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th the maxims by which the Court of Spain governed its conduct towards our part of America. Accounts of the differences between America and England are to be sought not only in the sources already referred to, but specially in the correspondence of the Colony Agents resident in London, with their respective Constituents. I pursued the search for papers of this class, till I succeeded in securing letters official or private from Bollan; Jasper Mauduit; Richard Jackson,—the same who was Grenville's Secretary at the Exchequer, a distinguished Member of Parliament, and at one time Agent for three Colonies;—Arthur Lee; several unpublished ones of Franklin; the copious and most interesting, official and private Correspondence of William Samuel Johnson, Agent for Connecticut; one letter and fragments of letters of Edmund Burke, Agent for New-York; many and exceedingly valuable ones, of Garth a Member of Parliament and Agent for South Carolina; and specimens of the Correspondence of Knox
d prevent an instantaneous reaction. Pitt had erected no stronger bulwark for America than the shadowy partition which divides internal taxation from imposts regulating commerce; and Rockingham had leapt over this slight defence with scorn, declaring the power of Parliament to extend of right to all cases whatsoever. But they who give absolute power, give the abuse of absolute power; —they who draw the bolts from the doors and windows, let in the robber. When the opinions of Bedford and Grenville became sanctioned as just principles of constitutional law, no question respecting their policy remained open but that of its expediency; and country gentlemen, if they had a right to raise a revenue from America, were sure that it was expedient to ease themselves of one fourth of their land-tax by exercising the right. The Administration were evidently without vitality; they are dead and only lying in state, was the common remark. Conway avowed himself eager to resign; Conway to Graf
rue to his affections, he next invited Chap. XXVI.} 1766. July. Temple, the beloved brother of his wife, the head of her family, and their common benefactor, to become the First Lord of the Treasury. But Temple, who had connected himself with Grenville Geo. Grenville to Bedford, 15 July, 1766, in Bedford Corr. III. 340. and the party of Bedford, refused to unite with the friends of Rockingham; and, having told the King, he would not go into the Ministry like a child, to come out like a foGeo. Grenville to Bedford, 15 July, 1766, in Bedford Corr. III. 340. and the party of Bedford, refused to unite with the friends of Rockingham; and, having told the King, he would not go into the Ministry like a child, to come out like a fool, Inquiry into the Conduct of a late Right Honorable Commoner, Durand, to Due de Choiseul, 3 Juillet, 1766. Temple to Lady Chatham, Chat. Corr. II. 469. he returned to Stowe, repeating this speech to the world, dictating a scurrilous pamphlet against his brother-in-law, and enjoying the notoriety of having been solicited to take office and been found impracticable. The discussion with Temple and its issue, still further aggravated the malady of Pitt. He was too ill, on the eighteenth,
ned without reason, or we have still reason to complain. Grenville was told, that he should have stationed a sufficient numblatter the prejudices of the King, and court the favor of Grenville and Bedford; for he saw that Chatham, who had declared tos ambition deceived him into the hope of succeeding where Grenville had failed; and in concert with Paxton, from Boston, he w civil list, and concentre the power of government, where Grenville looked only for revenue. He expected his dismissal if Ches for the land forces and garrisons in the Plantations. Grenville seized the opportunity to declaim on the repeal De Gues undone, if this taxation of America is given up. George Grenville, in Cavendish Debates, II. 35. Grenville at once 414, tells nothing of this debate, but what his hatred of Grenville prompted. Grenville was in a minority on his motion, butGrenville was in a minority on his motion, but triumphed in his policy. The next night, the Cabinet questioned the insubordinate Minister, how he had ventured to depar
The reasonable request provoked universal dislike; Grenville and his friends appealed to it as fresh evidence, unusual expenditure on the continent of America. Grenville advised to lessen the expense, and charge Chap. Xluded by adopting substantially the suggestions of Grenville in favor of retrenchment and an American duty. Walpole, II. 418. By this time the friends of Grenville, of Bedford and of Rockingham, men the most imbitt be the consequence of its destruction. Compare Grenville in his Diary, Papers, IV. 214. During the war, andFriday, the twenty-seventh of February, Even in Grenville's Diary dates can be wrong. Grenville Papers, IV.really of only about nine farthings in the pound. Grenville, with more consistency, supported Guerchy to Chthe city dreaded the wound given to public credit; Grenville, who joyfully accepted the congratulations of the nd had in the King an inflexible enemy. Compare Grenville's Diary in the Grenville Papers, IV. 212, with Sir
e is below low-water mark, said Townshend to Grenville. On the thirtieth of March,—two days aftend Whately, and through them with Jenkinson, Grenville and Wedderburn, his plausible letters to Richat. Corr. III. 192, and for the opinion of Grenville, Chat. Corr. III. 208. Besides: no Province foretold the mischiefs that would ensue. Grenville who must have shed tears of spite, if he Chca did not fulfil the present requirements. Grenville advised to invest the Governor and Council ohe morning, when a question was so framed by Grenville, that the Rockinghams could join him in the p. XXIX.} 1767. May. sure, yet joining with Grenville who spoke for one more severe, effective andt nine in the evening without a division. Grenville then moved that many of the Colonies denied 7. of the Colonies. At least, then, renewed Grenville, take some notice of those in America, who h even more subversive of right than those of Grenville. He had designedly left the civil officers
a statesman had come from his opposition to Grenville and Bedford, governed himself exclusively byedford to Rockingham, 17 July, 1767, &c. &c. Grenville to Rigby, 16 July, 1767; and Same to Same, 1he meeting, Bedford, on behalf of Temple and Grenville, Grenville to Rigby, 16 July, 1767; TemplGrenville to Rigby, 16 July, 1767; Temple to Rigby, 16 July, 1767. Joint letter of Temple and Grenville, 17 July, 1767. declared their reang an ambiguity for the explicit language of Grenville. Yet the same difficulty recurred on discof Commons the lead must belong to Conway or Grenville. Against the latter Rockingham was inflexiber. Rockingham again avowed his distrust of Grenville Compare Lyttelton to Temple, Nov. 1767, iSuffolk respecting his enemy Grenville after Grenville's death only illustrates a proverb of two thgood means of information; Grafton says that Grenville was never liked by the King; and the Grenvilon that principle till the administration of Grenville. Never before did the British Commons think[9 more...]
, about which the King's speech was silent; Garth to South Carolina, 25 Nov. 1767. and when Grenville descanted on two or three papers in the Boston Gazette, as infamous libels on Parliament, the Junius, x. XXIX. and XXXI. in Bohm's edition, II. 146, 193, 199. Bedford himself objected to Grenville's Test for America; Lyttelton to Temple, in Lyttelton, 741. and preferred making an example almost Dec. blind and near his end, just before the removal of cataracts from his eyes, told Grenville, that his age, his infirmities and his tastes disinclined him to war on the Court, which was w to his kinsmen and friends; said those whom he deserted. Durand to Choiseul, 8 Jan. 1768. Grenville could not Chap. XXXI} 1767. Dec. conceal his despair. Durand to Choiseul, 18 Dec. 1767. To, Durand to Choiseul, 10 Dec. 1767. the Ministry was revolutionized, but without benefit to Grenville. The Colonies were taken from Shelburne and consigned to a separate department of State, with
tion? Sending regiments into Boston will be a summons for America to make the last appeal. Grenville and his friends W. S. Johnson's Journal, 15 Feb. 1768, and W. S. Johnson to Pitkin, 12 Marcners of the Customs applied directly to the Naval Commander at Halifax, Commodore Hood to Mr. Grenville, Halifax, July 11, 1768, in Grenville papers, IV. 306. and also sent a second memorial to thGrenville papers, IV. 306. and also sent a second memorial to the Lords of the Treasury. They said that a design had certainly been formed to bring them on the eighteenth of March to Liberty Tree, and oblige them to renounce their commissions. The Governor and ter Chap. XXXII.} 1768. March he had ejected Pitt; for Bute when he dismissed Newcastle; for Grenville so long as he was the friend of Bute; for Grenville, when he became Bute's most implacable foeGrenville, when he became Bute's most implacable foe; and for the slender capacity of the inexperienced Rockingham. The shadow of Chatham, after his desertion of the House, could sway its decisions. When Charles Townshend, rebelling in the Cabinet,
was raised, May. if strangers should be excluded from the debates. It has always been my opinion, said Barrington, that strangers should not be allowed to hear them. Strangers are entitled to hear them, replied Seymour. I ever wished, said Grenville, to have what is done here, well known. The people no longer acquiesced in the secrecy of the proceedings of their professed representatives. The decision was postponed; but this is the last Parliament of which the debates are not reported. y, 1768. While Massachusetts received encouragement from its sister Colonies, its Crown officers continued and extended their solicitations in England for large and fixed salaries, as the only way to keep the Americans in their dependence. Grenville's influence was the special resource of Hutchinson and Oliver, Oliver to Thomas Whately, 11 May, 1768. who had supported his Stamp Act and suffered as its martyrs; and they relied on Whately to secure for them his attention and favor; which