Boston, 46.
Company D. of Quincy, 46.
Company E, 46, 47, 58, 60, 63. 66, 67.
Company E, Thirty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry, in the Civil War, 17-23, 43-47.
Company F, of Taunton, 46.
Company H, Dorchester, 46, 64.
Company I, of Natick, 46.
Company K. Woburn, 46, 57.
Cobble Hill, 53.
Cold Harbor, 63. 64.
Cold Harbor, Battle of, 63.
Conant. Roger, 78, 79, 80.
Concord, Mass., 28, 77.
Conrad's Ferry, 18.
Constantine, Arch of. 80.
Convent Hill, 11.
Conwell, Leon M., 75.
Coolidge, Eunice, 49.
Cooper-Shop Eating House, 18.
Cotimore Katharine.
Cow Commons, 25, 26, 30.
Cradock House, 79.
Cradock, Matthew, 78. 79, 80.
Crater, The,
Alsop's Farm, 56, 57.
Alston Street, 9.
American Flag, The First, 81.
American Navy, The, 84.
Amesbury, Mass., 1.
Anderson, 56.
Andersonville Prison, 22.
Andrew, Governor, 43.
Antietam Bridge, 20.
Arlington, D. C., 18.
Arlington, Mass., 26.
Armory, The, 81.
Army of the Potomac, 44, 56.
Arnold, J. Frank, 8.
Arnold, Leonard, 8, 10.
Arnold, William J., 56.
Associated Charities, 75.
Austin, Richard, 29.
Avery, Mathew, 30.
Ayer, John F., 74, 76.
Ayer, William, 28.ty of the Sons of the American Revolution, 3.
Maulsby, Professor, 74.
McLean, Asylum, 12, 54.
Mead, General. 20.
Meade, General. 43, 44, 72.
Medford Genealogies, 51.
Medford, Mass., 3, 25, 52, 75, 79.
Medford Street, 9, 11, 33, 39.
Menotomy, 16. 27.
Menotomy River, 26.
Mercantile Trust Co., 10.
Merry. Admiral. 73.
Methodist Society. 39.
Middleburg. Va., 21.
Mile Run, Va., 44.
Miller Charles, 11, 55.
Miller, James, 11, 29, 49.
Miller, Joseph, 29. 49.
Miller, Richard, 2
rville Mass., 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84.
Somerville Samaritan Society, 75.
Somerville Savings Bank, 8.
Somerville Sons and Daughters of New Hampshire, 3.
Somerville Y. M. C. A., 3.
Southampton, L. I., 28.
South-mead, The, 26.
South Yarmouth, Mass., 2.
Spanish War, The, 83.
Spottsylvania, 56, 57, 58, 60.
Sprague, Ralph, 79.
Sprague. Sarah White, 52.
Springfield Street, 34.
Spring Hill.
15, 32, 75.
Spy Pond, 37.
Stearns, Peleg, 52.
Stearns, Dr., William, 52.
Stevensburg, 22, 44, 45.
Stevens, Charles F., 40.
Stevens, Edward L., 13.
Stevens, Leslie, 18.
Stinted Pasture, The, 25, 26, 27.
Stokes, Benjamin. 50.
Stone, F. W., 8.
Stone, Hannah A., 52.
Stone. John, 52.
Stone, Jonathan, 8.
Stone, Jonathan, Jr., .52.
Stone, Mrs., Jonathan, 8.
Stone, Lucy, 8.
Stone. Lydia, 52.
Stone, Nathaniel T., 8. 52.
Stone. Mrs. N. T., 8.
Stone, Sara, 8.
Stone, Seth. 52.
Stone, Susanna. 53.
Strawberry Hill, 26, 23.
Sturtevant. Richard. 7.
Marrett, D. A., 5, 40.
Marrett, S. H., 5, 40.
Mars, The Temple of, 81.
Martindale Barracks, 19.
Maryland Heights, 20.
Massachusetts, 82.
Massachusetts Bay Colony, The. 78, 79, 80.
Massachusetts Bay Colony. The First Governor of. 73, 78-80.
Massachusetts Bay Company, The 78.
Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, 3.
Maulsby, Professor, 74.
McLean, Asylum, 12, 54.
Mead, General. 20.
Meade, General. 43, 44, 72.
Medford Genealogies, 51.
Medford, Mass., 3, 25, 52, 75, 79.
Medford Street, 9, 11, 33, 39.
Menotomy, 16. 27.
Menotomy River, 26.
Mercantile Trust Co., 10.
Merry. Admiral. 73.
Methodist Society. 39.
Middleburg. Va., 21.
Mile Run, Va., 44.
Miller Charles, 11, 55.
Miller, James, 11, 29, 49.
Miller, Joseph, 29. 49.
Miller, Richard, 29, 31.
Miller. Thomas, 49.
Miller's Creek, 11.
Miller's River, 29, 32, 34, 35, 37.
Miller's River Basins, 36.
Mills, Edwin. 18, 41.
Mills, Lieutenant. 58.
Mills, William, 4
, William D., 56.
Park Street, 33.
Parochial School, 33, 37, 40.
Parry Brick Co., 10.
Patten, Margaret, 50.
Pemunky River, 61.
Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C., 19.
Perry, William A., 74.
Petersburg, 65, 66, 69, 72.
Pettengill.———, 14.
Philadelphia, Penn., 18.
Phillips. 10.
Phipps, John, 50.
Phipps, Solamuel, 15.
Tufts, Sarah, 52.
Tuttle, Isaiah W., 5, 41.
Tuttle, James S., 5, 40.
Twelfth Army Corps, 22.
Twelfth Massachusetts, 67.
Twenty-third Street, Washington, D. C., 19.
Twombly, J. Q., 13, 41.
Two Penny Brook, 27.
Tyler, Columbus, 55.
Underwood, James, 11.
Union Hall, 76.
Union Square, 13, 15, 16, 32, 39, 42 44, 45, 70.
Warrington Junction, 23.
Warrington, Va., 21.
Waters, Elizabeth A., 75.
Waters, Sarah, 49.
Watertown, Mass., 52.
Waterville, Va., 20.
Washington, D. C., 18, 19.
Washington Street, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 26, 33, 37, 39, 40, 52.
Washington Street Bridge, 33.
Webster Avenue, 6, 14, 33, 37, 40.
Welch, Abr<
rimmons, Charles A., 74.
Grissell, or Griswold, Francis, 28, 31.
Griswold, Francis, 49.
Griswold, Hannah, 31, 49.
Griswold, Joseph, 49, 50.
Griswold, Mary, 31.
Grocers' Magazine, 3.
Guild, Governor, 74.
Guiness Station, 60.
Hagarstown, Md., 20.
Hale, Edward A., 17.
Hall, Gustina, 10.
Hall, Primus, 15.
Hall, Samuel, 30.
Hamblen,———, 14.
Hamilton, President, 73.
Hamilton, Va., 20.
Hancock's Corp, 58, 63.
Hannaford, Edward Francis, 13.
Hannaford, Frederick W., 13.
Hanover, 61.
Harbard, Henry, 31.
Harbour, or Harbard, Henry, 31.
Harlow, George R., 58.
Harper's Ferry, 19.
Harris. T. P., 67.
Harvard College. 37.
Hawes, Frank M., 73, 74, 76.
Hawkins, Christopher, 14, 33, 53.
Hawkins, Guy C., 14, 15, 33, 53, 55.
Hawkins, Nathaniel, 53.
Hawkins, N. Carleton, 15, 41.
Haven, George D., 9.
Hayes, John S., 74, 75, 76.
Haymarket, Va., 43.
Hazeltine, Amos, 14.
Hicks,——--. 73.
Highfield, The, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 49, 52.
Highfield-mead, The.
ba, 41.
Cub Run, 23.
Culpeper, 44.
Culpeper, C. H., 21.
Cutler's Division, 63.
Cutter, Ammi, 52, 53.
Cutter, Charlotte W., 53.
Cutter, Ebenezer F., 53.
Cutter, Edward, 53, 55.
Cutter, Ephraim, 53.
Cutter, Fitch, 53, 55.
Cutter, Francis, 53.
Cutter, Lydia, 52, 53.
Cutter, Rebecca, 53.
Cutter, Richard, 53.
Cutter, Samuel, 53.
Cutter, Samuel, Jr., 53.
Cutter. William, 53.
Dane, Osgood, 15.
Dane, Osgood B., 16.
Daniels. Granville W., 13.
Danville, Vt., 1.
Dartmouth College, 2.
Davies, Gershom, 50.
Davis, Elizabeth, 50.
Davis, James, 50.
Davis, P. S., 68, 69, 70.
Davis, Captain, P. Stearns, 46.
Davis, Colonel, Phineas Stearns, 18.
Dedham, Mass., 31, 49.
Deering, N. H., 2.
Dirty-marsh, 26.
Ditson's Music Store, 5.
Dodge, Seward. 13.
Dolbear, Professor., 74.
Donnell, Captain, 8.
Dorchester, Mass., 19. 79.
Drouet's Block, 33.
Dugan, John. 9.
Dusseault, John H., 17, 43, 56, 58, 61.
Early's Corps, 59.
East Cambridg
Moore, Abraham M., 53.
Morrisville, Va., 43.
Mother Baker, 40.
Moulton, William, 60.
Mount Auburn, 37, 69.
Mousal, John, 30.
Mousal, Ralph, 30.
Muddy Branch, Md., 18.
Munroe, Benjamin Sweetser, 13.
Munroe, Edwin, 13.
Munroe, Edwin, Jr., 11, 13.
Munroe, Emery H., 41.
Munroe, George S., 13.
Munroe, Nancy Thorning, 11, 75.
Munroe Street, 12, 15.
Music Hall.
Myers George, 60.
Mystic Avenue, 11.
Mystic Bridge, 27.
Mystic. No. 6, 10.
Mystic Pond, 26.
Mystic River, 25, 74, 84.
Neck, The, 27. 28.
Nelson, William, 2.
Newcastle, 61.
Newell, John, 27.
New England Conference, 39.
New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 51.
New Hampton Institute, 2.
Newton, General, John, 20.
Newton Street, 33, 34.
Newtown, 26.
Newtown Highway (Road to Cambridge), 28.
New York.
Ninetieth Pennsylvania. 22, 46, 64.
Ninety-fourth New York, 21.
Ninth Corps, 47, 72.
Ninth Massachusetts Battery. 69.
Ninth New York Regiment, 62.
Adams, Henry, 7.
Adams, John, 52.
Adams, Joseph, 50, 52, 53.
Adams, Major, Joseph, 52.
Adams, Rebecca, 50.
Adams, Sanford, 6, 14.
Alewife Brook, 26, 53.
Allen, Alfred, 55.
Allen, Benjamin F., 12.
Allen, Hiram, 11, 34.
Allen, Hiram, Jr., 11.
Allen, Lucy, 11.
Allen, Margaret, 11.
Alsop's Farm, 56, 57.
Alston Street, 9.
American Flag, The First, 81.
American Navy, The, 84.
Amesbury, Mass., 1.
Anderson, 56.
Andersonville Prison, 22.
Andrew, Governor, 43.
Antietam Bridge, 20.
Arlington, D. C., 18.
Arlington, Mass., 26.
Armory, The, 81.
Army of the Potomac, 44, 56.
Arnold, J. Frank, 8.
Arnold, Leonard, 8, 10.
Arnold, William J., 56.
Associated Charities, 75.
Austin, Richard, 29.
Avery, Mathew, 30.
Ayer, John F., 74, 76.
Ayer, William, 28.
Bachelder, Abigail, 29.
Bachelder, William, 29.
Baker, Rev., Charles, 39.
Baker, William, 30.
Baker, William A., 18.
Baltimore, Md., 77.
Banks, Governor, 38.
Banks, Hon. N. P., Jr., 42.
d Coal Office, 32.
West End, 26. 28, 29, 30, 31, 49.
Weston, Dr., 5.
Weston Family, 3.
Westwood Road, 12.
White, Artemas, 13.
White Oak Swamp, 64.
White Plain, Va., 21.
White's Guerrillas, 18.
Whitmore, Joseph, 22, 36.
Whitmore, William H., 51.
Whitridge, Elizabeth P., 39.
Wilderness, Battle of the, 56.
Wilderness, Battlefield of the, 44, 45.
Wildridge's Hill, 29, 51, 52.
Willard, —, 13.
Willard C. Kinsley Post, 139, G. A. R., 3.
Williams, Charles, Jr., 41.
Williamsport, Md., 20.
Wilson,———, 10.
Wilson, Richard, 28, 31.
Winter Hill, 4. 5, 8, 50. 51, 52, 75.
Winter Hill Eagle, 55.
Winter Hill Lodge, Knights of Honor.
Winter Hill Road, 53.
Winter Hill Universalist Church, 4.
Winthrop Avenue. 25, 29.
Winthrop, John, 28, 79, 80.
Woburn, Mass., 29. 30, 31, 52.
Woolrych, John. 28.
Wyatt, G. W., 14.
Wyman, David, 53.
Wyman, Elizabeth, 53.
Wyman, Lieutenant, 65.
Wyman, Thomas B., 51.
Yarmouth. Mass., 30.
Youth's Compan