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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Historic leaves, volume 7, April, 1908 - January, 1909. Search the whole document.

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Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
s reared this stone; Hers was a spirit meek and mild, We weep not, for to Heaven she's gone. In Memory of Edwin H. Thorp, son of Ira and Catharine Thorp, died Sept. 14, 1837, aged 3 years 6 mos. With humble trust in Him who said, ‘Let little children come to me,’ We rear this, to the early dead, Believing we our child shall see. Josiah Munroe, born at Lexington Nov. 25, 1789; died in Charlestown, Aug. 20, 1837. A remarkable incident occurred on his return from Liverpool to Charleston, S. C., in the winter of 1829. He was seasick to such a degree that he lost his memory of past and present events, and also the power of standing or walking without help, but still he could converse on past and present affairs with apparent correctness, but it was all lost to his mind when the conversation ended. He was highly esteemed by those who knew him for his honorable and open manner in all his transactions. Mary Adalade, daug. of George H. & Ann S. Day, died Jan. 18, 1847, aged
Menotomy (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
hy Tufts1805 ———— Tomb No. 3John Tapley Jotham Johnson Ambrose Cole Reuben Hunt1817 ———— Tomb No. 4John Ireland Benjamin Hadley Daniel Major1850 ———— Tomb No. 5Samuel Cutter Edward Cutter Moses Whitney Fitch Cutter Ebenezer F. Cutter1852 ———— Tomb No. 6John TuftsMay 1, 1852 ———— Tomb No. 7The Heirs of Samuel Frost's tombSept., 1832 ———— Tomb No. 8John Tailor Oliver Tailor John B. Fisk1838 Sacred to the Memory of Rhoda Kent, wife of Samuel Kent, who was born in West Cambridge, Jan. 2, 1763, and died Dec. 28, 1840, aged 78. The Faithful Mother. Sacred to the Memory of Samuel Kent, who was born at Charlestown, Nov. 21, 1760, and died April 4, 1835, aged 75 years. The Good Father. Mr. Jonathan Kent, died Sept. 14, 1833, aged 35. Stay, gentle stranger, for one moment stay, The crushed hope of a widowed heart lies here; Wife! Mother! lift thine heart to Heaven and pray; That bleeding heart may find a Saviour
Aet 33. Oh, thou who sleep'st within this narrow bed, Untimely fall'n beneath the fatal blow, Accept the tear thy once lov'd friend would shed, The sacred tear that oft for thee shall flow. In Memory of Elbridge Harrington, who died Oct. 6, 1824, Aet 18. Farewell till we shall meet again In Heaven to dwell, with Christ to reign, Where all our joys will be complete, There we shall rest, it will be sweet. James McClune, died July 6, 1854, aged 27 years. Sacred to the Memory of Lucy Ann, daughter of Moses and Sarah F. Young, who died August 19, 1837, aged 6 weeks. Also of a Son, who was still-born. Sleep on, sweet babes, And take your rest; God calls you home, He thinks it best. In Memory of Harriet S. Thorp, daughter of Ira and Catharine Thorp, died July 2, 1837, aged 13 years 7 mos. In memory of a gentle child Parental love has reared this stone; Hers was a spirit meek and mild, We weep not, for to Heaven she's gone. In Memory of Edwin H. Thorp, son of Ira and
George S. Clark (search for this): chapter 4
asick to such a degree that he lost his memory of past and present events, and also the power of standing or walking without help, but still he could converse on past and present affairs with apparent correctness, but it was all lost to his mind when the conversation ended. He was highly esteemed by those who knew him for his honorable and open manner in all his transactions. Mary Adalade, daug. of George H. & Ann S. Day, died Jan. 18, 1847, aged 1 year & 10 months. In Memory of George S. Clark, who died Oct. 23, 1844, aged 23 years 11 months 10 days. Weep not, my spirit's passed away, And left this tenement of clay, And soared on high, to dwell in love With God, my faithful friend above. Susan Maria, daughter of Horace & Hannah Chick, died July 13, 1846, aged 1 year 6 mos. In Memory of Lydia, wife of Oscar F. Bennett, who died Oct. 20, 1844, aged 20 years 7 months. Eva Adaline, daug. of Josiah & Adaline Peirce, died May 3, 1845, aged 6 mos. & 29 ds. Ezra Her
sleep'st within this narrow bed, Untimely fall'n beneath the fatal blow, Accept the tear thy once lov'd friend would shed, The sacred tear that oft for thee shall flow. In Memory of Elbridge Harrington, who died Oct. 6, 1824, Aet 18. Farewell till we shall meet again In Heaven to dwell, with Christ to reign, Where all our joys will be complete, There we shall rest, it will be sweet. James McClune, died July 6, 1854, aged 27 years. Sacred to the Memory of Lucy Ann, daughter of Moses and Sarah F. Young, who died August 19, 1837, aged 6 weeks. Also of a Son, who was still-born. Sleep on, sweet babes, And take your rest; God calls you home, He thinks it best. In Memory of Harriet S. Thorp, daughter of Ira and Catharine Thorp, died July 2, 1837, aged 13 years 7 mos. In memory of a gentle child Parental love has reared this stone; Hers was a spirit meek and mild, We weep not, for to Heaven she's gone. In Memory of Edwin H. Thorp, son of Ira and Catharine Thorp, di
Sarah F. Young (search for this): chapter 4
in this narrow bed, Untimely fall'n beneath the fatal blow, Accept the tear thy once lov'd friend would shed, The sacred tear that oft for thee shall flow. In Memory of Elbridge Harrington, who died Oct. 6, 1824, Aet 18. Farewell till we shall meet again In Heaven to dwell, with Christ to reign, Where all our joys will be complete, There we shall rest, it will be sweet. James McClune, died July 6, 1854, aged 27 years. Sacred to the Memory of Lucy Ann, daughter of Moses and Sarah F. Young, who died August 19, 1837, aged 6 weeks. Also of a Son, who was still-born. Sleep on, sweet babes, And take your rest; God calls you home, He thinks it best. In Memory of Harriet S. Thorp, daughter of Ira and Catharine Thorp, died July 2, 1837, aged 13 years 7 mos. In memory of a gentle child Parental love has reared this stone; Hers was a spirit meek and mild, We weep not, for to Heaven she's gone. In Memory of Edwin H. Thorp, son of Ira and Catharine Thorp, died Sept. 14, 18
Susan Tufts (search for this): chapter 4
o the Memory of Mr. Samuel Cutter, who died April 12, 1820, Aged 62 years. Just in the last distressing hour The Lord display'd delivering power, The Mount of danger is the place Where we have witness'd surprising Grace. In Memory of Mrs. Susan Tufts, wife of Timothy Tufts, who died June 17, 1827, Ae 37. Miss Mary Ann, daughter of Timothy & Susan Tufts, who died Oct. 19, 1827, aged 17 years. They've fled this world of cares For brighter realms above. Sacred to the Memory of TiSusan Tufts, who died Oct. 19, 1827, aged 17 years. They've fled this world of cares For brighter realms above. Sacred to the Memory of Timothy W. Tufts, who died Feb. 24, 1837, Aged 23 years. Also Susan W. Tufts, who died April 20, 1838, aged 29 years. Children of Timothy Tufts. Sacred to the Memory of Timothy Tufts, who died Mar. 11, 1839, aged 52 Yrs. Also Charlotte C. Tufts, daughter of Timothy Tufts, who died June 30, 1839, Aged 19 years. Also Lydia N., daughter of Timothy Tufts, who died Mar. 4, 1846, Aged 22 Yrs. George F. Tufts, died Oct. 23, 1853, in his 39 year. Mary P. Torrey, Died Nov. 2, 1853, aged
emory of Samuel Kent, who was born at Charlestown, Nov. 21, 1760, and died April 4, 1835, aged 75 years. The Good Father. Mr. Jonathan Kent, died Sept. 14, 1833, aged 35. Stay, gentle stranger, for one moment stay, The crushed hope of a widowed heart lies here; Wife! Mother! lift thine heart to Heaven and pray; That bleeding heart may find a Saviour near. In Memory of John Fellows, who died Feb. 3, 1845, aged 25 years, 3 months. In Memory of William Kent, son of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Rhoda Kent. He died Sept. 19, 1807, Aged 19 years. The sweet remembrance of the just. In Memory of Mr. Benjamin Tufts, who died June 1, 1825, Aet 43. Beneath these sods, in peaceful sleep, His mortal body lies; Surviving friends forbear to weep, For virtue never dies. [Emblem, chain with broken link.] Parted Below United Above< Nathaniel Mitchell, died Sept. 15, 1851, aged 46 y'rs. Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his. Thomas Rand, died Mar. 1
cred to the Memory of Samuel Kent, who was born at Charlestown, Nov. 21, 1760, and died April 4, 1835, aged 75 years. The Good Father. Mr. Jonathan Kent, died Sept. 14, 1833, aged 35. Stay, gentle stranger, for one moment stay, The crushed hope of a widowed heart lies here; Wife! Mother! lift thine heart to Heaven and pray; That bleeding heart may find a Saviour near. In Memory of John Fellows, who died Feb. 3, 1845, aged 25 years, 3 months. In Memory of William Kent, son of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Rhoda Kent. He died Sept. 19, 1807, Aged 19 years. The sweet remembrance of the just. In Memory of Mr. Benjamin Tufts, who died June 1, 1825, Aet 43. Beneath these sods, in peaceful sleep, His mortal body lies; Surviving friends forbear to weep, For virtue never dies. [Emblem, chain with broken link.] Parted Below United Above< Nathaniel Mitchell, died Sept. 15, 1851, aged 46 y'rs. Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his. Thomas Rand
Adaline Peirce (search for this): chapter 4
18, 1847, aged 1 year & 10 months. In Memory of George S. Clark, who died Oct. 23, 1844, aged 23 years 11 months 10 days. Weep not, my spirit's passed away, And left this tenement of clay, And soared on high, to dwell in love With God, my faithful friend above. Susan Maria, daughter of Horace & Hannah Chick, died July 13, 1846, aged 1 year 6 mos. In Memory of Lydia, wife of Oscar F. Bennett, who died Oct. 20, 1844, aged 20 years 7 months. Eva Adaline, daug. of Josiah & Adaline Peirce, died May 3, 1845, aged 6 mos. & 29 ds. Ezra Herbert, died Aug. 10, 1847, Ae 1 yr. 16 dys. Hannah Howard, died June 24, 1850, Ae 1 yr. 11 mos. Children of Joseph & Eliza Hayes. We miss them, ah! in every place, And sometimes feel the unbidden tear, We cherish every fading trace, But never, never wish them here. In Memory of Priscilla, widow of John Norris, who died May 6, 1856, aged 79 yrs. 3 mos. She sleeps in Jesus. In Memory of Levi Orcutt, Jr., who died May 21,
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