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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17.. You can also browse the collection for Ebenezer Turell or search for Ebenezer Turell in all documents.
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The Turell house.
In regard to the statement in the Register (Vol.
XVI, page 51) that the Turell, or Jonathan Porter house was built by Mr. Turell, I wish to state that the land upon which the above-named house stood was a deed of gift from Ebenezer Nutting to his son, Jonathan Nutting.
Ebenezer's estate extended along High street from Ram's Head lane (Rural avenue) to the stone wall on the westerly boundary of the Puffer estate.
The portion conveyed to Jonathan was bounded souther , and no mention of a building was made.
The deed was dated March 12, 1717-8.
By deed dated February 8, 1723-4, Jonathan Nutting sold to John Giles a tenement and two acres of land, and John Giles sold the estate September 22, 1725, to the Rev. Ebenezer Turell.
The house was no doubt subject to many changes during its existence, but the original portion must have been built by Jonathan Nutting soon after the land came into his possession.
The highway on the northerly boundary was the way to