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Lynnfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
r, as a home guard. The Lawrence Light Guard stipulated that the members should elect their own officers. The selectmen granted their request and they chose Capt. John Hutchins, 1st Lieut. Perry Colman, 2d Lieut. I. F. R. Hosea, all veterans of the first campaign. The day fixed for departure was August 25, 1862, and the ceremonies were similar to those of 1861. The minister of the Unitarian Church offered prayer and Thomas S. Harlow, Esq., made an address. The company went first to Lynnfield and then to Boxford, where the 39th Regiment was organized. The Light Guard became Co. C. The colonel was P. S. Davis. Co. C was what might be called a family company; nearly all were Medford boys. Three families furnished three sons each; several, two sons, and two families, father and son; beside, there were several cousins. All had been friends and acquaintances for years. One of the comrades says, They were a jolly, wide-awake lot of fellows, and the record they made, Medford i
White Oak Swamp (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
, leaving pickets to follow. Robert Livingstone of Co. C, one of these pickets, was taken prisoner and died at Andersonville. The Light Guard had its share in the victory which followed the crossing of the North Anna, and the march was continued with constant skirmishing until the fifth of June, when a halt of five days was made at Cold Harbor. The march was resumed June 12 at five o'clock in the afternoon and continued all night, with long halts. The next day the enemy was met at White Oak Swamp, where a line was formed and held till dark, when the corps pushed on to join the main army. After daily skirmishes and nightly marches the column arrived before Petersburg and drove the enemy into its inner works. Here Co. C received several additions from recruits of the 12th and 13th Massachusetts whose terms of enlistment had not expired with the mustering out of their regiments. The Light Guard, with its regiment, was stationed behind entrenchments so exposed, that relieving o
Boxford (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
he day fixed for departure was August 25, 1862, and the ceremonies were similar to those of 1861. The minister of the Unitarian Church offered prayer and Thomas S. Harlow, Esq., made an address. The company went first to Lynnfield and then to Boxford, where the 39th Regiment was organized. The Light Guard became Co. C. The colonel was P. S. Davis. Co. C was what might be called a family company; nearly all were Medford boys. Three families furnished three sons each; several, two sons, is orders. The culprit did not remain there long enough to be dealt with by the regimental authorities, but apologized, promised good behavior, and kept his word as long as he lived, for he was one who never came home. The 39th Regiment left Boxford September 5, 1862. Immediately upon their arrival in the South, they were put on picket duty on the Potomac River. Writing from Conrad's Ferry, Maryland, on September 20, Capt. Hutchins says, We have slept under a tent but one night since we l
Ship Island (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
arsons, a ship carpenter (whose daughter married Alfred Eels), Dr. Samuel Gregg and Wm. Peak, who lived on Salem street. J. V. Fletcher, butcher, occupied the northerly corner store, and Gilbert Blanchard, grocer, the southerly one. Mr. Fletcher lived on Simond's Hill, in the house now standing east of Woburn street. His slaughter house was in his yard. Local butchers slaughtered their own meat at that time. Alexander Gregg, at one time teacher in the old brick schoolhouse, lived in the Ship street tenement, over the store. He did a large teaming business, running two large four-horse baggage wagons to and from Boston, the horses driven tandem. His stables and sheds were opposite his dwelling, extending to the river. He was a prominent man in town affairs, serving in many capacities, including representative. Between his stables and the Lawrence premises was the pottery of Thomas Sables. Some of his work is in existence today. At the corner of Ship and Main streets lived
Rotten row (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 7
Miss Mary Wier was his housekeeper for years. The town is indebted to him for the shade trees on Forest street. On the opposite corner of Forest street were Timothy Cotting's house and bakery. There was a driveway around the house from Forest to Salem street. The entrance to the house was on Salem street. The bakery, having an entrance on Forest street, was connected with the dwelling. Where Cotting Block Nos. 8 to 14 Salem street (1902). stands was a low tenement house called Rotten Row. It was occupied by the families of Joseph Gleason, Timothy Brigden, Stilman Derby and the widow of Henry Withington, Sr. On the site of the Mystic Church was a large house in which lived Wm. S. Barker, grocer; the house was removed to Salem street, opposite the common, and is now owned by heirs of S. Derby. The Withington Bakery as it stands today was bought by Henry Withington, Jr., who moved into the house in the spring of 1829. He lived just previously in the Kidder House, directl
Lowell (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
rican Hall, where Small's brick block now stands, was totally destroyed. The company lost most of its property by this fire, and as there was no insurance, a popular subscription was started in its behalf. The town hall became the armory. The company for some time had been agitating the question of buying new uniforms, and at this time an order was sent to a first class Boston tailor to make the suits from cloth which had been manufactured for this special purpose at one of the mills at Lowell. The men immediately began to pay for them on the instalment plan, by depositing fifty cents a week each with the company treasurer. Meanwhile they drilled in their old regimentals and fatigue caps, and as there were not uniforms enough for all, some wore the caps and citizens' clothes. In the fall of 1860, the political sky was so darkened that there was increased activity in all military organizations. The Light Guard drilled twice a week. In February, 1861, the company was called u
Framingham (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
eorganization extended through both towns. A brass band was in attendance, and as the musicians had practiced together only long enough to learn two tunes, the music was acceptable but monotonous. The May training, fall parade and annual muster were the chief military events of the year. The muster was more like a county fair than like the modern tour of duty. The militia was brigaded sometimes in one place and sometimes in another until the establishment of the State camp ground at South Framingham. It is recorded that on April 2, 1855, an article in the warrant for town meeting was considered relative to an appropriation for fitting up an armory for the Light Guard. It was laid on the table where it still reposes. In the selectmen's records we find that the armory rent was paid and accounts rendered to the Adjutant General. The annual rent in 1855 was one hundred and fifty dollars. It was reduced to one hundred in 1858. All expenses beside rent had to be met by the company
Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
ide. He was a fine example of physical manhood, and he at once attracted the colonel's interest. He was assigned to Co. E and made color sergeant. The troops took the cars for New York at 6 P. M., April 21. They arrived at New York in the evening and were marched to the St. Nicholas Hotel. The records say We were received with cheers at every station on the route and plenty of refreshments were furnished. They left New York on the steamship DeSoto, on Monday morning, and arrived at Annapolis in the afternoon of April 24, after a rough passage. Camp was made in the woods. The next morning they proceeded to Washington, and took up their quarters in the treasury building on Saturday, April 27. They were mustered into the Federal service, May 1, 1861. The regiment remained on guard in the treasury building until May 25, the morning after Ellsworth was killed at Alexandria, when it was ordered to that town. The first month of service was hardly more than a long holiday. The L
Gravelly Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
State colors were sent home, there not being enough men to protect two flags. February 3, 2d Lieut. Wm. McDevitt of Woburn was transferred from Co. K and placed in command of the remnant of Co. C, and continued until the surrender of Lee, when Capt. Hutchins returned to the company. March 29 the spring campaign opened. The 39th were sent out as skirmishers, but were driven back, leaving dead and wounded behind. Aaron Tucker and George Graves were taken prisoners in this engagement at Gravelly Run, but were re-captured in a few days. April 1, at Five Forks, the 39th was brigaded with Sheridan's cavalry. At noon the line was formed with infantry in the centre and cavalry on the flanks. The fight was quick and spirited, and as the Union forces advanced, the evidences of hurried retreat gave them renewed courage. At this battle Corp. J. H. Whitney, Col. 5th U. S. V., Spanish-American war; Brig. Gen. M. V. M., 1901. who had been appointed color bearer on March 28, shared the f
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 7
1, the Light Guard was ordered to march with the army toward Richmond. Sunday morning, July 21, they left Centreville for Bull Run, and then something did happen. The opposing forces met. By the middle of the afternoon the Union troops seemed on the point of victory, but the arrival of Kirby Smith turned the scale. The zouaves who were in front broke and retreated in disorder through the Union lines, closely pursued by the Confederates. All the Union men did not wear the regulation United States blue, and many Confederates wore the uniforms of their local organizations. In the confusion, friend could not be distinguished from foe. Rout was inevitable. In the retreat, Col. Lawrence was wounded, but in spite of this and the general panic, the Fifth maintained its formation, and Capt. Hutchins reports that fully three-fourths of his command marched back to camp in regular order. Capt. Hutchins' telegram, sent the next morning, allayed the fears of those at home, but the Light
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