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colonized New England; and religious enthusiasm founded Montreal, made a conquest of the wilderness on the upper lakes, and explored the Mississippi. Puritanism gave New England its worship, and its schools; the Roman church created for Canada its altars, its hospitals, and its seminaries. The influence of Calvin can be traced in every New England village; in Canada, the monuments of feudalism and the Catholic church stand side by side; and the names of Montmorenci and Bourbon, of Levi and Conde, are mingled with memorials of St. Athanasius and Augustin, of St. Francis of Assisi, and Ignatius Loyola. Within three years after the second occupation of Chap. XX.} Canada, the number of Jesuit priests in the province 1633, 1636. reached fifteen; and every tradition bears testimony to their worth. They had the faults of ascetic superstition; Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France, en Pannee 1633. but the horrors of a Canadian life in the wilderness were resisted by an