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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. 2 2 Browse Search
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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 6., The Baptist Church of Medford. (search)
nd congregation, her children went forth to uphold the flag. Among the names thus enrolled we find Isaac J. Hatch, Jr., Sergeant Samuel M. Stevens, Wm. H. Bailey, Benjamin Bunker, Wm. H. S. Barker, Daniel S. Ells, David S. Hooker, Jr., Sergeant Francis A. Lander, Horatio N. Peak, Jr., Edward F. Crockett, George Thompson, and Danforth Tyler Newcomb. The last-named, who was a member of the church and a young man of much promise, gave up his life at the battle of White Hall, N. C., December 18, o has lived for the greater part of her ninety sweet and gentle years in the home where she is receiving loving compensation for the affection and care she had given nephews and nieces, in the Tucker homestead, Pleasant street court; and Mr. Francis A. Lander, also coming into the church by baptism the same year, whose home is in Cambridge-port, and who, despite his four score years, makes happy pilgrimages to his old church home. Officers and Committees, First Baptist Church (incorporated