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Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) 250 0 Browse Search
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Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ptions and firm courage, made a declaration of rights. Let us play the man, said they, for the cause of our country; and trust the event to Him who orders all events for the best good of His people. On the same day, the freemen of the town of Providence, unsolicited from abroad, and after full discussion, voted to promote a congress of the representatives of all the North American colonies. Declaring personal liberty an essential part of the natural rights of mankind, they also expressed the is general character and conduct; but those who, for learning and integrity, most adorned their profession, withheld their names. On the other hand, the necessity of a response to the courage of the people, the hearty adhesion of the town of Providence, and the cheering letter from the old committee of New York, animated a majority of the merchants of Boston, and through their example those of the province, to an engagement to cease all importations from England. Confidence prevailed that th
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
, if there remained a hope that the danger would pass by. The Presbyterians, true to their traditions, held it right to war against tyranny; the merchants refused to sacrifice their trade; the Quakers in any event scrupled to use arms; a numerous class, like Reed, cherished the most passionate desire for a Chap. II.} 1774. May. reconciliation with the mother country. In the chaos of opinion, the cause of liberty needed wise and intrepid counsellors; but during the absence of Franklin, Pennsylvania fell under the influence of Dickinson. His claims to public respect were indisputable. He was honored for spotless morals, eloquence, and good service in the colonial legislature his writings had endeared him to America as a sincere friend of liberty. Possessed of an ample fortune, it was his pride to call himself a farmer. Residing at a country seat which overlooked Philadelphia and the Delaware river, he delighted in study and repose, and was wanting in active vigor of will. Free f
South river (United States) (search for this): chapter 3
of liberty needed wise and intrepid counsellors; but during the absence of Franklin, Pennsylvania fell under the influence of Dickinson. His claims to public respect were indisputable. He was honored for spotless morals, eloquence, and good service in the colonial legislature his writings had endeared him to America as a sincere friend of liberty. Possessed of an ample fortune, it was his pride to call himself a farmer. Residing at a country seat which overlooked Philadelphia and the Delaware river, he delighted in study and repose, and was wanting in active vigor of will. Free from personal cowardice, his shrinking sensitiveness bordered on pusillanimity. He had an excellent heart, and the cause of his country lay near it; he loved the people of Boston with the tenderness of a brother; yet he was more jealous of their zeal than touched by their sorrows. They will have time enough to die, were his words on that morning. Let them give the other provinces opportunity to think and
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
mander-in-chief in America, his army, and the civil officers, no longer amenable to American courts of justice; and also to that which mutilated the charter of Massachusetts, and destroyed the freedom of its town meetings. The law, said Garnier, the French minister, must either lead to the complete reduction of the colonies, or clthe people of Connecticut anxious for a congress, even if it should not at once embrace the colonies south of the Potomac; and their committee wisely entreated Massachusetts to fix the place and time for its meeting. At Boston, the agents and supporters of the British ministers strove to bend the firmness of its people by holdin far south as Philadelphia, would embrace the same mode of peaceful resistance. The letter which soon arrived from that city, and which required the people of Massachusetts to retreat from their advanced position, was therefore received with impatience. But Samuel Adams suppressed all murmurs. I am fully of the Farmer's sentimen
Connecticut (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
s it was printed upon mourning paper with a black border, and cried about the streets as a barbarous murder; in others, it was burned with great solemnity in the presence of vast bodies of the people. On the seventeenth the representatives of Connecticut, with clear perceptions and firm courage, made a declaration of rights. Let us play the man, said they, for the cause of our country; and trust the event to Him who orders all events for the best good of His people. On the same day, the freetting themselves irrevocably to union and resistance. At the same time they invited every county in the colony to make choice of a committee. The messenger, on his return with the letters from Philadelphia and New York, found the people of Connecticut anxious for a congress, even if it should not at once embrace the colonies south of the Potomac; and their committee wisely entreated Massachusetts to fix the place and time for its meeting. At Boston, the agents and supporters of the Briti
Marblehead (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
e town would but pay the first cost of the tea. Before his departure, one hundred and twenty-three merchants and others of Boston clandestinely addressed him, lamenting the loss of so good a governor, confessing the propriety of indemnifying the East India company, and appealing to his most benevolent disposition to procure by his representations some speedy relief; but at a full meeting of merchants and Chap. II.} 1774. May. traders the address was disclaimed. Thirty-three citizens of Marblehead, who signed a similar paper, brought upon themselves the public reprobation of their townsmen. Hutchinson had merited in civil cases the praise of an impartial judge; twenty-four lawyers, including judges of admiralty and attorneys of the crown, subscribed an extravagant panegyric of his general character and conduct; but those who, for learning and integrity, most adorned their profession, withheld their names. On the other hand, the necessity of a response to the courage of the peopl
Salem (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ernment for the year by the usual election of councillors; of these, the governor negatived the unparalleled number of thirteen, among them James Bowdoin, Samuel Dex Chap. II.} 1774. May. ter, William Phillips, and John Adams, than whom the province could not show purer or abler men. The desire of the assembly that he would appoint a fast was refused; for, said he to Dartmouth, the request was only to give an opportunity for sedition to flow from the pulpit. On Saturday, the twentyeighth, Samuel Adams was on the point of proposing a general congress, when the assembly was unexpectedly prorogued, to meet after ten days, at Salem. The people of Boston, then the most flourishing commercial town on the continent, never regretted their being the principal object of ministerial vengeance. We shall suffer in a good cause, said the thousands who depended on their daily labor for bread; the righteous Being, who takes care of the ravens that cry unto him, will provide for us and ours.
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 3
. To unite the whole province on the side of liberty, a more comprehensive combination was, therefore, required. The old committee advocated the questionable policy of an immediate suspension of commerce with Britain; but they also proposed—and they were the first to propose—a general congress. These recommendations they forwarded through Con- Chap. II.} 1774. May. necticut to Boston, with entreaties to that town to stand firm; and in full confidence of approval, they applied not to New England only, but to Philadelphia, and through Philadelphia to every colony at the South. Such was the inception of the continental congress of 1774. It was the last achievement of the Sons of Liberty of New York. Their words of cheering to Boston, and their summons to the country, had already gone forth, when, on the evening of the sixteenth of May, they convoked the inhabitants of their city. A sense of the impending change pervaded the meeting and tempered passionate rashness. Some who
Joseph Reed (search for this): chapter 3
berty had been received in Philadelphia; and when on the nineteenth the messenger from Boston arrived with despatches, he found Charles Thomson, Thomas Mifflin, Joseph Reed and others, ready to call a public meeting on the evening of the next day. On the morning of the twentieth, the king gave in person his assent to the act whitions, held it right to war against tyranny; the merchants refused to sacrifice their trade; the Quakers in any event scrupled to use arms; a numerous class, like Reed, cherished the most passionate desire for a Chap. II.} 1774. May. reconciliation with the mother country. In the chaos of opinion, the cause of liberty needed wised by their enemies, and almost detested by their friends. Having matured his scheme in the solitude of his retreat, he received at dinner Thomson, Mifflin, and Reed; who, for the sake of his public cooperation, acquiesced in his delays. In the evening, about three hundred of the principal citizens of Philadelphia assembled
William Phillips (search for this): chapter 3
pressed all murmurs. I am fully of the Farmer's sentiments, said he; violence and submission would at this time be equally fatal; but he exerted himself the more to promote the immediate suspension of commerce. The legislature of Massachusetts, on the last Wednesday of May, organised the government for the year by the usual election of councillors; of these, the governor negatived the unparalleled number of thirteen, among them James Bowdoin, Samuel Dex Chap. II.} 1774. May. ter, William Phillips, and John Adams, than whom the province could not show purer or abler men. The desire of the assembly that he would appoint a fast was refused; for, said he to Dartmouth, the request was only to give an opportunity for sedition to flow from the pulpit. On Saturday, the twentyeighth, Samuel Adams was on the point of proposing a general congress, when the assembly was unexpectedly prorogued, to meet after ten days, at Salem. The people of Boston, then the most flourishing commercial t
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