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Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) 250 0 Browse Search
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South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
Chapter 32: Effects of the day of Lexington and Concord continued: Ticonderoga taken. May, 1775. the people of South Carolina, who had hoped relief Chap. XXXII.} 1775. May. through the discontinuance of importations from Britain, did not falter on learning the decision of parliament. On the instant, Charles Pinckney, using power intrusted to him by the provincial congress, appointed a committee of five to place the colony in a state of defence; on the twenty-first of April, the very night after their organization, men of Charleston, without disguise, under their direction, seized all the powder in the public magazines, and removed eight hundred stand of arms and other military stores from the royal arsenal. The tidings from Lexington induced the general committee to hasten the meeting of the provincial congress; whose members, on the second of June, Henry Laurens being their president, associated themselves for defence against every foe; ready to sacrifice their lives
Bennington, Vt. (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
Connecticut, to promote the surprise of Ticonderoga, which had been planned by the Green Mountain Boys. Ethan Allen was encouraged by an express messenger to hold them in readiness; and the necessary funds were furnished from the treasury of Connecticut. Sixteen men of that colony leaving Salisbury, were joined in Massachusetts by John Brown, who had first proposed the enterprise in a letter from Montreal, by Colonel James Easton, and by not so many as fifty volunteers from Berkshire. At Bennington they found Ethan Allen, who was certainly the proper man to head his own people. Repairing to the north, he sent the alarm through the hills of Vermont; and on Sunday, the seventh of Chap. XXXII.} 1775. May. May, about one hundred Green Mountain Boys and near fifty soldiers from Massachusetts, under the mand of Easton, rallied at Castleton. Just the arrived Benedict Arnold, with only one attendant. He brought a commission from the Massachusetts committee of safety, which was disregar
Connecticut (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
ommunication with Canada, was the scheme by which it was hoped to insulate and reduce New England. On Saturday, the twenty-ninth of April, Samuel Adams and Hancock, as they passed through Hartford, had secretly met the governor and council of Connecticut, to promote the surprise of Ticonderoga, which had been planned by the Green Mountain Boys. Ethan Allen was encouraged by an express messenger to hold them in readiness; and the necessary funds were furnished from the treasury of Connecticut.Connecticut. Sixteen men of that colony leaving Salisbury, were joined in Massachusetts by John Brown, who had first proposed the enterprise in a letter from Montreal, by Colonel James Easton, and by not so many as fifty volunteers from Berkshire. At Bennington they found Ethan Allen, who was certainly the proper man to head his own people. Repairing to the north, he sent the alarm through the hills of Vermont; and on Sunday, the seventh of Chap. XXXII.} 1775. May. May, about one hundred Green Mountai
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
ited on him with an address: No lust of independence has had the least influence upon our counsels; no subjects more sincerely desire to testify their loyalty and affection. We deplore the measures, which, if persisted in, must rend the British empire. Trusting the event to Providence, we prefer death to slavery. The people of Charleston are as mad as they are here in Boston, was the testimony of Gage. The skirmish at Lexington became known in Savannah on the tenth of May, and added Georgia to the union. At that time she had about seventeen thousand white inhabitants and fifteen thousand Africans. Her militia was not less than three thousand. Her frontier, which extended from Augusta to St. Mary's, was threatened by the Creeks with four thousand warriors; the Chickasaws, with four hundred and fifty; the Cherokees, with three thousand; the Choctaws, with twenty-five hundred. But danger could not make her people hesitate. On the night of the eleventh, Noble Wimberley Jones,
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
arrived, and the provincial congress waited on him with an address: No lust of independence has had the least influence upon our counsels; no subjects more sincerely desire to testify their loyalty and affection. We deplore the measures, which, if persisted in, must rend the British empire. Trusting the event to Providence, we prefer death to slavery. The people of Charleston are as mad as they are here in Boston, was the testimony of Gage. The skirmish at Lexington became known in Savannah on the tenth of May, and added Georgia to the union. At that time she had about seventeen thousand white inhabitants and fifteen thousand Africans. Her militia was not less than three thousand. Her frontier, which extended from Augusta to St. Mary's, was threatened by the Creeks with four thousand warriors; the Chickasaws, with four hundred and fifty; the Cherokees, with three thousand; the Choctaws, with twenty-five hundred. But danger could not make her people hesitate. On the night
Augusta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
which, if persisted in, must rend the British empire. Trusting the event to Providence, we prefer death to slavery. The people of Charleston are as mad as they are here in Boston, was the testimony of Gage. The skirmish at Lexington became known in Savannah on the tenth of May, and added Georgia to the union. At that time she had about seventeen thousand white inhabitants and fifteen thousand Africans. Her militia was not less than three thousand. Her frontier, which extended from Augusta to St. Mary's, was threatened by the Creeks with four thousand warriors; the Chickasaws, with four hundred and fifty; the Cherokees, with three thousand; the Choctaws, with twenty-five hundred. But danger could not make her people hesitate. On the night of the eleventh, Noble Wimberley Jones, Joseph Habersham, Edward Telfair, and others, broke open the king's magazine in the eastern part of the city, and took from it over five hundred pounds of powder. In writing to the committee for B
Orwell, Vt. (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
Vermont; and on Sunday, the seventh of Chap. XXXII.} 1775. May. May, about one hundred Green Mountain Boys and near fifty soldiers from Massachusetts, under the mand of Easton, rallied at Castleton. Just the arrived Benedict Arnold, with only one attendant. He brought a commission from the Massachusetts committee of safety, which was disregarded, and the men unanimously elected Ethan Allen their chief. On the eighth of May, the party began the march; late on the ninth, they arrived at Orwell. With the utmost difficulty, a few boats were got together, and eighty-three men crossing the lake with Allen, landed near the garrison. The boats were sent back for Seth Warner and the rear guard; but if they were to be waited for, there could be no surprise. The men were, therefore, at once drawn up in three ranks, and as the first beams of morning broke upon the mountain peaks, Allen addressed them: Friends and fellow-soldiers: We must this morning quit our pretensions to valor, or pos
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
to hold them in readiness; and the necessary funds were furnished from the treasury of Connecticut. Sixteen men of that colony leaving Salisbury, were joined in Massachusetts by John Brown, who had first proposed the enterprise in a letter from Montreal, by Colonel James Easton, and by not so many as fifty volunteers from Berkshire. At Bennington they found Ethan Allen, who was certainly the proper man to head his own people. Repairing to the north, he sent the alarm through the hills of Vermont; and on Sunday, the seventh of Chap. XXXII.} 1775. May. May, about one hundred Green Mountain Boys and near fifty soldiers from Massachusetts, under the mand of Easton, rallied at Castleton. Just the arrived Benedict Arnold, with only one attendant. He brought a commission from the Massachusetts committee of safety, which was disregarded, and the men unanimously elected Ethan Allen their chief. On the eighth of May, the party began the march; late on the ninth, they arrived at Orwell
Fort Ticonderoga (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
Chapter 32: Effects of the day of Lexington and Concord continued: Ticonderoga taken. May, 1775. the people of South Carolina, who had hoped relief Chap. XXXII.} 1775. May. through the discontinuance of importations from Britain, did not falter on learning the decision of parliament. On the instant, Charles Pinckney, using power intrusted to him by the provincial congress, appointed a committee of five to place the colony in a state of defence; on the twenty-first of April, the very night after their organization, men of Charleston, without disguise, under their direction, seized all the powder in the public magazines, and removed eight hundred stand of arms and other military stores from the royal arsenal. The tidings from Lexington induced the general committee to hasten the meeting of the provincial congress; whose members, on the second of June, Henry Laurens being their president, associated themselves for defence against every foe; ready to sacrifice their lives
Canada (Canada) (search for this): chapter 33
cted a liberty pole; as if to express the wish still to combine allegiance to the king with their devotion to American liberty. A general rebellion throughout America is coming on suddenly and swiftly, reported their governor. Matters will go to the utmost extremity. Meantime, great deeds had been achieved by the mountaineers of the north. To hold the city of New York, its harbor, and the river Hudson, and by means of the fortresses on the lakes to keep open a free communication with Canada, was the scheme by which it was hoped to insulate and reduce New England. On Saturday, the twenty-ninth of April, Samuel Adams and Hancock, as they passed through Hartford, had secretly met the governor and council of Connecticut, to promote the surprise of Ticonderoga, which had been planned by the Green Mountain Boys. Ethan Allen was encouraged by an express messenger to hold them in readiness; and the necessary funds were furnished from the treasury of Connecticut. Sixteen men of that c
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