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, not for ten thousand guineas. They then led him off, and, arriving in the evening at North Castle, they delivered him with his papers to Lieutenant Colonel Jameson, who commanded the post, and then went their way, not asking a reward for their services, nor leaving their names. What passed between Andre and Jameson is not known. The result of the interview was, that on the twenty-fourth the prisoner was ordered by Jameson 24. to be taken to Arnold; but on the sharp remonstrance of Major Tallmadge, the next in rank, the order was countermanded, and he was confined at Old Salem, yet with permission to inform Arnold by Chap. XVIII.} 1780. Sept. 25. letter of his arrest. His letter was received on the twenty-fifth, too late for an order to be given for his release, and only in time for Arnold himself to escape down the river to the Vulture. Washington, who had turned aside to examine the condition of the works at West Point, arrived a few hours after his flight. The first c